Publications by authors named "Blagoy Uzunov"

This paper presents the first data on the biodiversity of lithophytic algae from Bulgarian megaliths obtained after the application of the direct sampling method, subsequent cultivation, and processing by light microscopy. A rich algal flora was found: 90 species and 1 variety of 65 genera from Cyanoprokaryota/Cyanobacteria (29 species, 13 genera), Chlorophyta (40 species and 1 variety, 38 genera), Streptophyta (5 species, 1 genus), and Ochrophyta (16 species, 13 genera). Among them were the globally rare (Chlorophyta), found for the first time in such lowland and warm habitats, and (Chlorophyta), for which this is the first finding in the country.

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The paper presents the first proof of planktonic cyanoprokaryote genus as an anatoxin A (ATX) producer in Bulgarian wetlands. The results from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) obtained from two summer sampling campaigns in 26 selected lakes and reservoirs demonstrated presence of the gene, responsible for ATX production in 21 strains of the genus. They were found in three waterbodies sampled in 2018 (coastal lake Vaya, coastal reservoir Poroy, inland reservoir Sinyata Reka) and in four waterbodies sampled in 2019 (inland reservoirs Duvanli, Koprinka, Plachidol 2, Sinyata Reka).

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Cyanotoxins (CTs) are a large and diverse group of toxins produced by the peculiar photosynthetic prokaryotes of the domain Cyanoprokaryota. Toxin-producing aquatic cyanoprokaryotes can develop in mass, causing "water blooms" or "cyanoblooms," which may lead to environmental disaster-water poisoning, extinction of aquatic life, and even to human death. CT studies on single cells and cells in culture are an important stage of toxicological studies with increasing impact for their further use for scientific and clinical purposes, and for policies of environmental protection.

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Bulgaria, situated on the Balkan Peninsula, is rich in small and shallow, natural and man-made non-lotic waterbodies, which are threatened by blooms of Cyanoprokaryota/Cyanobacteria. Although cyanotoxins in Bulgarian surface waters are receiving increased attention, there is no information on microviridins and their producers. This paper presents results from a phytoplankton study, conducted in August 2019 in three lakes (Durankulak, Vaya, Uzungeren) and five reservoirs (Duvanli, Mandra, Poroy, Sinyata Reka, Zhrebchevo) in which a molecular-genetic analysis (PCR based on the precursor gene and subsequent translation to amino acid alignments), combined with conventional light microscopy and an HPLC analysis of marker pigments, were applied for the identification of potential microviridin producers.

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This study aims at improving the existing algal-based wastewater treatment technologies by overcoming some of the major drawbacks of these systems such as large required land area, culture contamination, and energy-intensive algal harvesting. The experiments were carried out in an open photo-sequencing batch reactor at a laboratory-scale for nearly 2 months. A specific strain ACUS00207 of the aeroterrestrial green microalga Klebsormidium nitens (Kützing) Lokhorst was used.

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The review summarizes the available knowledge on toxins and their producers from rather disparate algal assemblages of aeroterrestrial, airborne and other versatile extreme environments (hot springs, deserts, ice, snow, caves, etc.) and on phycotoxins as contaminants of emergent concern in soil and plants. There is a growing body of evidence that algal toxins and their producers occur in all general types of extreme habitats, and cyanobacteria/cyanoprokaryotes dominate in most of them.

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Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a widely spread cyanotoxin that can occur in fresh water and food. This research aims to investigate CYN toxicity by studying the effects of drinking 0.25 nM of CYN-contaminated water from a natural source, and of the direct application of moderate concentrations of CYN on different animal targets.

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The paper presents results from the first application of polyphasic approach in studies of field samples from Bulgaria. This approach, which combined the conventional light microscopy (LM) and molecular-genetic methods (based on PCR amplified fragments of microcystin synthetase gene ), revealed that almost all microcystin-producers in the studied eutrophic waterbodies belong to the genus . During the molecular identification of toxin-producing strains by use of HEPF × HEPR pair of primers, we obtained 57 sequences, 56 of which formed 28 strains of spread in six clusters of the phylogenetic tree.

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Vaya (Ramsar site, protected area and Natura 2000 site) is the biggest natural lake in Bulgaria and the shallowest Black Sea coastal lake, which during the last decades has undergone significant changes and was included as critically endangered in the Red List of Bulgarian Wetlands. Our studies were conducted during the summer and autumn months of three years - 2004-2006. The paper presents results on the phytoplankton abundance (numbers, biomass and carbon content) in combination with the indices of species diversity, evenness and dominance.

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