Publications by authors named "Belanger P"

This comprehensive review investigates the pivotal role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cataract formation and evaluates the potential of antioxidant therapies in mitigating this ocular condition. By elucidating the mechanisms of oxidative stress, the article examines how ROS contribute to the deterioration of lens proteins and lipids, leading to the characteristic aggregation, cross-linking, and light scattering observed in cataracts. The review provides a thorough assessment of various antioxidant strategies aimed at preventing and managing cataracts, such as dietary antioxidants (i.

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Over the past few decades, early osteoporosis detection using ultrasonic bone quality evaluation has gained prominence. Specifically, various studies focused on axial transmission using ultrasonic guided waves and have highlighted this technique's sensitivity to intrinsic properties of long cortical bones. This work aims to demonstrate the potential of low-frequency ultrasonic guided waves to infer the properties of the bone inside which they are propagating.

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  • The article reviews the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), highlighting how oxidative stress affects the retina, particularly the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane.
  • It discusses the dual functions of ROS in eye health, where they can be crucial for signaling but also harmful when they accumulate excessively.
  • The review evaluates various antioxidant strategies for AMD prevention, including dietary supplements and innovative treatments like gene therapy and nanotechnology, while calling for ongoing research to tailor these interventions to individual patients.
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Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) requires highly trained and qualified personnel to interpret and analyze images. It takes a solid understanding of wave propagation physics to comprehend the generated images. As such, the inspector's judgment and level of experience have a significant impact on the analysis's outcome.

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We present a case of a patient known for dextrotransposition of the great arteries corrected with a Mustard procedure, in whom severe mitral valve regurgitation secondary to transvenous lead extraction was successfully repaired with transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using the TriClip device (Abbott Vascular).

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Surface cracks are common in various industries. Eddy current testing (ECT) is commonly used for crack sizing but necessitates complex calibration standards and a highly trained inspector. Moreover, for large-area inspections, it requires additional scanning arrangements.

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The landscape of ophthalmology is undergoing significant transformations, driven by technological advancements and innovations in materials science. One of the advancements in this evolution is the application of nanoporous materials, endowed with unique physicochemical properties ideal for a variety of ophthalmological applications. Characterized by their high surface area, tunable porosity, and functional versatility, these materials have the potential to improve drug delivery systems and ocular devices.

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The commercialization in 2016 of genetically engineered seeds tolerant to dicamba and/or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) has caused a rapid increase in the use of these herbicides. New questions about the reproductive and chronic health effects of long-term exposure to these herbicides have been raised. To assess exposure to dicamba and other pesticides of interest in the Heartland Study, a birth cohort study based in the United States, a new analytical method was needed.

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Ultrasonic Rayleigh waves have been employed for in-service NDT inspection in a wide range of industries for years. The excitation of Rayleigh waves can be achieved using a variety of methods, with the so-called wedge technique being the most widely used. Recent years have seen considerable research interest in surface crack detection and sizing using Rayleigh waves excited and detected with the wedge technique.

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The Full Matrix Capture (FMC) and Total Focusing Method (TFM) combination is often considered the gold standard in ultrasonic nondestructive testing, however it may be impractical due to the amount of time required to gather and process the FMC, particularly for high cadence inspections. This study proposes replacing conventional FMC acquisition and TFM processing with a single zero-degree plane wave (PW) insonification and a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) trained to produce TFM-like images. Three models with different cGAN architectures and loss formulations were tested in different scenarios.

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The inspection of structures operating at high temperatures is a major challenge in a variety of industries, including the energy and petrochemical industries. Operators are typically performing nondestructive evaluations using ultrasound to monitor component thicknesses during scheduled shutdowns, thereby ensuring safe operation of their plants. However, despite being costly, this calendar-based approach may lead to undetected corrosion, which can potentially result in catastrophic failures.

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Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) based on full matrix capture (FMC) has recently been gaining popularity in the scientific and nondestructive testing communities. FMC is a versatile acquisition method that collects all the transmitter-receiver combinations from a given array. Furthermore, when postprocessing FMC data using the total focusing method (TFM), high-resolution images are achieved for defect characterization.

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In implementation process evaluation, the analysis of the temporal structure of processes is key for understanding the successive interactions between the flow of practitioners' actions and evolving workplace reactions and context. However, capturing the temporal structure of processes in data analysis is a methodological challenge, and available literature to overcome this challenge is scarce, especially for workplace ergonomic interventions. The aim of this paper was to perform an implementation process evaluation of an ergonomic train the trainer program taking into account the temporal structure of processes.

