Publications by authors named "Beskow C"

Objective: The treatment of patients with dementia poses a considerable challenge to regional district general hospitals, particularly in rural areas. Here we report the establishment and initial evaluation of a dementia-specific consultation service provided by a teaching hospital-based Psychiatry Department to regional district general hospitals in surrounding smaller towns.

Methods: The consultation service was provided to patients with pre-existing or newly suspected dementia, who were in acute hospital care for concurrent conditions.

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Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is among the leading causes of death from liver disease. Among the factors involved in its pathogenesis are inflammation and increased intestinal permeability. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of GG (LGG) on hepatic lipid accumulation, activation of inflammasomes, and gut permeability markers in experimental model of ALD with zebrafish.

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Tumour hypoxia is a well-known adverse factor for the outcome of radiotherapy. For cervical tumours in particular, several studies indicate large variability in tumour oxygenation. However, clinical evidence shows that the management of cervical cancer including brachytherapy leads to high rate of success.

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Cervical cancer is the third most common female cancer world wide. In Sweden, some 450 cases are diagnosed annually. One out of three affected Swedish women is under the age of 40.

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Aim: To compare manual graphical optimization (GrO) with hybrid inverse planning optimization (HIPO) of cervical cancer brachytherapy treatment plans using physical and radiobiological tools.

Patients And Methods: Ten patients suffering from cervical cancer, treated with pulsed brachytherapy using GrO plans, were included in the study. For each patient, four different HIPO class solutions with different dose objectives to the target and constraints to the organs at risk (OAR) produced four optimized plans, that were each compared to the corresponding GrO plan.

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Purpose: This study aims to retrospectively evaluate dosimetric parameters calculated as biological effective dose in relation to outcome in patients with cervical cancer treated with various treatment approaches, including radiotherapy with and without surgery.

Material And Methods: Calculations of biological effective dose (BED) were performed on data from a retrospective analysis of 171 patients with cervical carcinoma stages IB-IIB treated with curative intent, between January 1989 and December 1991. 43 patients were treated only with radiotherapy and 128 patients were treated with a combination of radiotherapy and surgery.

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Background: Radiotherapy is central in the treatment of cervical cancer. The formation of DNA double-strand breaks is considered to be critical for the radiotherapeutic effect. The non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) proteins DNA-PKcs, Ku70 and Ku86 have a major role in repairing DNA lesions.

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The primary aim of this study was to investigate if the expression of the DNA damage identifying protein DNA-PKcs known to be involved in DNA repair after treatment with ionising radiation can be used as a predictive marker for radiotherapy (RT) response in cervical cancer. Formalin-fixed primary tumour biopsies from 109 patients with cervical cancer, FIGO-stage IB-IIA, treated with preoperative brachytherapy followed by radical surgery were analysed by immunohistochemistry. In addition, correlation studies between early pathological tumour response to radiation and expression of Ku86, Ku70, Mdm-2, p53 and p21 in primary tumours were also performed.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the treatment results of preoperative brachytherapy and the prognostic value of pathologic complete remission after preoperative intracavitary irradiation in patients with stage Ib and IIa cervical carcinoma in relation to recurrence rate and survival. The clinical records of 185 patients with stage Ib (129 patients) and IIa (56 patients) cervical carcinoma, consecutively admitted to Radiumhemmet from January 1989 to December 1991 were reviewed. The median follow-up time was 71 months.

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Objective: To evaluate the overall cytologic characteristics of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens in search of features that could be useful in cytologic diagnosis.

Study Design: We evaluated BAL samples from patients with DAD obtained simultaneously with transbronchial biopsies (n = 8) or open lung biopsies (n = 2) or within 24 hours of autopsy (n = 2). The material was processed routinely for cytologic and histologic evaluation.

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Human polyoma virus (PV) interstitial nephritis occurs in immunosuppressed patients after reactivation of latent virus in renal epithelium. Currently, there is neither general consensus about the incidence of clinically significant PV infection in renal transplants nor conclusive evidence determining its significance in the long-term graft outcome. We evaluated 601 renal transplant biopsy specimens (from 365 patients) by routine light microscopy and immunoperoxidase stains with antibody against SV40 (which cross reacts with PV).

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Background: Cisplatin is known to create an acute dose-related ototoxic effect. There are unanswered questions regarding the long term effect of cisplatin on hearing in gynecologic cancer patients.

Methods: A retrospective review of 59 to 115 months' duration was performed on 184 women with gynecologic cancer who were treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy between 1982 and 1986.

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The hormonal milieu at embryo implantation after in-vitro fertilization was investigated. Superstimulation was accomplished with clomiphene citrate and human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) injections followed by ovulation induction with human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Venous blood samples were drawn on days 2 and 8, the day of oocyte recovery being day 0.

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Nine patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension and nine healthy pregnant controls with similar gestational lengths were compared with regard to cardiovascular and sympathoadrenal reactivity during a standardized mental stress procedure (Stroop color word conflict test). The test induced increases in blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, arterial plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations, and a decrease in calf vascular resistance, but no changes in stroke volume or systemic vascular resistance. The responses of the two groups did not differ significantly with regard to any of the mentioned variables.

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