Publications by authors named "Bernards C"

The size of a ΔK=0 M1 excitation strength has been determined for the first time in a predominantly axially deformed even-even nucleus. It has been obtained from the observation of a rare K-mixing situation between two close-lying J^{π}=1^{+} states of the nucleus ^{164}Dy with components characterized by intrinsic projection quantum numbers K=0 and K=1. Nuclear resonance fluorescence induced by quasimonochromatic linearly polarized γ-ray beams provided evidence for K mixing of the 1^{+} states at 3159.

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In order to avoid the risks of sideeffects of epidural local anesthetics and opioids, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) epidurally would be an interesting option of analgesic therapy. The fairly short duration of action of spinally administered NSAIDs, e.g.

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Autoimmunity against laminins has been described in several autoimmune diseases (including mucous membrane pemphigoid, anti-laminin γ1 pemphigoid, and connective tissue diseases), in pregnancy loss, and in infections such as Chagas disease. Except for anti-laminin-332 mucous membrane pemphigoid, adequate evidence has been lacking for the tissue injury potential of laminin-specific antibodies and the pathogenic epitopes. We evaluated the pathogenic potential of antibodies targeting laminin γ1, a major constituent of basement membranes and the main antigen in anti-laminin γ1 pemphigoid.

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Nidogen-1 is a key basement membrane protein that is required for many biological activities. It is one of the central elements in organizing basal laminae including those in the skin, muscle, and the nervous system. The self-assembling extracellular matrix that also incorporates fibulins, fibronectin and integrins is clamped together by networks formed between nidogen, perlecan, laminin and collagen IV.

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Background And Objectives: A test dose containing epinephrine is routinely used during epidural blockade to detect accidental intravenous needle or catheter placement before the administration of local anesthetics to avert local anesthetic systemic toxicity. β-Blocker therapy may interfere with the expected hemodynamic response from an intravascular injection. This study describes a cohort of 24 patients and their response to an epinephrine test dose (ie, if expected increased heart rates during test-dose administration are valid in this population.

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The neutron-rich nuclei 94,96Kr were studied via projectile Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Level energies of the first excited 2(+) states and their absolute E2 transition strengths to the ground state are determined and discussed in the context of the E(2(1)(+)) and B(E2;2(1)(+)→0(1)(+)) systematics of the krypton chain. Contrary to previously published results no sudden onset of deformation is observed.

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Background And Objectives: To minimize the frequency that intrathecal pumps require refilling, drugs are custom compounded at very high concentrations. Unfortunately, the baricity of these custom solutions is unknown, which is problematic, given baricity's importance in determining the spread of intrathecally administered drugs. Consequently, we measured the density and calculated the baricity of clinically relevant concentrations of multiple drugs used for intrathecal infusion.

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Background: Continuous intrathecal drug delivery provides new options for chronic delivery of drugs that target the spinal cord, but therapeutic efficacy is highly variable. Using an acute porcine model, we have previously demonstrated that continuous intrathecal drug delivery efficacy may be highly variable because of severely limited drug distribution in the cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord. We designed this study to determine whether the limited drug distribution observed in our acute studies occurs with chronic administration as well.

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Introduction: Robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP) is a common treatment for localized prostate cancer. Despite a primary advantage of improved postoperative pain, patients undergoing RALP still experience discomfort. Belladonna, containing the muscarinic receptor antagonists atropine and scopolamine, in combination with opium as a rectal suppository (B & O) may improve post-RALP pain.

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The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Practice Advisory on Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity assimilates and summarizes current knowledge regarding the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of this potentially fatal complication. It offers evidence-based and/or expert opinion-based recommendations for all physicians and advanced practitioners who routinely administer local anesthetics in potentially toxic doses. The advisory does not address issues related to local anesthetic-related neurotoxicity, allergy, or methemoglobinemia.

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Background: Despite the widespread use of implanted pumps for continuous intrathecal drug delivery, there have been no studies aimed at defining the effect of baricity and posture on drug distribution in the cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord during the very slow infusion rates typically used for chronic intrathecal drug administration.

