Publications by authors named "Blake D Niederhauser"

Objective: To highlight the significance and imaging characteristics of Morel-Lavallée (ML) lesions, which have been well characterized on MRI, but are potentially under-recognized on CT.

Materials And Methods: Twenty-eight Morel-Lavallée lesions were identified in 18 patients and were all clinically or surgically confirmed. Lesions were grouped into acute (<3 days), subacute (3-30 days), and chronic (>30 days) at the time of CT imaging.

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Background And Purpose: Schnitzler syndrome is characterized by chronic urticaria, monoclonal gammopathy, and a risk of developing lymphoproliferative disorders. Patients frequently present with bone pain, fever, arthralgia, and lymphadenopathy. The purpose of this study is to retrospectively review and evaluate potentially attributable imaging abnormalities in a series of patients with clinically diagnosed Schnitzler syndrome.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate radiologist and trainee-preferred sources for solving imaging questions. The institutional review board determined this study to be exempt from informed consent requirements. Web-based surveys were distributed to radiology staff and trainees at 16 academic institutions.

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Objective: Lipomatosis of nerve (LN) is a condition of massive peripheral nerve enlargement due to proliferation of fibrous and adipose tissue within the nerve, the natural history of which is currently unknown. We measured the pattern of growth in individuals with long-term radiologic follow-up.

Methods: Review of the searchable records for LN at our institution found 52 patients, confirmed by pathology or pathognomic appearance on MRI.

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Osseous sarcoidosis of the axial skeleton is typically asymptomatic and not routinely imaged with MRI. The natural history of sarcoidosis is generally felt to be resolution spontaneously or with treatment, or unremitting progression. We report a case of recurrent active symptomatic disease after an initial response to immunomodulator treatment with an unusual halo of T2-hyperintensity surrounding treated fibrofatty vestigial lesions.

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Background: Lipomatosis of the nerve (LN) is a rare disorder characterized by the massive enlargement of peripheral nerves, frequently accompanied by generalized fibroadipose proliferation and skeletal overgrowth. The treatment of this disorder remains controversial, in part because of the rarity and the variability of presentation. Some authors have advocated total resection of this benign lesion including the functioning nerve, while others recommend symptomatic decompression alone.

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Background: It is generally understood that shorter Web surveys and use of incentives result in higher response rates in Web surveys directed to health care providers. Less is known about potential respondent preference for reduced burden as compared to increased reward.

Objective: To help elicit preference for minimized burden compared to reward for completion of a survey, we observed physician preferences for shorter Web surveys compared to incentives as well as incentive preference (small guaranteed incentive compared to larger lottery incentive) accompanying an electronic request to complete a survey.

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Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of MR urography (MRU) in detecting bladder carcinoma.

Methods: A retrospective review of 107 MRU exams obtained to evaluate for possible upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma from 5/2005 to 5/2009 was performed by two experienced abdominal radiologists. Interpretation of the presence or absence of bladder carcinoma and lesion conspicuity in each imaging phase was made using 5-point confidence grading scales.

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The "effervescent gallbladder" sign, the sonographic finding of tiny echogenic foci rising from the dependent portion of the gallbladder, reminiscent of bubbles rising in a glass of champagne, has been reported previously as a finding of emphysematous cholecystitis. We report two additional cases of this unusual finding in an asymptomatic patient and in a patient with acute, gangrenous cholecystitis, confirmed in both cases by CT, to be secondary to the release of gas from gallstones. These two cases cast doubt on the sonographic sign as a pathognomonic finding of emphysematous cholecystitis.

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Objective: To describe imaging characteristics of neuromuscular choristomas (NMC) and to differentiate them from fibrolipomatous hamartomas (FLH).

Materials And Methods: Clinical and imaging characteristics of six patients with biopsy-proven NMC and six patients with FLH were reviewed by musculoskeletal, a pediatric, and two in-training radiologists with a literature review to define typical magnetic resonance imaging features by consensus. Five radiology trainees blinded to cases and naive to the diagnosis of NMC and a musculoskeletal-trained radiologist rated each lesion as having more than or less than 50% intralesional fat, as well as an overall impression using axial T1 images.

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Purpose: To describe an initial experience imaging the human hippocampus in vivo using a 7T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner and a protocol developed for very high field neuroimaging.

Materials And Methods: Six normal subjects were scanned on a 7T whole body MR scanner equipped with a 16-channel head coil. Sequences included a full field of view T1-weighted 3D turbo field echo (T1W 3D TFE: time of acquisition (TA)=08:58), T2*-weighted 2D fast field echo (T2*W 2D FFE: TA=05:20), and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI: TA=04:20).

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Introduction: Multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a method for non-invasively monitoring of relative concentrations of oxygenated, deoxygenated, and total hemoglobin. This technique has found expanding application in brain mapping and functional imaging. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether activation of somatosensory cortex can be detected without the necessity of the patient's cooperation in performing a task.

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