Publications by authors named "Birsan T"

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate long-term outcomes in terms of pain, quality of life (QoL), and gastrointestinal symptoms in women following colorectal surgery for deep endometriosis.

Material And Methods: In this historical cohort, women who underwent surgical treatment for deep endometriosis by either nerve-sparing full-thickness discoid resection (DR) or colorectal segmental resection (SR) between March 2011 and August 2016 were re-evaluated through telephone interviews about their long-term pain symptoms, subjective overall QoL as rated using a score from 0 (worst) to 10 (optimal), and gastrointestinal outcomes reflected by lower anterior resection syndrome (LARS) following a first postsurgical evaluation (visit 1) published previously and a long-term follow-up evaluation (visit 2).

Results: The median long-term follow-up time was 35.

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Purpose: To assess whether C‑reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count (WBC) and body temperature changes are suitable parameters for the early detection of septic complications following resection of colorectal deep endometriosis (DE).

Methods: Retrospective data analysis of CRP, WBC and body temperature courses following colorectal surgery for DE at a tertiary referral center for endometriosis.

Results: Out of 183 surgeries performed, 10 major surgical complications were observed, including 4 anastomotic leakages (AL 2%) and 2 rectovaginal fistulae (RVF 1%).

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Intoduction: Choosing the optimal treatment for bowel endometriosis, ie, conservative vs radical surgery, is under debate. We aimed to evaluate the surgical outcomes of segmental resection and disk resection regarding fertility, pain symptoms, and quality of life score of women with colorectal deep infiltrating endometriosis.

Material And Methods: From March 2011 to December 2016, 134 consecutive patients with symptomatic deep infiltrating endometriosis of the rectosigmoid up to 25 cm from the anal verge undergoing segmental resection or disk resection were prospectively evaluated regarding reduction in pain symptoms, fertility outcomes, and complication rates according to Clavien-Dindo classification.

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Electric stimulation therapy (EST) and magnetic sphincter augmentation (MSA) represent novel methods for the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness and safety of EST and magnetic sphincter augmentation device (MSAD) comapred to laparoscopic fundoplication (LF) and proton pump inhibitor therapy (in case of EST). We performed a systematic literature search without restrictions on publication dates in five electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane library, PubMed, and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination), complemented by hand search, search in trial registries, and documentation provided by the manufacturers.

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Background: Impairment of gastric digestion due to pH elevation increases the risk for food allergy induction. As patients after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery have lower gastric acidity and less gastric gland secretion, we aimed to analyse in a prospective study the effect of limiting gastric digestion capacity by surgical intervention on the immune response towards allergens.

Methods: Nine patients undergoing RYGB surgery for morbid obesity and one control patient having undergone surgery for treatment of an incisional hernia were enrolled in the study.

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Background: Diverticular disease is increasingly prevalent in Western societies and is associated with significant morbidity.

Objective: Two-stage endoscopic device development for inversion and secured ligation of colonic diverticula; first, human cadaver studies were performed to measure forces required for diverticular inversion; second, a novel set of devices (elastic spiked O-ring with delivery system) was tested in animals.

Design: Prospective, observational study of human cadavers and prospective, interventional study of a porcine model.

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Aim: Endorectal advancement flaps are an established treatment for high transsphincteric and suprasphincteric fistulae. The outcome of a repeat procedure in the case of flap breakdown and fistula recurrence remains unclear. The aim of the study was to analyse the outcome of repeat endorectal advancement flaps.

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Background: Megachannel is a newly developed colonic access system allowing rapid and multiple passes of the colonoscope to the right side of the colon.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and clinical feasibility of placing a 100 cm Megachannel prototype in the right side of the colon.

Setting: Six centers, international, both surgeons and gastroenterologists performing endoscopy.

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Aim: The study investigated the fate of patients with perianal sepsis of cryptoglandular origin.

Method: All patients treated for perianal sepsis between January 1994 and December 2000 were retrospectively analysed regarding recurrence and faecal incontinence. Data collection was conducted by chart review and by telephone questionnaire using the Vaizey incontinence score.

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Objective: Patients with slow transit constipation who do not respond satisfactorily to common medical treatment are considered candidates for colectomy. The present observational long term study was designed to assess outcome after surgery.

Method: Twenty consecutive patients were treated by colectomy for slow transit constipation between 1996 and 2004.

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Background: There is increasing interest in natural orifice surgery (NOS). Because the lumen of the appendix is connected to the cecum, a minimally invasive method for removing the appendix by colonoscopy may be feasible.

Objectives: Our purpose was to design, develop, and test new devices for inverting and removing the appendix by colonoscopy.

