Publications by authors named "Bertrand A"

Objective: Selective auditory attention decoding (AAD) algorithms process brain data such as electroencephalography to decode to which of multiple competing sound sources a person attends. Example use cases are neuro-steered hearing aids or communication via brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Recently, it has been shown that it is possible to train such AAD decoders based on stimulus reconstruction in an unsupervised setting, where no ground truth is available regarding which sound source is attended.

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We propose a dynamic sensor selection approach for deep neural networks (DNNs), which is able to derive an optimal sensor subset selection for each specific input sample instead of a fixed selection for the entire dataset. This dynamic selection is jointly learned with the task model in an end-to-end way, using the Gumbel-Softmax trick to allow the discrete decisions to be learned through standard backpropagation. We then show how we can use this dynamic selection to increase the lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN) by imposing constraints on how often each node is allowed to transmit.

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Introduction: Advances in knowledge about late effects of childhood cancer treatments have led to implement long-term follow-up care. This raises the question of the ethical issues involved in providing information to survivors, and in proposals for long-term follow-up consultations.

Method: We conducted a two-part qualitative study: (1) A semi-directive interview survey to explore survivors' experiences of medical proposals for follow-up consultations; (2) The creation of a multidisciplinary ethical reflection group aimed at identifying the ethical issues associated with the systematization of follow-up care.

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Background: Routine clinical debriefings (RCDs) have been shown to improve communication, team reflexivity, and safety in clinical settings. When combined with incident reports (IRs), RCDs offer a potential tool for enhancing quality improvement frameworks. This study aimed to identify and compare healthcare safety-related information captured through RCDs and IRs in a Belgian emergency department operating across two distinct facilities.

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We investigated MP ingestion in lanternfishes (Myctophidae), one of the most abundant vertebrates in the world, using archived specimens from museum collections from 1999 to 2017. Microplastics were detected in 55 % of the 1167 specimens analysed (0.95 ± 1.

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Background: The ongoing opioid epidemic in the United States has reinforced the need to provide multimodal and non-opioid pain management interventions. The PAMI-ED ALT program employed a multifaceted approach in the Emergency Department (ED) developing electronic health record (EHR) pain management order panels and discharge panels, as well as educating patients, clinicians, and ED staff on opioid alternatives, including non-pharmacologic interventions. The primary objective of this analysis was to compare changes in opioid and non-opioid analgesic administrations and prescribing in ED patients with select pain conditions (renal colic, headache, low back, and non-low back musculoskeletal pain) before and after implementation of PAMI ED-ALT.

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The nuclear envelope (NE), a protective membrane bordering the nucleus, is composed of highly specialized proteins that are indispensable for normal cellular activity. Lamina-associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) is a NE protein whose functions are just beginning to be unveiled. The fact that mutations causing LAP1 deficiency are extremely rare and pathogenic is indicative of its paramount importance to preserving human health, anticipating that LAP1 might have a multifaceted role in the cell.

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Background: Lipids play a critical role in defense against sepsis. We sought to investigate gene expression and lipidomic patterns of lipid dysregulation in sepsis.

Methods: Data from four adult sepsis studies were analyzed and findings were investigated in two external datasets.

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For the past decade, "long-term follow-up consultations" have been established for adults cured of pediatric cancer to ensure the prevention, early detection, and treatment of long-term effects. These consultations are now sometimes conducted in the form of teleconsultations, a practice that has seen significant growth following the COVID-19 crisis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction, usefulness, and patient experience of teleconsultations conducted by an oncologist or hematologist as part of the long-term follow-up of adults cured of pediatric cancer.

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Small-scale fisheries, especially those from developing countries, are vital for millions. Understanding the impact of environmental and human factors on fish stocks and yields and how they might change is crucial to ensure the sustainable use of aquatic resources. We developed an ecosystem model using Ecopath and Ecosim (EwE) to investigate changes in target species biomass and ecosystem attributes over 83 years (2017-2100) caused by different scenarios of fishing pressure and ocean warming in the Brazilian Northeastern continental shelf.

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Mesozooplankton plays a pivotal role within marine food webs. However, there is a paucity of studies examining the size-spectra and trophic efficiency of these communities in tropical neritic and oceanic waters. Here, normalised biovolume (NBSS) and normalised numbers size-spectra (NNSS) were fitted on zooplankton data from the southwestern tropical Atlantic.

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Background: Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the deadliest arrhythmia, often caused by myocardial ischaemia. VF patients require urgent intervention planned quickly and non-invasively. However, the accuracy with which electrocardiographic (ECG) markers reflect the underlying arrhythmic substrate is unknown.

