Publications by authors named "Bell Y"

Objective: This quality improvement project was a collaborative effort with Penn Medicine's emergency department (ED) and oncology nurse navigators (ONNs). The goal of the project was to streamline patient transitions from the ED to the outpatient oncology clinic by developing a standardized referral process. The main objectives were to simplify and automate the referral process using the electronic medical record, improve multidisciplinary communication across the care continuum, ensure timely follow-up, and address barriers to oncology care.

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Introduction: Patient-related factors determining implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) use for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with cardiomyopathy have not been well explored. To assess race and sex differences regarding ICD preferences in this patient population, we sought to analyze a diverse cohort of patients with heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction.

Methods: We conducted qualitative interviews of 28 adults with severe HF and either (1) an ICD or (2) no ICD.

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To assess the prevalence of clinical signs and pain symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and associated factors in the Finnish adult population, as well as the association between self-reported TMD pain symptoms and clinical signs. The sample consisted of 1577 Finnish adults who participated in the Health 2011 Survey (BRIF8901). Signs of TMD were assessed using clinical examination, and TMD pain symptoms were inquired using validated questions.

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Background: Clinical care for Huntington's disease (HD) is often provided in experienced centers that provide multidisciplinary care. However, the value of these centers and their uptake by HD families remain unknown.

Objective: To describe the services provided by a new HD center, including estimates of capture of the population served.

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Aims: To investigate whether an international consensus exists among TMD experts regarding indications, performance, follow-up, and effectiveness of jaw exercises.

Methods: A questionnaire with 31 statements regarding jaw exercises was constructed. Fourteen international experts with some geographic dispersion were asked to participate in this Delphi study, and all accepted.

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Objective: To study the outcome of oral appliance treatment in myofascial Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients with and without comorbid pain using pain site drawings.

Material And Methods: This randomized, controlled multicentre study comprised 65 myofascial TMD patients diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. Pain-site drawings were filled in at the baseline examination.

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Recently, updated diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) were published to assess TMD in a standardised way in clinical and research settings. The DC/TMD protocol has been translated into Finnish using specific cultural equivalency procedures. To assess the interexaminer reliability using the Finnish translations of the DC/TMD-FIN Axis I clinical diagnostic assessment instruments.

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Aims: To assess drawings of pain sites and self-reported comorbid pains as a part of the biopsychosocial profiling of tertiary care referral patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain.

Methods: A total of 135 consecutive patients referred to tertiary care for TMD pain participated. Patients drew all the sites where they had pain on whole-body pain drawings.

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Aims: To use the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis II and additional pain-related and psychosocial variables to identify subtypes of TMD patients in a primary health care setting based on pain-related disability.

Methods: Consecutive TMD pain patients (n = 399) seeking treatment in a primary care setting completed a multidimensional pain questionnaire. Subtyping was based on the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS), and the patients were divided into a no-disability group (0 disability points), lowdisability group (1-2 disability points), and high-disability group (3-6 disability points).

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Background: Members of the public are increasingly engaged in health-service and biomedical research and provide input into the content of research, design and data sharing. As there is variation among different communities on how research is perceived, to engage all sectors of the general public research institutions need to customize their approach.

Objective: This paper explores how research institutions and community leaders can partner to determine the best ways to engage different sectors of the public in research.

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Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of a prefabricated appliance and compare it to the effectiveness of a stabilization appliance in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.

Methods: This randomized, controlled multicenter study comprised 48 patients diagnosed with TMJ arthralgia according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. The effectiveness of a prefabricated appliance (Relax), worn by half of the patients (referred to as the R group), was compared to the effectiveness of a stabilization appliance, worn by the other half of patients (S group).

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Aims: To assess Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis II variables in an initial psychosocial screening and as a part of biopsychosocial subtyping of Finnish referral patients with TMD pain for adjunct multidisciplinary assessment.

Methods: Consecutive Finnish referral patients with TMD pain (n = 135) participated in this questionnaire-based survey. Psychosocial screening was based on Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS) and culturally adjusted Symptom Checklist 90-revised (SCL-90R) depression scale scores and subtyping on GCPS pain-related interference in accordance with previous treatment tailoring studies.

