Background: Calcineurin-inhibitors and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection increase the risk of post-transplant diabetes mellitus. Chronic HCV infection promotes insulin resistance rather than beta-cell dysfunction. The objective was to elucidate whether a conversion from tacrolimus to cyclosporine A affects fasting and/or dynamic insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion or all in HCV-positive renal transplant recipients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: According to current guidelines, the universal use of direct-acting antiviral agents in HIV-positive patients with acute hepatitis C (AHC) is not recommended. We aimed to evaluate the concept of treatment intensification with boceprevir (BOC) in HIV-positive patients with HCV-genotype 1 AHC (HIV/AHC-GT1) at high risk for failure to pegylated interferon/ribavirin therapy (PEGIFN/RBV).
Methods: Nineteen consecutive HIV-positive patients with HIV/AHC-GT1 who underwent antiviral therapy were studied retrospectively.
Background: Faster fibrosis progression and hepatic steatosis are hallmarks of HIV/HCV coinfection. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the PNPLA3-gene is associated with development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and a worse outcome in alcoholic liver disease. However, the role of PNPLA3 rs738409 SNP on liver fibrosis and steatosis, portal hypertension, and virological response in HIV/HCV coinfection remains unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The HIVCOBOC-RGT study (NCT01925183) was the first study to evaluate response-guided shortening of the duration of boceprevir (BOC)-based triple therapy in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis C virus genotype 1-coinfected patients (HIV/HCV-GT1).
Methods: After 4 weeks of pegylated interferon-α-2a/ribavirin (PEGIFN/RBV) lead-in, patients with target-not-detectable HCV-RNA at week 8 (rapid virologic response; LI4W-W8UTND) received 24 weeks of BOC/PEGIFN/RBV (total: 28 weeks [W28]). Patients with target-detectable HCV-RNA at week 8 received 44 weeks of BOC/PEGIFN/RBV (total: 48 weeks [W48]).
Background & Aims: Transient elastography (TE) can non-invasively diagnose cirrhosis and portal hypertension (PHT). New TE reliability criteria suggest classifying measurements as very reliable (IQR/M < 0.1), reliable (IQR<0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground & Aims: To perform a comprehensive study on independent modulators of liver fibrosis progression and determinants of portal pressure considering immune status, insulin resistance (IR), serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels, genetic variants of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) and interleukin 28B (IL28B) in a thoroughly documented cohort of HIV/hepatitis C-coinfected (HIV/HCV) patients.
Patients & Methods: 25(OH)D deficiency (25(OH)DDEF), IR and low CD4(+) T-lymphocyte nadir (lowCD4NAD) were defined as 25(OH)D <20 ng × ml(-1) , HOMA-IR >2 and CD4nadir <200 cells × μl(-1) respectively. Liver fibrosis progression rate (FPR) was calculated as METAVIR F units divided by the number of years since HCV infection.
The aim of this study was to assess the therapeutic potential of telaprevir (TPV)/boceprevir (BOC)-based triple-therapy in a complete cohort of HIV/chronic hepatitis C co-infected patients (HIV/HCV). Moreover, a case series of four HIV/HCV genotype (HCV-GT)1 patients with rapid virologic response (RVR), who received only 28 weeks of BOC-based triple-therapy (BOCW28), was reported. 290/440 HIV-positive patients with positive HCV serology had at least one visit during the past 2 years, 142/290 had target detectable HCV-RNA with 64% (82/142) carrying HCV-GT1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground & Aims: Development of the portal-hypertensive syndrome is mediated by splanchnic inflammation and neoangiogenesis. Since peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists like pioglitazone (PIO) regulate inflammatory response and inhibit angiogenesis in endothelial cells, we evaluated PIO as treatment for experimental portal hypertension.
Methods: PIO (10 mg/kg) or vehicle (VEH) was administered from day 21-28 after bile duct ligation (BDL), from day 0-7 after partial portal vein ligation (PPVL) or sham-operation (SO), respectively.
Unlabelled: The aim of this study was to prospectively assess health-related quality of life (HRQL) and severity of fatigue before, during and after antiviral therapy in HIV/HCV co-infected patients.
Design: 59 HIV/HCV co-infected patients receiving pegylated interferon plus ribavirin (PEGIFN+RBV) in the HIVCOPEG study were included in this substudy evaluating the secondary endpoints HRQL and severity of fatigue.
Methods: HRQL and severity of fatigue were assessed using SF36 and FSS, respectively.
Background & Aims: IL28B polymorphisms, jaundice, decline in HCV-RNA, IP-10, and gender have been proposed to be indicative of spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus infection. The aim of this study was to define a score enabling the discrimination of patients with spontaneous clearance of HCV from those with development of viral persistence and need for early antiviral treatment.
Methods: 136 patients (74 male; 35 ± 15 years) were analyzed.