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The neuston layer represents a complex community inhabiting the interface where oceanographic and atmospheric processes interact. Here, our aim was to compare patterns in the distribution and abundance of cnidarian assemblages observed in the neuston to parallel patterns previously observed in epipelagic waters along the spread of the Amazon River Plume over the Western Equatorial Atlantic, to test if the neuston reflects the patterns of the overall community whose core of distribution is located in epipelagic waters or are shaped by specific surface processes. The results show that both initial hypothesis were false.

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  • * The study investigates the needs of individuals with CLBP and healthcare professionals regarding mHealth technologies through a three-phase user-centered design process, which includes expert workshops, focus groups, and validation via Delphi questionnaires.
  • * Findings from 121 participants revealed specific technology-related needs, leading to consensus-driven design recommendations for a mHealth device tailored to the challenges faced by those managing CLBP.
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Background: Convalescent plasma (CP) reduced the mortality in COVID-19 induced ARDS (C-ARDS) patients treated in the CONFIDENT trial. As patients are immunologically heterogeneous, we hypothesized that clusters may differ in their treatment responses to CP.

Methods: We measured 20 cytokines, chemokines and cell adhesion markers using a multiplex technique at the time of inclusion in the CONFIDENT trial in patients of centers having accepted to participate in this secondary study.

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With the increasingly central role of imaging in medical diagnosis, understanding and monitoring radiological errors has become essential. In the field of oncology, the severity of the disease makes radiological error more visible, with both individual consequences and public health issues. The quantitative trend radiology allows to consider the diagnostic task as a problem of classification supported by the latest neurocognitive theories in explaining decision making errors, this purposeful model provides an actionable framework to support root cause analysis of diagnostic errors in radiology and envision corresponding risk-management strategies.

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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major risk factor for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and cardiac arrhythmias. Precursors of these complications, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy, remain incompletely understood and underdiagnosed. Detection of early signs of cardiac deterioration in T2DM patients is critical for prevention.

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  • - Shwachman-Diamond syndrome is a complex disorder that involves both genetic and clinical variation, and this report focuses on a particularly severe case in an infant.
  • - The infant was found to have two specific EFL1 gene mutations (c.89A>G and c.2599A>G) that were inherited from each parent, contributing to the severity of the syndrome.
  • - Laboratory analyses of cells from the patient indicated that these mutations disrupted the production of functional ribosomes, which hindered protein synthesis and led to the critical health issues observed in this case.
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  • Deep-pelagic fishes are crucial vertebrates that help in carbon sequestration, serve as prey for commercial fish, and connect various ocean layers and food webs, yet knowledge about them is limited and inconsistent.
  • The synthesis reviews their biodiversity and ecology, assessing 1554 species and offering a new framework to better understand their functional roles in the ecosystem.
  • It emphasizes the need for a more nuanced understanding of these fishes, particularly during diel vertical migrations, and introduces the concept of 'diel-modulated realised niche' to explain the ecological transitions they undergo.
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Introduction: Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer undergo physical transformations due to disease and treatments occurring alongside puberty and adolescence. Although physical activity is recommended for its benefits, its practice among AYA with cancer remains insufficient. The aim of the Éducation Thérapeutique et Activité Physique: Engagement des Adolescents et Jeunes Adultes atteints de cancer study is to identify the evolution of AYA with cancer medical knowledge and powers (power to act, to express oneself) over life and cancer care, and their role in commitment in adapted physical activity (APA) and therapeutic patient education during and after oncological treatments.

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Various new brain-computer interface technologies or neuroscience applications require decoding stimulus-following neural responses to natural stimuli such as speech and video from, e.g., electroencephalography (EEG) signals.

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  • The study addresses the challenge of effectively annotating large biomedical signal databases for AI training, which often requires extensive human effort.
  • The proposed iterative annotation support algorithm seeks to enhance this process by having humans verify suggested events from an AI model, reducing the need for them to manually sift through entire datasets.
  • Results show that this collaboration significantly decreases the time needed for annotation, successfully identifying most events while only requiring humans to review a small portion of the data.
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Introduction: To determine whether e-cigarette brand use varies according to race/ethnicity among adolescent and young adult e-cigarette users.

Aims And Methods: Data are from a cross-sectional online survey of respondents aged 15-24 years (January 2022-June 2023; 300 unique respondents/week). The analytic sample was restricted to current e-cigarette users (n = 6387).

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating immune-mediated disorder of the central nervous system resulting in progressive disability accumulation. As there is no cure available yet for MS, the primary therapeutic objective is to reduce relapses and to slow down disability progression as early as possible during the disease to maintain and/or improve health-related quality of life. However, optimizing treatment for people with MS (pwMS) is complex and challenging due to the many factors involved and in particular, the high degree of clinical and sub-clinical heterogeneity in disease progression among pwMS.

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