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Community health workers (CHWs) are increasingly incorporated into research teams. Training them in research methodology and ethics, while relating these themes to a community's characteristics, may help to better integrate these health promotion personnel into research teams. An interactive training course on research fundamentals for CHWs was designed and implemented jointly by a community agency serving a primarily Latino, rural population and an academic health center.

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The long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated oral appliance (R) was compared with a stabilisation appliance (S) in patients with myofascial pain. Sixty-five patients diagnosed with myofascial pain at two centres for Stomatognathic Physiology in Sweden and Finland were included in a randomised controlled trial using Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, with history questionnaires and clinical examinations performed by blinded examiners at baseline and at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Patients were randomly assigned either to the R or the S group.

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Objective: To compare the short- and long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated occlusal appliance with that of a stabilization appliance when treating headache in patients with myofascial pain.

Material And Methods: Sixty-six patients, 94% of whom suffered concomitantly from headache, at two centres for Stomatognathic Physiology in Sweden and Finland were included in a randomized controlled trial. History questionnaires and clinical examination according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders were used at baseline and at 10-week and 6- and 12-month follow-ups.

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In many studies, the endocrinological response of individuals to different kinds of stresses has been tested. There seems to be widespread agreement that stress, depression, disability and dysfunctional illness behaviors are critical aspects of patients suffering from symptoms like pain, arising out of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). We aimed to explore treatment-induced changes in salivary cortisol, IgA and flow rate values in TMD patients suffering from myofascial pain.

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Aims: To compare the short-term effectiveness of a stabilization appliance with a prefabricated occlusal appliance in myofascial pain patients in a randomized controlled trial.

Methods: Sixty-five patients at 2 centers were assigned to a stabilization appliance group (S group, n = 33) or a prefabricated appliance (Relax) group (R group, n = 32). The patients had been suffering from temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain for 3 months to 40 years.

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The aim of the present study was to study changes in signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and factors predicting TMD signs in adolescents with and without headache. A population-based sample (n = 212) of 13-year-olds with and without headache was re-examined at the age of 16. The study included a questionnaire, face-to-face interview and somatic examination.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of urinary tract infection in neonates, with serious bacterial infections, admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies.

Methods: Admission records of all neonates admitted to the neonatal unit of the University Hospital of the West Indies between January 1995 and December 2000 for sepsis evaluation were reviewed. Infants who had positive bacterial cultures were identified using laboratory records.

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Objective: Earlier studies have provided evidence of genetic inheritance of headache, especially migraine, but no familial occurrence has been found regarding temporomandibular disorders (TMD). In adults, headache and TMD have been found to be associated with each other, but studies on children are few. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that there is no association between signs of TMD in 13-year-old headache children and their mothers.

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The ACR has set a standard for the communication of critical findings on imaging examinations. Despite this standard, for a variety of reasons, it remains possible that appropriate follow-up is not initiated. The authors review the theory and application of root-cause analysis to such a failure of communication within their institution, including the development and implementation of a semiautomated notification system for critical unexpected findings on imaging examinations.

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A retrospective review was conducted on the charts of all very low birthweight (VLBW) infants with culture proven sepsis admitted to the neonatal unit of the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) during the period January 1, 1995 to December 31, 2000. During the study period, 22 VLBW infants were admitted to the neonatal unit with culture proven sepsis, 16 (73%) survived and 6 (27%) died As birthweight and gestational age increased, outcome improved There was no difference in survival based on age at presentation. Neonates with early onset disease had a significantly longer mean duration of rupture of membranes than those with late onset disease (p = 0.

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Objective: It has often been suggested that psychological factors play a role in temporomandibular disorders (TMD). However, reports on psychological factors in TMD patients and controls have been equivocal. In a previous double-blind randomized controlled study, subjects with a TMD history showed more clinical signs and subjective symptoms and adapted less well to the artificial interferences than subjects without an earlier TMD history.

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