Objective: According to the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines for response-guided therapy (RGT) of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in HIV-positive patients, HCV-genotype (GT) and rapid virologic response (RVR) exclusively determine the duration of antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin (PEGIFN+RBV). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of interleukin 28B rs12979860 single nucleotide polymorphism (IL28B) and liver fibrosis stage on RGT in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.
Design: Four hundred and thirty HIV/HCV-coinfected patients treated with PEGIFN+RBV were included in this multinational, retrospective analysis.
Background: We evaluated the effects of nebivolol, a third generation beta-blocker capable of increasing NO-bioavailability on portal pressure, and on splachnic and systemic haemodynamics in a cirrhotic portal hypertensive rat model.
Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent sham operation (SO) or bile duct ligation (BDL). When cirrhosis was fully developed, the animals were orally treated with low-dose (5 mg/kg) or high-dose (10 mg/kg) nebivolol (NEBI) or vehicle (VEH) for 7 days.
Background & Aims: We evaluated the gastrointestinal permeability and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension (PHT) prior to and after non-selective betablocker (NSBB) treatment.
Methods: Hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) was measured prior to and under NSBB treatment. Gastroduodenal and intestinal permeability was assessed by the sucrose-lactulose-mannitol (SLM) test.
Objective: Non-selective β-blockers or endoscopic band ligation (EBL) are recommended for primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in patients with oesophageal varices. Additional α-adrenergic blockade (as by carvedilol) may increase the number of patients with haemodynamic response (reduction in hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of ≥ 20% or to values <12 mm Hg).
Design: Patients with oesophageal varices undergoing measurement of HVPG before and under propranolol treatment (80-160 mg/day) were included.
Background: Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels are commonly found in HIV-hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfected patients and are associated with liver fibrosis. No association between 25(OH)D levels and response to pegylated interferon α-2a/2b plus ribavirin (PEGIFN + RBV) has yet been reported for HIV-HCV coinfected patients.
Design: Epidemiological characteristics, HIV and HCV infection parameters, liver biopsies, as well as data on virologic response was available in 65 patients who received chronic hepatitis C (CHC) therapy with PEGIFN + RBV within a prospective trial.
Background: Patients coinfected with HIV and HCV are at risk for developing portal hypertension (PHT), hyperdynamic circulation and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Data on the influence of antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon-α (PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin (RBV) are limited.
Methods: Haemodynamic parameters, including hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP(mean)), cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SysVR), were prospectively evaluated before and after PEG-IFN-α+RBV therapy in 80 HIV-HCV-coinfected patients.
HBsAg clearance is associated with clinical cure of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Quantification of HBsAg may help to predict HBsAg clearance during the natural course of HBV infection and during antiviral therapy. Most studies investigating quantitative HBsAg were performed in HBV mono-infected patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Transient elastography (TE) is a noninvasive tool to assess hepatic fibrosis by measuring liver stiffness (LS). Recent studies suggest that TE may be used to screen for liver cirrhosis and clinically significant portal hypertension (≥ 10 mmHg; CSPH), whereas data on the clinical applicability of TE are limited.
Methods: Among 695 patients undergoing measurement of LS, data on liver biopsies and on hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) were available in 290 and 502 patients, respectively.
Unlabelled: von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF-Ag) is elevated in patients with liver cirrhosis, but the clinical significance is unclear. We hypothesized that vWF-Ag levels may correlate with portal pressure, measured by hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), and predict clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH; HVPG ≥ 10 mmHg), decompensation and mortality. Portal hemodynamics were assessed by HVPG measurement, whereas vWF-Ag levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A polymorphism near the IL28B gene has been shown to be associated with virologic response to antiviral treatment in HCV-infected patients. The predictive value of interferon-gamma inducible protein 10 (IP10) on treatment outcome has been described in HCV patients. Data on combining these predictors in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients are not available.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: According to guidelines, treatment of HCV infection should be considered a priority in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients.
Methods: This multicentre study includes HIV-HCV-coinfected patients diagnosed since 2001 in 14 participating centres in Austria and Germany. Demographic and virological data were recorded.
Background & Aims: There are limited data on the efficacy and safety of antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis, particularly on the impact of portal hypertension.
Methods: We assessed hepatovenous pressure gradient (HVPG), liver stiffness (transient elastography), and interleukin (IL)-28B polymorphisms (rs12979860) in 90 cirrhotic patients with HCV infection (82% genotype 1 or 4) before antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Efficacy and safety were evaluated.
The combination of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) plus ribavirin (RBV) in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection has been reported to cause mitochondrial toxicity (MT). Sixty-four patients with HIV-HCV coinfection who were receiving antiviral therapy were evaluated for MT. Patients with concomitant HAART showed greater increases in lactate levels than did patients without HAART, and this difference was more pronounced in patients who received higher dosages of RBV.
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