Phys Rev Lett
December 2022
The breakthrough provided by plasma-based accelerators enabled unprecedented accelerating fields by boosting electron beams to gigaelectronvolt energies within a few centimeters [1-4]. This, in turn, allows the realization of ultracompact light sources based on free-electron lasers (FELs) [5], as demonstrated by two pioneering experiments that reported the observation of self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) driven by plasma-accelerated beams [6,7]. However, the lack of stability and reproducibility due to the intrinsic nature of the SASE process (whose amplification starts from the shot noise of the electron beam) may hinder their effective implementation for user purposes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe development of compact accelerator facilities providing high-brightness beams is one of the most challenging tasks in the field of next-generation compact and cost affordable particle accelerators, to be used in many fields for industrial, medical, and research applications. The ability to shape the beam longitudinal phase space, in particular, plays a key role in achieving high-peak brightness. Here we present a new approach that allows us to tune the longitudinal phase space of a high-brightness beam by means of plasma wakefields.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlasma-based technology promises a tremendous reduction in size of accelerators used for research, medical, and industrial applications, making it possible to develop tabletop machines accessible for a broader scientific community. By overcoming current limits of conventional accelerators and pushing particles to larger and larger energies, the availability of strong and tunable focusing optics is mandatory also because plasma-accelerated beams usually have large angular divergences. In this regard, active-plasma lenses represent a compact and affordable tool to generate radially symmetric magnetic fields several orders of magnitude larger than conventional quadrupoles and solenoids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectrons with a linear energy/momentum dispersion are called massless Dirac electrons and represent the low-energy excitations in exotic materials such as graphene and topological insulators. Dirac electrons are characterized by notable properties such as a high mobility, a tunable density and, in topological insulators, a protection against backscattering through the spin-momentum locking mechanism. All those properties make graphene and topological insulators appealing for plasmonics applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the experimental evidence of the generation of coherent and statistically stable two-color free-electron laser radiation obtained by seeding an electron beam double peaked in energy with a laser pulse single spiked in frequency. The radiation presents two neat spectral lines, with time delay, frequency separation, and relative intensity that can be accurately controlled. The analysis of the emitted radiation shows a temporal coherence and a shot-to-shot regularity in frequency significantly enhanced with respect to the self-amplified spontaneous emission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe two-dimensional single shot transverse coherence of the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission of the SPARC_LAB Free-Electron Laser was measured through the statistical analysis of a speckle field produced by heterodyning the radiation beam with a huge number of reference waves, scattered by a suspension of particles. In this paper we report the measurements and the evaluation of the transverse coherence along the SPARC_LAB undulator modules. The measure method was demonstrated to be precise and robust, it does not require any a priori assumptions and can be implemented over a wide range of wavelengths, from the optical radiation to the x-rays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the experimental demonstration of a new scheme for the generation of ultrashort pulse trains based on free-electron-laser (FEL) emission from a multipeaked electron energy distribution. Two electron beamlets with energy difference larger than the FEL parameter ρ have been generated by illuminating the cathode with two ps-spaced laser pulses, followed by a rotation of the longitudinal phase space by velocity bunching in the linac. The resulting self-amplified spontaneous emission FEL radiation, measured through frequency-resolved optical gating diagnostics, reveals a double-peaked spectrum and a temporally modulated pulse structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Sci Instrum
February 2013
The linac driven coherent THz radiation source at the SPARC-LAB test facility is able to deliver broadband THz pulses with femtosecond shaping. In addition, high peak power, narrow spectral bandwidth THz radiation can be also generated, taking advantage of advanced electron beam manipulation techniques, able to generate an adjustable train of electron bunches with a sub-picosecond length and with sub-picosecond spacing. The paper reports on the manipulation, characterization, and transport of the electron beam in the bending line transporting the beam down to the THz station, where different coherent transition radiation spectra have been measured and studied with the aim to optimize the THz radiation performances.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report measurements demonstrating the concept of the free-electron laser (FEL) superradiant cascade. Radiation (λ(rad) = 200 nm) at the second harmonic of a short, intense seed laser pulse (λ(seed) = 400 nm) was generated by the cascaded FEL scheme at the transition between the modulator and radiator undulator sections. The superradiance of the ultrashort pulse is confirmed by detailed measurements of the resulting spectral structure, the intensity level of the produced harmonics, and the trend of the energy growth along the undulator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHigher order harmonic generation in a free-electron laser amplifier operating in the superradiant regime [R. H. Dicke, Phys.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe injection of a seed in a free-electron laser (FEL) amplifier reduces the saturation length and improves the longitudinal coherence. A cascaded FEL, operating in the high-gain harmonic-generation regime, allows us to extend the beneficial effects of the seed to shorter wavelengths. We report on the first operation of a high-gain harmonic-generation free-electron laser, seeded with harmonics generated in gas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the first experimental implementation of a method based on simultaneous use of an energy chirp in the electron beam and a tapered undulator, for the generation of ultrashort pulses in a self-amplified spontaneous emission mode free-electron laser (SASE FEL). The experiment, performed at the SPARC FEL test facility, demonstrates the possibility of compensating the nominally detrimental effect of the chirp by a proper taper of the undulator gaps. An increase of more than 1 order of magnitude in the pulse energy is observed in comparison to the untapered case, accompanied by FEL spectra where the typical SASE spiking is suppressed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
February 2010
In this Letter we report the first experiments aimed at the simultaneous demonstration of the emittance compensation process and velocity bunching in a high brightness electron source, the SPARC photoinjector in INFN-LNF. While a maximum compression ratio up to a factor 14 has been observed, in a particular case of interest a compression factor of 3, yielding a slice current of 120 A with less than 2 microm slice emittance, has been measured. This technique may be crucial in achieving high brightness beams in photoinjectors aiming at optimized performance of short wavelength single-pass free electron lasers or other advanced applications in laser-plasma accelerators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this Letter we report the first experimental observation of the double emittance minimum effect in the beam dynamics of high-brightness electron beam generation by photoinjectors; this effect, as predicted by the theory, is crucial in achieving minimum emittance in photoinjectors aiming at producing electron beams for short wavelength single-pass free electron lasers. The experiment described in this Letter was performed at the SPARC photoinjector site, during the first stage of commissioning of the SPARC project. The experiment was made possible by a newly conceived device, called an emittance meter, which allows a detailed and unprecedented study of the emittance compensation process as the beam propagates along the beam pipe.
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