Background: Fast-ripples (FR) are short (∼10 ms) high-frequency oscillations (HFO) between 200 and 600 Hz that are helpful in epilepsy to identify the epileptogenic zone. Our aim is to propose a new method to detect FR that had to be efficient for intracerebral EEG (iEEG) recorded from both usual clinical macro-contacts (millimeter scale) and microwires (micrometer scale).
New Method: Step 1 of the detection method is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained using a large database of > 11,000 FR recorded from the iEEG of 38 patients with epilepsy from both macro-contacts and microwires.
The swap Monte Carlo algorithm introduces nonphysical dynamic rules to accelerate the exploration of the configuration space of supercooled liquids. Its success raises deep questions regarding the nature and physical origin of the slow dynamics of dense liquids and how it is affected by swap moves. We provide a detailed analysis of the slow dynamics generated by the swap Monte Carlo algorithm at very low temperatures in two glass-forming models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExerting a nonequilibrium drive on an otherwise equilibrium Langevin process brings the dynamics out of equilibrium but can also speed up the approach to the Boltzmann steady state. Transverse forces are a minimal framework to achieve dynamical acceleration of the Boltzmann sampling. We consider a simple liquid in three space dimensions subjected to additional transverse pairwise forces, and quantify the extent to which transverse forces accelerate the dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMonte Carlo simulations are widely employed to measure the physical properties of glass-forming liquids in thermal equilibrium. Combined with local Monte Carlo moves, the Metropolis algorithm can also be used to simulate the relaxation dynamics, thus offering an efficient alternative to molecular dynamics. Monte Carlo simulations are, however, more versatile because carefully designed Monte Carlo algorithms can more efficiently sample the rugged free energy landscape characteristic of glassy systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe explore the dynamics of a simple liquid whose particles, in addition to standard potential-based interactions, are also subjected to transverse forces preserving the Boltzmann distribution. We derive the effective dynamics of one and two tracer particles in the infinite-dimensional limit. We determine the amount of acceleration of the dynamics caused by the transverse forces, in particular in the vicinity of the glass transition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose a computational strategy to quantify the temperature evolution of the timescales and length scales over which dynamic facilitation affects the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming liquids at low temperatures, which requires no assumption about the nature of the dynamics. In two glass models, we find that dynamic facilitation depends strongly on temperature, leading to a subdiffusive spreading of relaxation events which we characterize using a temperature-dependent dynamic exponent. We also establish that this temperature evolution represents a major contribution to the increase of the structural relaxation time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study two models of overdamped self-propelled disks in two dimensions, with and without aligning interactions. Both models support active mesoscale flows, leading to chaotic advection and transport over large length scales in their homogeneous dense fluid states, away from dynamical arrest. They form streams and vortices reminiscent of multiscale flow patterns in turbulence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
February 2024
We numerically elucidate the microscopic mechanisms controlling the relaxation dynamics of a three-dimensional lattice glass model that has static properties compatible with the approach to a random first-order transition. At low temperatures, the relaxation is triggered by a small population of particles with low-energy barriers forming mobile clusters. These emerging quasiparticles act as facilitating defects responsible for the spatially heterogeneous dynamics of the system, whose characteristic length scales remain strongly coupled to thermodynamic fluctuations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSampling the Boltzmann distribution using forces that violate detailed balance can be faster than with the equilibrium evolution, but the acceleration depends on the nature of the nonequilibrium drive and the physical situation. Here, we study the efficiency of forces transverse to energy gradients in dense liquids through a combination of techniques: Brownian dynamics simulations, exact infinite-dimensional calculation, and a mode-coupling approximation. We find that the sampling speedup varies nonmonotonically with temperature, and decreases as the system becomes more glassy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUpon heating, ultrastable glassy films transform into liquids via a propagating equilibration front, resembling the heterogeneous melting of crystals. A microscopic understanding of this robust phenomenology is, however, lacking because experimental resolution is limited. We simulate the heterogeneous transformation kinetics of ultrastable configurations prepared using the swap Monte Carlo algorithm, thus allowing a direct comparison with experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen driven by nonequilibrium fluctuations, particle systems may display phase transitions and physical behavior with no equilibrium counterpart. We study a two-dimensional particle model initially proposed to describe driven non-Brownian suspensions undergoing nonequilibrium absorbing phase transitions. We show that when the transition occurs at large density, the dynamics produces long-range crystalline order.