The onset of lactation is characterized by marked increases in calcium (Ca) metabolism. Recently emphasis was placed on understanding the profile and dynamics of blood Ca and serotonin in the peripartal cow in response to this change using a randomized 2 × 2 factorial design. The aims of our study were to determine (1) how a prepartum DCAD diet and the magnitude of Ca decline at the onset of lactation alter circulating blood serotonin and ionized Ca concentration dynamics in the periparturient cow, and (2) the relationship of Ca versus serotonin during the peripartal period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRe-examination of the claimed isolation and X-ray characterization of di--tolyl and dimesityl 1,2-disulfoxides from thermolysis of the corresponding aryl sulfinimines and thiosulfinates showed that the isolated disulfide dioxides are instead the well-known isomeric thiosulfonates, as confirmed by XAS, DART-MS, X-ray, IR and NMR methods. Concerns with the original X-ray structures are addressed. Our results agree with the DFT prediction of very weak diaryl 1,2-disulfoxide S-S bond dissociation enthalpies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMolecular breast imaging (MBI) is one of several options available to patients seeking supplemental screening due to mammographically dense breasts. Patient experience during MBI may influence willingness to undergo the test but has yet to be formally assessed. We aimed to assess patient comfort level during MBI, to compare MBI comfort with mammography comfort, to identify factors associated with MBI discomfort, and to evaluate patients' willingness to return for future MBI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective was to determine the influence of long-term supplementation (258 d) of a direct-fed microbial (DFM) and/or yeast cell wall (YCW) product on bacterial populations in beef steers. Single-sourced Charolais × Red Angus steers (n = 256; body weight = 246 ± 1.68 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design and blocked by location into one of four treatments: 1) fed no DFM and no YCW (Control); 2) fed only the DFM (DFM; Certillus CP B1801 Dry, 28 g/steer d-1 ); 3) fed only the YCW (YCW; Celmanax; 18 g/steer d-1 ); and 4) fed the DFM and the YCW (DFM+YCW).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipid droplets (LDs) are fat storage organelles critical for energy and lipid metabolism. Upon nutrient exhaustion, cells consume LDs via gradual lipolysis or via lipophagy, the en bloc uptake of LDs into the vacuole. Here, we show that LDs dock to the vacuolar membrane via a contact site that is required for lipophagy in yeast.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiets that provide a negative dietary anion cation difference (DCAD) and supplement with a vitamin D metabolite 25-OH-D3 (calcidiol) may increase calcium availability at parturition, and enhance piglet survival and performance. This factorial study assessed the effects of DCAD, calcidiol (50 µg/kg), and parity (parity 1 or >1) and their interactions. Large White and Landrace sows (n = 328), parity 1 to 8 were randomly allocated in blocks to treatment diets from day 103 of gestation until day 3 postfarrow: 1) negative DCAD without calcidiol (negative DCAD + no CA), n = 84, 2) negative DCAD with calcidiol (negative DCAD + CA) n = 84, 3) positive DCAD without calcidiol (negative DCAD + no CA), n = 81, and 4) positive DCAD with calcidiol (positive DCAD + CA), n = 79.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis case study highlights the critical need for radiographic imaging in the military medical field, especially for diagnosing orthopedic injuries. The absence of on-site X-ray equipment can lead to patient transport, resource expenditure, and misdiagnosis. This study presents a practical solution through the use of lightweight and portable X-ray systems, as employed by explosive ordnance disposal teams, which not only reduce transport time and resources but also offer high-quality imaging with low radiation risk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Early childhood health development is positively associated with income, but the strength of this relationship with ethnoracial background remains unclear. This study examined the extent of health development inequities among California kindergarteners based on ethnoracial backgrounds and neighborhood-level income.
Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed health development inequities by analyzing neighborhood-level income, ethnoracial background, and health development data for California kindergarteners.
