Publications by authors named "Birraux Jacques"

After horseshoe kidney, crossed renal ectopia (CRE) is the most common fusion anomaly of the kidney, with an incidence of 1:7000 autopsies. Most frequently the left kidney is the crossed ectopic component. In this article we present the first case of retroperitoneoscopic resection of a CRE and left ectopic multicystic dysplastic kidney with severely dilated ureter.

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Urinary tract dilations (UTDs) are the most frequent prenatal renal anomaly. The spectrum of etiologies causing UTD ranges from mild spontaneously resolving obstruction to severe upper and lower urinary tract obstruction or reflux. The early recognition and management of these anomalies allows for improved renal endowment prenatally and ultimately better outcome for the child.

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Abdominoscrotal hydrocele (ASH) is a rare condition characterized by a large scrotal and abdominal fluid-filled sac. An inguinal surgical approach is generally described in literature. We report the case of a 7-month-old child who underwent surgical repair of bilateral ASH through bilateral transverse scrotal incisions.

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  • The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant reductions in pediatric urology services, resulting in increased waiting lists and surgical activity declines across European healthcare centers.
  • A one-year study tracked changes in waiting lists and surgical capacity, revealing an 11% rise in waiting list patients and a 73% increase in average waiting days by the end of the study period.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on pediatric urology services varied significantly between centers, highlighting the importance of resource management and ongoing monitoring to protect the healthcare needs of children.
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Orchiepididymitis (OE) is a frequent cause of pediatric emergency department attendance in boys presenting with acute scrotum. The etiology of most episodes of OE remains unclear and there is no consensus regarding the correlation between OE and underlying genitourinary malformations. Whether imaging evaluation should comprise complete urinary tract ultrasonography (US) or voiding cystography is a subject of debate.

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Female genital malformations may be present in the form of individual entities, they may involve neighboring organs or they may occur in the context of complex syndromes. Given the anatomical structures of the vulva, vagina, uterus and uterine appendages, the clinical picture of malformations varies greatly. This S2k-guideline was developed by representative members from different medical specialties and professions as part of the guidelines program of the DGGG, SGGG and OEGGG.

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Female genital malformations may take the form of individual entities, they may involve neighboring organs or they may occur in the context of complex syndromes. Given the anatomical structures of the vulva, vagina, uterus and adnexa, the clinical picture of malformations may vary greatly. Depending on the extent of the malformation, organs of the urinary system or associated malformations may also be involved.

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Hydronephrosis associated with kidney malrotation can be a surgical challenge. We present the case of a 3.5 y.

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Testicular torsion is a true urologic emergency with a bimodal age presentation : the perinatal testicular torsion presenting with a hard, tender or non-tender scrotal mass usually with underlying dark discoloration of the skin and the peripubertal testicular torsion presenting with severe acute testicular pain, vomiting and frequently pain irradiation in the inguinal area, a high riding-horizontally positioned testis and absence of the cremasteric reflex. Obtaining a US Doppler must not add unnecessary delay to the urgent surgical treatment which entails detorsion and bilateral orchidopexy. We do not recommend manual detorsion as around 30 % of testis rotate externally.

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The medical, psychological and social aspects of disorders of sex development (DSD) represent a challenge for the management of these patients. However, advances in our understanding of the etiology and genetics of this condition, novel surgical approaches and the growing influence of patient groups as well as wider recognition of ethical issues have helped improve the care of patients with a DSD. Importantly, a multidisciplinary approach involving specialists is crucial for understanding and treating such rare and complex cases.

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Background: To open vaginal cavity to the pelvic floor is part of surgical treatment for urogenital sinus (UGS) in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). For high UGS, this operative procedure can be challenging and may jeopardise urinary continence. Combined perineal and laparoscopic approaches could be useful to minimise perineal dissection and to facilitate the vaginal lowering.

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Background: Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) is a main cause leading to endstage renal disease (ESRD) during childhood occurring at a frequency of 1 in every 500 pregnancies. No early predictive markers of long-term renal function (RF) are validated in these neonates. The aim of this study was to compare CysC and creatinine (creat) as markers of RF from birth to 2 years and to identify factors of RF progression.