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Exposure assessment of inorganic arsenic is challenging due to the existence of multiple species, complexity of arsenic metabolism, and variety of exposure sources. Exposure assessment of arsenic during pregnancy is further complicated by the physiological changes that occur to support fetal growth. Given the well-established toxicity of inorganic arsenic at high concentrations, continued research into the potential health effects of low-level exposure on maternal and fetal health is necessary.

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Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is known for its high Curie temperature, making it an attractive candidate for high-temperature piezoelectric applications (>200 °C); however, the literature suffers from a paucity of reliable material properties data at high temperatures. This paper therefore provides a complete set of elastic and piezoelectric coefficients, as well as complex dielectric constants and the electrical conductivity, for congruent monocrystalline LiNbO3 from 25 °C to 900 °C at atmospheric pressure. An inverse approach using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) resonance method was used to determine the materials’ coefficients and constants.

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Adhesively bonded structures are widely used to facilitate the manufacturing process and enhance the performance of critical components in the aerospace, automotive, and energy industries. The assessment of the bond layer using the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves has been extensively investigated in the literature using several different approaches. In this study, a finite element (FE) model was used to simulate the dispersion curves of the modes propagating in an aluminum/adhesive/aluminum bonded structure.

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Aims And Objective: The syntheses of glucuronide metabolites of phenolic xenoestrogens triclosan and 2-phenylphenol, namely triclosan-O-glucuronide (TCS-G; 1), and 2-phenylphenol-Oglucuronide (OPP-G; 2), were achieved for use as analytical standards.

Methods: Under classical conditions previously reported for glucuronide synthesis, the final basic hydrolysis of the peracylated ester intermediate leading to the free glucuronides is often a limiting step. Indeed, the presence of contaminating by-products resulting from ester elimination has often been observed during this step.

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In the field of ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT), the total focusing method (TFM) and its derivatives are now commercially available on portable devices and are getting more popular within the NDT community. However, its implementation requires the collection of a very large amount of data with the full matrix capture (FMC) as the worst case scenario. Analyzing all the data also requires significant processing power, and consequently, there is an interest in: 1) reducing the required storage capacity used by imaging algorithms, such as delay-and-sum (DAS) imaging and 2) allowing the transmission and postprocessing of inspection data remotely.

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The reliability of the ultrasonic phased array total focusing method (TFM) imaging of parts with curved geometries depends on many factors, one being the probe standoff. Strong artifacts and resolution loss are introduced by some surface profile and standoff combinations, making it impossible to identify defects. This paper, therefore, introduces a probe standoff optimization method (PSOM) to mitigate such effects.

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Background: Bisphenol A (BPA) is typically measured in urine using an indirect method that involves enzymatic deconjugation and extraction. In contrast, the direct method measures free and conjugated BPA concurrently and sums them to estimate urinary BPA concentrations. Statistical comparison of total BPA results using the direct and indirect methods is necessary to accurately interpret biomonitoring data for risk assessments.

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Although endosseous implants are widely used in the clinic, failures still occur and their clinical performance depends on the quality of osseointegration phenomena at the bone-implant interface (BII), which are given by bone ingrowth around the BII. The difficulties in ensuring clinical reliability come from the complex nature of this interphase related to the implant surface roughness and the presence of a soft tissue layer (non-mineralized bone tissue) at the BII. The aim of the present study is to develop a method to assess the soft tissue thickness at the BII based on the analysis of its ultrasonic response using a simulation based-convolution neural network (CNN).

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Machine learning algorithms are widely used in image recognition. In Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), images are typically formed through constructive and destructive superpositions of signals backscattered from flaws or geometric features. However, all PAUT data acquisition schemes require several emissions and the duration of the acquisition may be too slow in high-speed manufacturing.

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The preoccupation concerning glyphosate (GLYP) has rapidly grown over recent years, and the availability of genetically modified crops that are resistant to GLYP or glufosinate (GLUF) has increased the use of these herbicides. The debate surrounding the carcinogenicity of GLYP has raised interest and the desire to gain information on the level of exposure of the population. GLYP and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) are commonly simultaneously analysed.

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Background: Smoking cessation programs started as late as 4 weeks before surgery reduce perioperative morbidity and death, yet outpatient clinic interventions are rarely provided. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a tobacco treatment protocol designed for an outpatient surgical setting.

Methods: We completed a pre-post feasibility study of the implementation of a systematic, evidence-based tobacco treatment protocol in an outpatient colorectal surgery clinic.

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Article Synopsis
  • Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is a reliable method for non-destructive testing of welds, using single-element probes to inspect defects.
  • Ultrasonic phased array imaging, utilizing advanced algorithms like the total focusing method (TFM), enhances defect visualization and sensitivity without requiring calibration.
  • A study comparing this new phase-based TFM approach to TOFD shows similar defect characterization but offers better image clarity, making it beneficial for automated ultrasonic testing.
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