Publications by authors named "Benjamin Tanner"

Pollinator diversity is declining due to habitat loss, low habitat quality, limited habitat connectivity and intensification of agriculture in remaining high-value habitats within human-dominated landscapes, such as calcareous grasslands. Options to increase the local area of protected habitats are often limited. Therefore, we asked how local habitat quality as well as agri-environmental schemes (AES) and configuration of the surrounding landscape can contribute to the preservation of pollinator diversity.

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Patients in the UK who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the pre-hospital environment. Current survival outcomes are low in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique which is offered to patients in specialised centres which provides better blood flow and oxygen delivery than conventional chest compressions.

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Fabrics, such as clothing, drapes, pillowcases, and bedsheets are potential sources of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. We found fabrics (ie, professional clothing, pillowcases, and lab coats) treated with a silver-impregnated material to be effective in significantly reducing a wide spectrum of ordinary and drug-resistant microorganisms, including Salmonella, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Trichphyton mentagrophytes, and norovirus. Fabrics impregnated with antimicrobial agents help provide an additional barrier to the transport or reservoir of pathogens in health care environments.

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The doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE) after contamination with pathogens such as Ebola poses a risk to health care workers. Pulsed xenon ultraviolet (PX-UV) disinfection has been used to disinfect surfaces in hospital settings. This study examined the impact of PX-UV disinfection on an Ebola surrogate virus on glass carriers and PPE material to examine the potential benefits of using PX-UV to decontaminate PPE while worn, thereby reducing the pathogen load prior to doffing.

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Objective: To evaluate whether the application of steam to a variety of surface types in a veterinary hospital would effectively reduce the number of bacteria.

Sample: 5 surface types.

Procedures: Steam was applied as a surface treatment for disinfection to 18 test sites of 5 surface types in a veterinary hospital.

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Background: Recent scientific literature suggests that portable steam vapor systems are capable of rapid, chemical-free surface disinfection in controlled laboratory studies. This study evaluated the efficacy of a portable steam vapor system in a hospital setting.

Methods: The study was carried out in 8 occupied rooms of a long-term care wing of a hospital.

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This study evaluated the use of pulsed-xenon ultraviolet (PX-UV) room disinfection by sampling frequently touched surfaces in vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) isolation rooms. The PX-UV system showed a statistically significant reduction in microbial load and eliminated VRE on sampled surfaces when using a 12-minute multiposition treatment cycle.

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Bariatric surgery is the only effective option for sustained weight loss for morbidly obese patients. The increasing prevalence of obesity in America and the application of a laparoscopic approach to bariatric surgery have combined to dramatically increase the number of patients undergoing these types of operations. The number of bariatric surgeons and centers devoted to surgery of the morbidly obese is also rising.

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Some speculate that bioaerosols from land application of biosolids pose occupational risks, but few studies have assessed aerosolization of microorganisms from biosolids or estimated occupational risks of infection. This study investigated levels of microorganisms in air immediately downwind of land application operations and estimated occupational risks from aerosolized microorganisms. In all, more than 300 air samples were collected downwind of biosolids application sites at various locations within the United States.

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Background: Surface-mediated infectious disease transmission is a major concern in various settings, including schools, hospitals, and food-processing facilities. Chemical disinfectants are frequently used to reduce contamination, but many pose significant risks to humans, surfaces, and the environment, and all must be properly applied in strict accordance with label instructions to be effective. This study set out to determine the capability of a novel chemical-free, saturated steam vapor disinfection system to kill microorganisms, reduce surface-mediated infection risks, and serve as an alternative to chemical disinfectants.

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This study investigated bioaerosol emission rates and plume characteristics of bioaerosols generated during land application of liquid Class B biosolids. In addition, it compared the rate of aerosolization of coliphages and total coliform bacteria during land application of liquid Class B biosolids to the rate of aerosolization during land application of groundwater inoculated with similar concentrations of Escherichia coli and coliphage MS2. Air samples were taken immediately downwind of a spray applicator as it applied liquid (approximately 8% solids) biosolids to farmland near Tucson, Arizona.

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