Publications by authors named "Ben-Dor D"

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is increasing worldwide. Youngsters with ASD demonstrate higher rates of intellectual disabilities (IDs), comorbid psychopathology and psychiatric hospitalizations, compared to children in the general population. This study characterizes the demographics and clinical parameters of adolescent psychiatric inpatients with ASD compared to inpatients without ASD, all hospitalized during the study period.

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Inflammatory processes are associated with mood disorders, but data on pediatric patients are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible association between elevated neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) - a marker of inflammation and mood polarity (manic/depressed) in adolescents, admitted between 2010 and 2015 due to a mood disorder episode and to an adolescent inpatient ward. Electronic medical records of 305 patients (aged 10-19 years, 60.

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Objective: Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is a major health concern among adolescents, and is often associated with the need for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. The aim of this study was to identify clinical and demographic characteristics associated with DSH behavior among adolescents admitted to an acute psychiatric inpatient unit.

Method: We retrospectively analyzed data from the electronic medical records of consecutive admittances to a single acute adolescent inpatient unit ( = 703, mean age 15.

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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin is the most common type of malignant human tumor. In Europe, the incidence of BCC ranges from 44.6 to 128 cases per 100,000 inhabitants annually, whereas in the United States, the yearly incidence rate ranges between 500 and 1500.

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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin is the most common type of malignant human tumor. However, metastatic BCC is a very rare event with weakly effective therapeutic options and a poor prognosis, until a few years ago. In 2012, small-molecule therapies, capable of inactivating the hedgehog signaling pathway and thus reducing tumor growth and progression, were introduced into clinical practice for the treatment of patients with advanced BCC.

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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a peculiar tumor of viral etiology, with the HHV8 rhadinovirus playing a fundamental role in its development. Several epidemiological categories of KS have been identified, of which the sporadic, endemic, iatrogenic, and the epidemic are the main ones. Several histologic disease morphologies have been described, such as inflammatory, angiomatous, spindle cell, mixed, and the anaplastic (sarcomatous) subtypes.

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This retrospective, chart review, cohort study compared demographic and clinical characteristics of cannabis -users and non-drug users at first admission due to psychotic symptoms at Geha Mental Health Center, Israel, between August 2002 and December 2013. We assessed the role of current cannabis use as a risk for re-hospitalization during this period as well as the stability of psychotic diagnoses at re-hospitalization. A total of 318 patients were included in the study, of which 106 (33.

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Less than 250 extraneuraxial hemangioblastomas occurring in paraneuraxial or peripheral sites have been reported to date, sporadically or in the setting of von Hippel-Lindau disease. Seventeen such cases underwent molecular genetic analysis, using either the patient's peripheral blood in 9 cases or paraffin embedded tumor tissue in the rest. VHL gene mutations were documented in 3/9 cases in which DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes was used, all with clinically manifest von Hippel-Lindau disease; instead, no VHL gene alterations were found in all of the 8 cases with sporadic extraneuraxial hemangioblastoma in which DNA from tumor tissue was analyzed.

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Accumulating data suggest an association between inflammation and schizophrenia and related psychosis. While several studies have established this immune-psychosis association in adult schizophrenia patients, there is very limited data associating inflammation with acute psychosis in children and adolescents. The ratio between neutrophils and lymphocyte, computed from routine blood counts, has been shown to correlate with traditional markers of inflammation, and is therefore considered a proxy-marker for inflammation.

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Extraneuraxial hemangioblastoma occurs in nervous paraneuraxial structures, somatic tissues, and visceral organs, as part of von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHLD) or in sporadic cases. The VHL gene plausibly plays a key role in the initiation and tumorigenesis of both central nervous system and extraneuraxial hemangioblastoma, therefore, the underlying molecular and genetic mechanisms of the tumor growth are initially reviewed. The clinical criteria for the diagnosis of VHLD are summarized, with emphasis on the distinction of sporadic hemangioblastoma from the form fruste of VHLD (eg, hemangioblastoma-only VHLD).

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We have studied 22 cases of mammary lipophyllodes tumors (LPT), analyzing their clinicopathologic features along with available follow-up. All cases were tested for cytokeratins, S100 protein, and MDM2, and in selected cases for estrogen receptor, smooth muscle actin, bcl2, desmin, and myogenin. Patients were women aged 21 to 69 years (average, 45 years), and LPT size ranged from 1.

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We present the clinicopathologic features of 3 cases of leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (LPD). The patients were 33, 34, and 41 years old at the time of diagnoses. The 3 women had undergone laparoscopic removal of multiple uterine leiomyomas between 1 and 6 years before the diagnoses of LPD.

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We previously described the development of nonproteinuric diabetic nephropathy (NPDN) in the Cohen diabetic rat (CDs), a model that simulates Type 2 diabetes in humans. Using linkage analysis in an F2 cross, we currently set out to investigate the mechanisms underlying NPDN. We crossbred between CDs and SBN/y, a nondiabetic rat strain, generated F1 and F2 progenies, fed them diabetogenic diet that elicits diabetes and NPDN in CDs but not in SBN/y, and determined metabolic and renal phenotypes.

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Purposes: We retrospectively assessed our experience with the W-shaped orthotopic ileal pouch, which was constructed with non-absorbable titanium staples. For these purpose, we discuss the results of bladder capacity, urinary continence and early and long-term postoperative complications.

Materials And Methods: We included in the study 17 patients who underwent radical cystoprostatectomy followed by construction of an orthotopic W-shaped ileal pouch between October 2000 and November 2009.

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We present a case and review of the literature of well-differentiated sigmoid adenocarcinoma with numerous metastases into pericolic lymph nodes. All positive lymph nodes were small. The authors concluded that there is no clear correlation between nodal size and the likelihood of metastasis in the lymph node, and the status of small lymph nodes must receive special attention by clinicians and pathologists.

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This study reports on a case of an adult patient with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate and comprehensively reviews the world literature on this subject. The patient was a 49-year-old man with advanced stage disease, who initially underwent transurethral tumor resection and after diagnosis was given courses of chemotherapy prior to undergoing radical cystoprostatevesiculectomy. The tumor underwent histological examination supplemented by immunohistochemical analysis.

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We examined the trends in prescribing psychotropic drugs to children and adolescents within an inpatients adolescent psychiatric ward in Israel. Data of 414 subjects, ranging from 12- to 22-year-old, covering the years 1997, 2002 and 2007, was examined retrospectively. Analyzed variables included the number and type of drug prescriptions per patient at discharge, the subjects' age at discharge and the number of diagnoses per patient at discharge.

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Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a systemic, progressive, and fatal condition affecting almost exclusively women in their reproductive years. LAM most often occurs as a sporadic disease, but also occurs in women with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) (syndromic LAM). There are no pathologic differences between sporadic and syndromic LAM.

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We present a case with sudden onset of throat pain, dysphagia and hoarseness. On endoscopic examination, supraglottic swelling and a brown covering of the mucous membranes were seen. The diagnosis of haemochromatosis was made on laryngeal biopsy.

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