Publications by authors named "Birjit Singh Waikhom"

Rapid growth in nanotechnology, also known as 21st-century technology, is occurring in response to the increasing diversity of diseases. The development of safe and effective drug delivery methods to enhance bioavailability is of paramount importance. Researchers have focused on creating safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly nanoparticle construction processes.

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The current study focuses on analyzing the impacts of climate change and land use/land cover (LULC) changes on sediment yield in the Puthimari basin, an Eastern Himalayan sub-watershed of the Brahmaputra, using a hybrid SWAT-ANN model approach. The analysis was meticulously segmented into three distinct time spans: 2025-2049, 2050-2074, and 2075-2099. This innovative method integrates insights from multiple climate models under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.

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The current study investigates the joint impact of projected land use/land cover change (LULCC) and climate change on the discharge of river Puthimari using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Puthimari, flowing through part of Bhutan and the northeastern region of India, earns its significance by contributing a fairly huge amount of discharge to the mainstream Brahmaputra causing frequent floods downstream, specifically in the monsoon season. The analysis was carried out from 2025 to 2099, by dividing this entire period into three sub-periods, 2025‒2049, 2050‒2074, and 2075‒2099, each of 25 years duration.

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Malaria prevalence has become medically important and a socioeconomic impediment for the endemic regions, including Purulia, West Bengal. Geo-environmental variables, humidity, altitude, and land use patterns are responsible for malaria. For surveillance of the endemic nature of Purulia's blocks, statistical and spatiotemporal factors analysis have been done here.

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The present study aims to vermiremediate allopathic pharmaceutical industry sludge (AS) amended with cattle dung (CD), in different feed mixtures (AS:CD) i.e (AS) 0:100 [Positive control], (AS) 25:75, (AS) 50:50, (AS) 75:25 and (AS) 100:0 [Negative Control] for 180 days using earthworm Eisenia fetida. The earthworms could thrive and grow well up to the AS feed mixture.

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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is a rare tumor affecting the pediatric population and young adults. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 defined it as "A neoplasm composed of proliferating odontogenic epithelium in a cellular ectomesenchymal tissue with varying degrees of inductive changes and dental hard tissue formation." There exists a controversy on its histogenesis designating it as a hamartoma (developing complex odontoma [CO]) or a true neoplasm since both the lesions appear similar histologically.

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Introduction: Dental avulsion is one of the dental traumatic injuries commonly affecting children aged between 6 and 12 years. One of the major limitations in obtaining a successful outcome while treating dental avulsions is the lack of knowledge on its first aid management among parents. The present study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude of parents in Imphal toward the emergency management of avulsed permanent tooth using a self-reported questionnaire method.

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Two children out of three siblings of a family presented with tiredness, fatigue, and breathlessness for more than 6 months. Examination of peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspirate, and a positive acidified serum test (HEMPAS) revealed these children to be a case of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II. This case is reported because of its rarity.

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