The onset of lactation is characterized by substantially altered calcium (Ca) metabolism; recently, emphasis has been placed on understanding the dynamics of blood Ca in the peripartal cow in response to this change. Thus, the aim of our study was to delineate how prepartum dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) diets and the magnitude of Ca decline at the onset of lactation altered blood Ca dynamics in the periparturient cow. Thirty-two multiparous Holstein cows were blocked by parity, previous 305-d milk yield and expected parturition date, and randomly allocated to either a positive (+120 mEq/kg) or negative (-120 mEq/kg) DCAD diet from 251 d of gestation until parturition (n = 16/diet).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe alkylamine stimulant 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA) is used nonmedically as an appetite suppressant and exercise performance enhancer despite adverse cardiovascular effects that have limited its legal status. There is scant research describing the mechanism of action of DMAA, making it difficult to gauge risks or therapeutic potential. An important molecular target of structurally related phenethylamines, such as amphetamine, for regulating mood, cognition, movement, and the development of substance use disorder is the dopamine transporter, which limits the range and magnitude of dopamine signaling via reuptake from the extracellular space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree hundred and two parity 3 and 4 sows were allocated to one of three treatment groups: A (n=106): Control group fed the standard lactation diet; B (n=94): Lactation diet supplemented with 10 kg BioChlor/T; C (n=102): Lactation diet supplemented with 20 kg BioChlor/T. The sows were randomly allocated to treatment on entry to the farrowing shed at 100 d of gestation. The numbers allocated to each treatment were not equal with fewer sows allocated to treatment B at the start of treatment feeding than originally intended.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFeedlot diets are often enriched with additives to mitigate health disorders and promote cattle performance, including the feed-grade antimicrobials monensin and tylosin. However, alternative feeding strategies are warranted given the increasing regulations regarding the use of antimicrobials in feedlot diets. This study evaluated the performance, physiological, and health responses of feedlot cattle offered a synbiotic supplement (yeast-derived prebiotic + Bacillus subtilis probiotic), which replaced or was fed in conjunction with monensin and tylosin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA multicenter observational study to evaluate genome-wide association was conducted in early-lactation Holstein cows (n = 293) from 36 herds in Canada, the USA, and Australia. Phenotypic observations included rumen metabolome, acidosis risk, ruminal bacterial taxa, and milk composition and yield measures. Diets ranged from pasture supplemented with concentrates to total mixed rations (nonfiber carbohydrates = 17 to 47, and neutral detergent fiber = 27 to 58% of dry matter).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA multicenter observational study was conducted on early lactation Holstein cows (n = 261) from 32 herds from 3 regions (Australia, AU; California, CA; and Canada, CAN) to characterize their risk of acidosis into 3 groups (high, medium, or low) using a discriminant analysis model previously developed. Diets ranged from pasture supplemented with concentrates to total mixed ration (nonfiber carbohydrates = 17 to 47 and neutral detergent fiber = 27 to 58% of dry matter). Rumen fluid samples were collected <3 h after feeding and analyzed for pH, and ammonia, d- and l-lactate, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this research was to determine the influence of long-term supplementation (258 d) of a direct-fed microbial (DFM) and yeast cell wall (YCW) product used alone or in combination on growth performance, dietary net energy utilization, and carcass characteristics in beef steers finished under climatic conditions in the Northern Plains (NP). Single-sourced Charolais × Red Angus steers [ = 256; body weight = 246 ± 1.68 kg] were blocked by pen location in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of DFM and YCW.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDysphagia is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in stroke survivors. Electrical stimulation is often included as part of the treatment plan for dysphagia and can be applied at a sensory or motor level intensity. However, evidence to support these different modes of stimulation is lacking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAllicin is the main flavour component of crushed raw garlic. This plant defence molecule has strong antibiotic properties. While measurements in the liquid phase using LC-MS are established, accessing reactive organosulfur compounds in the gas phase is still a challenge due to heat-degradation in the gas chromatograph.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Economic evaluations frequently are utilized to compare the value of different interventions in medicine and health in concrete terms. Implementation science also would benefit from the incorporation of economic evaluations, but such studies are rare in the literature. The National Cancer Institute has supported a special collection of articles focusing on economic evaluations in implementation science.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRutin, a natural flavonol glycoside, elicits its diverse health-promoting effects from the bioactivities of quercetin, its aglycone. While widely distributed in the vegetables and fruits of human diet, rutin is either absent or inadequate in common animal feed ingredients. Rutin has been supplemented to dairy cows for performance enhancement, but its metabolic fate in vivo has not been determined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective was to determine the effects of an immunomodulatory feed ingredient following weaning on cytokine expression and fecal microbial populations of heifers. Commercial Angus heifers (n = 72) were weaned (227 ± 7 d of age), blocked by BW (n = 9 blocks), and randomly assigned to one of two pens per block. Pens within weight block (four heifers per pen) were then randomly assigned to treatments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRationale: Positive mental health is a critical component of overall mental health, but our understanding of the potential drivers of positive mental health is lacking. Participation in the arts may contribute to positive mental health through the mechanism of flow, a mental state of becoming completely engrossed in an enjoyable activity. Participation in performing arts specifically may be especially predictive of positive mental health due to its collective nature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLancet Infect Dis
March 2022
Background: Additional safe and efficacious vaccines are needed to control the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to analyse the efficacy and safety of the CVnCoV SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine candidate.
Methods: HERALD is a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 clinical trial conducted in 47 centres in ten countries in Europe and Latin America.
Nutritional strategies that optimize immunity of feedlot cattle are warranted due to increasing regulations with the use of feed-grade antimicrobials. This study evaluated physiological, health, and performance responses of cattle receiving a synbiotic supplement (yeast-derived prebiotic + Bacillus subtilis probiotic), which replaced feed-grade antimicrobials or were fed in conjunction with monensin during the initial 45 days in the feedlot. Angus-influenced steers (n = 256) were acquired from an auction facility on day -2, and transported (800 km) to the feedlot.
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