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Viral infections represent severe complications in immunodeficient patients, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We report a case of a bone marrow-transplanted adolescent with hemorrhagic cystitis 4 weeks after transplant, associated with renal failure because of obstructive pyelonephritis. Diagnostic workup finally revealed adenovirus infection.

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  • SRY gene on the Y chromosome is crucial for sex determination, and its mutations account for 10-15% of cases of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD), but are not commonly linked to mixed GD.
  • A novel SRY point mutation was discovered in a patient with mixed GD characterized by specific hormonal and histological findings in the gonads, including a streak gonad and a dysgenetic testis.
  • The SRY mutation led to uneven activation in the gonads, suggesting that local factors might influence how SRY functions or is expressed.
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Urethral duplication is a rare congenital malformation affecting mainly boys. The authors report a case in a Cameroonian child who was diagnosed and managed at the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital, Yaounde. The malformation was characterized by the presence of an incontinent epispadic urethra and a normal apical urethra.

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Unlabelled: We report the rare association of Caroli disease (intrahepatic bile duct ectasia associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis), bilateral cystic renal dysplasia, situs inversus, postaxial polydactyly, and preauricular fistulas in a female child. She presented with end-stage renal disease at the age of 1 month, followed by a rapidly progressing hepatic fibrosis and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts, leading to secondary biliary cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Combined liver-kidney transplantation was performed at the age of 4 years, with excellent outcome.

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Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) remain a fascinating challenge for the paediatricians, endocrinologists, biologists, psychiatrists, geneticists, radiologists, surgeons and for the whole society. This article aims at highlighting the current controversies and questions met with genital reconstruction in children born with abnormal genitalia. The main current techniques of masculinization and feminization are reviewed with their progress and their problems.

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Familial cases of isolated abdominal wall defects with variable expressivity in more than one generation have rarely been observed. We report four affected individuals within a small three-generation family with either variable non-syndromic abdominal wall defects or external genital anomalies. We discuss the possible transmission of non-syndromic abdominal wall defects.

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Perinatal asphyxia. Perinatal asphyxia remains one of the most important causes for high mortality and morbidity in the neonatal population. Despite intensive animal and clinical research in this field, no pharmocological strategy has been shown neuroprotective in humans.

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Ex vivo gene therapy is an interesting alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) for treating metabolic liver diseases. In this study, we investigated its efficacy and biosafety in nonhuman primates. Hepatocytes isolated from liver lobectomy were transduced in suspension with a bicistronic liver-specific lentiviral vector and immediately autotransplanted (SLIT) into three cynomolgus monkeys.

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Background: Ex vivo liver gene therapy may be a future alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation for the treatment of some liver diseases. We previously described the transduction in suspension with lentiviral vectors and immediate hepatocyte transplantation (SLIT) protocol and its high transduction rate with normal human hepatocytes. We also reported SLIT efficiency in the animal model of Crigler-Najjar type 1 syndrome (CN-1), the Gunn rat.

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Background: Ex vivo liver gene therapy provides an attractive alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation for the treatment of liver diseases. We previously reported a protocol in which human primary hepatocytes are highly transduced in Suspension with Lentiviral vectors and Immediately Transplanted (SLIT). Here, we evaluated the SLIT approach in Gunn rats, the animal model for Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1, a defect in bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (BUGT).

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Owing to the frequent occurrence of minor head injuries in their daily practice, pediatricians and primary care physicians have a constant concern about their management. Evaluation of a neurotraumatised children must take account of the epidemiological, anatomical, pathophysiological and clinical specificity of each age class. Recent publications of the American Academy of Pediatric, with evidence based medicine review of the literature and experts consensus have permitted to define precise guidelines for the management of children over and below 2 years of age.

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Gene therapy is an attractive approach for the treatment of liver disease. We demonstrate that a so-called third-generation human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-derived vector system can govern the efficient delivery, integration, and stable expression of a transgene into primary human hepatocytes in the complete absence of cell division. We also show that rodent hepatocytes exhibit a significant degree of resistance to HIV vector-mediated transduction, a phenotype that is particularly pronounced in murine hepatocytes and that results from a block in the immediate-early phase of infection.

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