Publications by authors named "Blake Daniel"

Background: The current nursing shortage is expected to worsen in the coming years. While this shortage has in part been attributed to challenging working conditions, which were exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are other factors. Although recruiting a more diverse health care workforce might help to reduce this shortage, little is known about how to do so effectively.

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Background: Global healthcare systems continue to be challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is a need for clinical assays that can help optimise resource allocation, support treatment decisions, and accelerate the development and evaluation of new therapies.

Methods: We developed a multiplexed proteomics assay for determining disease severity and prognosis in COVID-19. The assay quantifies up to 50 peptides, derived from 30 known and newly introduced COVID-19-related protein markers, in a single measurement using routine-lab compatible analytical flow rate liquid chromatography and multiple reaction monitoring (LC-MRM).

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No studies have directly measured ventilatory and metabolic responses while wearing a respiratory training mask (RTM) at rest and during exercise. Eleven aerobically fit adults (age: 21 ± 1 years) completed a randomized cross-over study while wearing an RTM or control mask during cycling at 50% Wmax. An RTM was retrofitted with a gas collection tube and set to the manufacturer's "altitude resistance" setting of 6,000 ft (1,800 m).

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UK National Guidelines stress the importance of reducing waiting times for mental health assessments and interventions for children. They stress the importance of early help, multidisciplinary working, and collaboration with families regarding treatment plans. We piloted a new assessment model (CARM) within a CAMHS service to: reduce non-attendance rates and subsequently waiting times; increase staff and patient satisfaction; and improve the quality of assessment.

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Machek, SB, Hwang, PS, Cardaci, TD, Wilburn, DT, Bagley, JR, Blake, DT, Galpin, AJ, and Willoughby, DS. Myosin heavy chain composition, creatine analogues, and the relationship of muscle creatine content and fast-twitch proportion to Wilks coefficient in powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res 34(11): 3022-3030, 2020-Little data exist on powerlifting-specific skeletal muscle adaptations, and none elucidate sex differences in powerlifters.

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Aim: To examine the content, focus, and effectiveness of person-centred care (PCC) interventions aimed at increasing staff PCC behaviour in health and social care settings for people with dementia.

Design: Systematic search and narrative synthesis of quantitative data.

Data Sources: PsychINFO, Medline, EMBASE, Web of knowledge, CINAHL, ASSIA, and BNI were searched from inception to 5 November 2016.

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Dementia care mapping for neurorehabilitation (DCM-NR) is a tool designed to increase person-centred care (PCC) in neurorehabilitation settings. This paper reports pilot and feasibility testing of a cluster-randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of DCM-NR at increasing PCC. Forty-one staff members, from four neurorehabilitation wards, were cluster-randomized to receive DCM-NR (experimental group) or care as usual (control).

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SKF-83959 [6-chloro-7,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-1-(3-methylphenyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine] is reported to be a functionally selective dopamine D1 receptor ligand with high bias for D1-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) versus D1-coupled adenylate cyclase signaling. This signaling bias is proposed to explain behavioral activity in both rat and primate Parkinson's disease models, and a D1-D2 heterodimer has been proposed as the underlying mechanism. We have conducted an in-depth pharmacological characterization of this compound in dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in both rat brain and heterologous systems expressing human D1 or D2 receptors.

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The atomic and electronic structures of the liquid Al/(0001) α-Al(2)O(3) interfaces are investigated by first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. Surprisingly, the formed liquid-solid interface is always atomically abrupt and is characterized by a transitional Al layer that contains a fixed concentration of Al vacancies (~10 at.%).

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Members of the Asteroidea (phylum Echinodermata), popularly known as starfish or sea stars, are ecologically important and diverse members of marine ecosystems in all of the world's oceans. We present a comprehensive overview of diversity and phylogeny as they have figured into the evolution of the Asteroidea from Paleozoic to the living fauna. Living post-Paleozoic asteroids, the Neoasteroidea, are morphologically separate from those in the Paleozoic.

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The FOXO family of transcription factors elicits cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and resistance to various physiologic and pathologic stresses relevant to sporadic cancer, such as DNA damage and oxidative stress. Although implicated as tumor suppressors, FOXO genetic inactivation has not been observed in human cancer. In an investigation of the two major types of non-small cell lung cancer, here, we identify the FOXO3 gene as a novel target of deletion in human lung adenocarcinoma (LAC).

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Lung adenocarcinomas (LAC) of smokers and never-smokers differ from one another in epidemiology, and clinical and molecular characteristics. The pathogenetic differences between these tumors are potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Mouse carcinogenesis models of human LAC are proven tools applicable for the identification of these molecular changes.

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Tobacco smoke consists of numerous carcinogens whose effect on lung tumor development includes the induction of mutations in key genes as well as the induction of chromosome instability (CIN). Consequently, carcinogen-induced mouse lung adenocarcinomas (LAC) display many more recurrent site- and chromosome-specific changes in DNA copy number compared with noninduced LAC. Here we identified the Adenylosuccinate synthetase 1 (Adss1) gene located on distal chromosome 12q as a focus of bi-allelic or homozygous deletion (HD) in LAC.

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It is a challenge to synthesize clusters having a certain shape associated with a desirable property. In this study, we perform density functional calculations on ligand-protected Al(7) and Al(77) clusters. It is found that small ligands such as NH(2) still prefer the compact structure of bare Al clusters.

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Long-term carcinogen exposure exerts continuous pressure on key mechanisms that repair or eliminate carcinogen-damaged cells giving rise to selective failures that contribute to lung cancer. FOXO3a is a transcription factor that elicits a protective response to diverse cellular stresses. Although implicated as a tumor suppressor, its role in sporadic cancer is uncertain.

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Background: As Earth warms, temperate and subpolar marine species will increasingly shift their geographic ranges poleward. The endemic shelf fauna of Antarctica is especially vulnerable to climate-mediated biological invasions because cold temperatures currently exclude the durophagous (shell-breaking) predators that structure shallow-benthic communities elsewhere.

Methodology/principal Findings: We used the Eocene fossil record from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, to project specifically how global warming will reorganize the nearshore benthos of Antarctica.

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A pilot study was undertaken to assess the respiratory component of primary care nurses' working time. 13 nurses were interviewed and 10 completed a diary during one working week. The nurses spent a mean 6.

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The use of sorbents has been proposed to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in ambient air at concentrations in the parts-per-billion (ppb) range, which is typical of indoor air quality applications. Sorbent materials, such as granular activated carbon and molecular sieves, are used to remove VOCs from gas streams in industrial applications, where VOC concentrations are typically in the parts-per-million range. A method for evaluating the VOC removal performance of sorbent materials using toluene concentrations in the ppb range is described.

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We report carbon mass balance and kinetic data for the total oxidation of cells, spores, and biomolecules deposited on illuminated titanium dioxide surfaces in contact with air. Carbon dioxide formation by photocatalytic oxidation of methanol, glucose, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis (cells and spores), Aspergillus niger spores, phosphatidylethanolamine, bovine serum albumin, and gum xanthan was determined as a function of time. The quantitative data provide mass balance and rate information for removal of these materials from a photocatalytic surface.

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Research results concerning the photocatalytic activity and selectivity of benzene are discussed. This compound, which represents one of an important class of volatile organic compounds found in indoor air, was oxidized in an annular photocatalytic reactor featuring a thin film of titanium dioxide and illuminated by a fluorescent black light. The gas phase products, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, were quantified with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR).

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