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There exists no systematic evaluation of liver function in renal allograft recipients undergoing C2-monitoring with Neoral [cyclosporine A (CsA)-microemulsion]. In the present cohort analysis, we compared the hepatic profiles of C2-monitored (n = 80), C0-monitored (n = 81), and non-CsA-treated renal allograft recipients (n = 29), transplanted between 1/1999 and 2/2004 in our institution. While the C2-targets were set in accordance with (n = 72) or below (n = 8) the consensus on Neoral (1500 +/- 200 ng/ml), non-CsA-patients received FK506 (n = 29), partially in combination with rapamycin (n = 13) as primary immunosuppression.

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Despite previous studies suggesting that surgery cause immune suppression, the underlying biologic mechanisms have not been studied using advanced immune function assays. Unilateral nephrectomy was performed in nonhuman primates. Blood was collected before surgery and at different time-points through 14 days after surgery.

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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare inherited disorder of connective tissue characterized by hyperextensible skin, hypermobile joints, and abnormalities of the cardiovascular system. Most patients are unaware of their disease until a catastrophic event such as arterial rupture or bowel perforation occurs. Aortic disruption accounts for many of the deaths in EDS type IV cases and only two cases of survival after spontaneous aortic rupture have previously been reported.

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ISA247 is a novel cyclosporine analog. In this study we compare, in vitro, the effects of ISA247 on immune function with those of cyclosporine. Whole blood from cynomolgus monkeys (n = 5) was incubated with different concentrations of ISA247 or cyclosporine and stimulated with different mitogens in culture medium.

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Background: Monitoring immunosuppression with cyclosporine microemulsion formulation (CsA-MEF) by using 2-hour CsA blood levels (C2) has been strongly recommended after kidney transplantation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of C2 monitoring on the clinical outcome early after transplantation in a single-center setting.

Methods: Nonsensitized, consecutive, de novo cadaveric kidney-transplant recipients were treated with CsA-MEF, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids.

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A-285222 (A-285) is a bis-trifluoromethyl-pyrazole (BTP), a novel class of immunosuppressive agents that inhibit NFAT activity in vitro in human and non-human primate cells through a calcineurin-independent mechanism. In this preliminary study, we treated cynomolgus monkeys with different doses of A-285 for several days. Blood was collected from all animals at different times during the study.

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Background: ISA(TX)247 is a novel calcineurin inhibitor that has shown more potency than cyclosporine in vitro. This is the first in vivo study of the effects of ISA(TX)247 on lymphocyte functions in non-human primates.

Methods: Groups of cynomolgus monkeys were treated orally twice daily for 7 days, each dose consisting of 25 mg/kg cyclosporine (n = 5), 25 mg/kg ISA(TX)247 (n = 6) or 50 mg/kg ISA(TX)247 (n = 6).

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Background: Co-stimulatory blockade has been shown to prolong allograft survival in different transplant models. We investigated the effect of combining humanized anti-CD80 and anti-CD86 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with sirolimus in cynomolgus monkey renal transplant recipients.

Methods: After renal transplantation, groups of four animals were treated daily with sirolimus, sirolimus and nine weekly doses of mAb, two weekly doses of mAb, or sirolimus and two weekly doses of mAb.

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Failure to control chronic graft dysfunction [e.g. graft vascular disease (GVD)] is the primary cause of immunologic graft failure.

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Background: FK778, a malononitrilamide analog of leflunomide, is currently being investigated for use in clinical transplantation.

Methods: Whole blood from cynomolgus monkeys (n=4) and healthy human volunteers (n=4) was incubated with different concentrations of FK778 and stimulated with mitogens in culture medium. Lymphocyte proliferation was assessed by tritium-labeled thymidine incorporation and by flow-cytometric analysis of expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen on cells in S/G(2)M phase.

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Background: Delayed treatment with sirolimus (SRL) halts progression of graft vascular disease (GVD) in nonhuman primate (NHP) aortic allograft recipients. In this study, we investigated whether SRL monotherapy prevents the development of GVD.

Methods And Results: Pairs of 3-cm infrarenal aortic segments were exchanged between mixed lymphocyte reaction-mismatched, blood group-compatible NHPs (n=12).

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The malononitrilamide FK778 is a leflunomide analogue with a shorter half-life than leflunomide. Groups of cynomolgus monkeys were treated orally with various doses of FK778 once daily for 7 days: group A, 10 mg/kg ( n=4); group B, 5 mg/kg ( n=3); and group C, one single loading dose of 20 mg/kg followed by 5 mg/kg once daily ( n=2). Trough plasma concentration of FK778 was measured by HPLC.

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