Methods: Intrathecal microdialysis probes were placed at six points along the neuraxis in both the anterior and posterior intrathecal space of anesthetized pigs to permit cerebrospinal fluid sampling. Animals were then positioned either vertically or horizontally (prone), and a hyperbaric solution containing bupivacaine (7.

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Background And Objectives: Paresthesias are relatively common during spinal needle insertion, however, the clinical significance of the paresthesia is unknown. A paresthesia may result from needle-to-nerve contact with a spinal nerve in the epidural space, or, with far lateral needle placement, may result from contact with a spinal nerve within the intervertebral foramen. However, it is also possible and perhaps more likely, that paresthesias occur when the spinal needle contacts a spinal nerve root within the subarachnoid space.

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Background: There is concern that opioid-based analgesia will worsen sleep-related respiratory insufficiency in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), resulting in serious morbidity or mortality. However, there are no studies that directly address the merit of this concern. Consequently, the authors designed this study as the first prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation of opioid pharmacology in patients with documented OSA.

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The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) Practice Advisory on Neurologic Complications in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine includes an evidence- and expert opinion-based section on performing procedures on anesthetized or heavily sedated patients. This practice advisory is based on existing scientific literature, pathophysiological principles, and expert opinion. The advisory panel examined the ability of anesthetized or heavily sedated patients to recognize and report intravascular injection of local anesthetic or impending neurologic injury.

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Neurologic complications associated with regional anesthesia and pain medicine practice are extremely rare. The ASRA Practice Advisory on Neurologic Complications in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine addresses the etiology, differential diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of these complications. This Advisory does not focus on hemorrhagic and infectious complications, because they have been addressed by other recent ASRA Practice Advisories.

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Study Objective: To examine the effects of plasma volume expansion on plasma volume, left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), and cardiac index (CI) after rapid fluid infusion, as knowledge of the degree of concordance between plasma and cardiac preload expansion could optimize LVEDV expansion without administering excessive fluid.

Design: Randomized, double-blinded study.

Setting: Academic community hospital.

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Purpose Of Review: Spinal opioid administration was introduced into clinical practice nearly 25 years ago in the hope of producing intense spinal analgesia that was devoid of the dose-limiting side effects associated with systemic opioid administration. While spinal opioid administration can clearly be an effective analgesic technique, there is a widespread misconception that any opioid administered epidurally or intrathecally will produce analgesia by a selective spinal mechanism. This is simply not true; multiple opioids that are commonly administered spinally produce analgesia by uptake into the systemic circulation with subsequent redistribution to brainstem opioid receptors.

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Background: Increasing numbers of patients are receiving chronic intrathecal infusions of local anesthetics, baclofen, opioids, and other analgesics via implanted pumps. These infusions typically deliver drugs at rates measured in microliters per hour. However, to date, there have been no studies aimed at characterizing drug distribution within cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and spinal cord during these slow infusion rates.

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Study Design: Prospective, randomized, in vivo acute spinal cord injury in pigs.

Setting: Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

Objectives: To determine whether postinjury methylprednisolone could reduce the generation of known mediators of secondary neurological injury.

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Study Design: Prospective, randomized, pharmacokinetic study.

Objective: To determine if cyclosporine-A-mediated inhibition of p-glycoprotein would increase methylprednisolone entry into the central nervous system thereby permitting a reduction in the systemic methylprednisolone dose.

Setting: Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of analgesia, with or without sciatic nerve blockade, after open repair of calcaneus fracture.

Design: Randomized, prospective trial involving 30 patients divided into 3 groups of 10, all having open repair of calcaneus fractures. Group 1 used morphine patient-controlled analgesia alone.

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Background: Intrathecal administration of antisense oligonucleotides is a frequently used technique to alter gene expression for research purposes. However, in the future, antisense oligonucleotides will likely be administered intrathecally to humans for therapeutic purposes. To date, there have been no systematic studies of the pharmacokinetics of intrathecal oligonucleotides.

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