Background: Gummy smile (GS) has a direct effect on individuals, especially among young adults, because of its association with smile avoidance. The younger populations are sensitive about their smiles and prefer aesthetic, beautiful smiles, a lack of which can negatively impact their quality of life.
Objectives: This study aims to measure the GS prevalence among young adults aged 16 to 18 attending high schools in Ha'il City, Saudi Arabia, evaluating oral health related to quality of life (OHQoL) in those suffering GS by using the OHQoL questionnaire (OHIP-14).
Background: The objective of the study was to retrospectively assess the clinical performance of dental prostheses, single crowns, and three-unit bridges to identify clinical biological and mechanical complications in the Ha'il province of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: The study was conducted between March 2021 to October 2021 and included 421 patients who underwent crown and tooth-supported fixed partial denture (FPD) procedures at the Dental Polyclinics Center in the Ha'il region of Saudi Arabia from 2010-2020. The planned sampling approach was applied.