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStructural defects control the kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanical properties of glasses. For instance, rare quantum tunneling two-level systems (TLS) govern the physics of glasses at very low temperature. Due to their extremely low density, it is very hard to directly identify them in computer simulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce GlassMLP, a machine learning framework using physics-inspired structural input to predict the long-time dynamics in deeply supercooled liquids. We apply this deep neural network to atomistic models in 2D and 3D. Its performance is better than the state of the art while being more parsimonious in terms of training data and fitting parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe criticality of the jamming transition responsible for amorphous solidification has been theoretically linked to the marginal stability of a thermodynamic Gardner phase. While the critical exponents of jamming appear independent of the preparation history, the pertinence of Gardner physics far from equilibrium is an open question. To fill this gap, we numerically study the nonequilibrium dynamics of hard disks compressed toward the jamming transition using a broad variety of protocols.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use numerical simulations to study the dynamics of dense assemblies of self-propelled particles in the limit of extremely large, but finite, persistence times. In this limit, the system evolves intermittently between mechanical equilibria where active forces balance interparticle interactions. We develop an efficient numerical strategy allowing us to resolve the statistical properties of elastic and plastic relaxation events caused by activity-driven fluctuations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe discovery of ultrastable glasses raises novel challenges about glassy systems. Recent experiments studied the macroscopic devitrification of ultrastable glasses into liquids upon heating but lacked microscopic resolution. We use molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the kinetics of this transformation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe low-temperature quasi-universal behavior of amorphous solids has been attributed to the existence of spatially localized tunneling defects found in the low-energy regions of the potential energy landscape. Computational models of glasses can be studied to elucidate the microscopic nature of these defects. Recent simulation work has demonstrated the means of generating stable glassy configurations for models that mimic metallic glasses using the swap Monte Carlo algorithm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe explore the emergence of nonequilibrium collective motion in disordered nonthermal active matter when persistent motion and crowding effects compete, using simulations of a two-dimensional model of size polydisperse self-propelled particles. In stark contrast with monodisperse systems, we find that polydispersity stabilizes a homogeneous active liquid at arbitrary large persistence times, characterized by remarkable velocity correlations and irregular turbulent flows. For all persistence values, the active fluid undergoes a nonequilibrium glass transition at large density.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe numerically study the equilibrium relaxation dynamics of a two-dimensional Mari-Kurchan glass model. The tree-like structure of particle interactions forbids both nontrivial structural motifs and the emergence of a complex free-energy landscape leading to a thermodynamic glass transition, while the finite-dimensional nature of the model prevents the existence of a mode-coupling singularity. Nevertheless, the equilibrium relaxation dynamics is shown to be in excellent agreement with simulations performed in conventional glass-formers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose and numerically implement a local probe of the static self-induced heterogeneity characterizing glass-forming liquids. This method relies on the equilibrium statistics of the overlap between pairs of configurations measured in mesoscopic cavities with unconstrained boundaries. By systematically changing the location of the probed cavity, we directly detect spatial variations of the overlap fluctuations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA theoretical treatment of deeply supercooled liquids is difficult because their properties emerge from spatial inhomogeneities that are self-induced, transient, and nanoscopic. I use computer simulations to analyze self-induced static and dynamic heterogeneity in equilibrium systems approaching the experimental glass transition. I characterize the broad sample-to-sample fluctuations of salient dynamic and thermodynamic properties in elementary mesoscopic systems.
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