Publications by authors named "Bejar L"

: The Mediterranean diet (MD) is one of the most studied dietary patterns to date and is associated with multiple benefits for health and sustainability. However, paradoxically, adherence to the MD (AMD) has been gradually decreasing in native regions. It is necessary to identify the factors that influence AMD to reverse this trend and to mitigate the negative outcomes (for health and the environment) associated with westernized diets.

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Background: The World Health Organization has called for addressing the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) by promoting healthy lifestyles among the population. Regarding patient health, primary care professionals (PCPs) are the first line of care who can positively influence patients' behavior and lifestyle habits. However, a significant percentage of PCPs do not lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Ensuring equity in cancer screening is recommended by the European Commission. Despite the fact that breast cancer screening is a free population-based program in Spain, there remains considerable variation in the adherence to screening rate among population groups. This study was designed to describe the adherence of breast cancer screening in women in Spain, to evaluate the evolution in the period from 2017 to 2020, and to determine the variables that influence choosing to undergo breast cancer screening.

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There is an urgent need to implement intervention programs to promote adherence to the Mediterranean diet (AMD) in university students to prevent non-communicable diseases. A powerful tool for this is smartphone apps. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine the subgroups that are most likely to benefit from these technologies.

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Mediterranean diet (MD) is potentially one of the best diets regarding health benefits and sustainability. However, it is faced with serious difficulties staying alive, even in traditionally Mediterranean regions. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of an application (e-12HR) to improve adherence to the MD (AMD) in university students.

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Daily routines may influence eating patterns; however, differences in intake on weekdays and at weekends have rarely been explored. Furthermore, these differences have not been analyzed among university students (a particularly interesting group among the younger generations). The aim of the study was to evaluate weekend−weekday variation in the Mediterranean diet among Spanish university students, while investigating the potential influence of age, gender, studies, body mass index, smoking status and physical activity status.

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Background: Accurate dietary assessment is key to understanding nutrition-related outcomes and for estimating the dietary change in nutrition-based interventions. When researching the habitual consumption of selected food groups, it is essential to be aware of factors that could possibly affect reporting accuracy.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relative validity of the current-day dietary recall, a method based on a smartphone app called electronic 12-hour dietary recall (e-12HR), to categorize individuals according to habitual intake, in the whole sample of adults and in different strata thereof.

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Background: One of the greatest challenges in nutritional epidemiology is improving upon traditional self-reporting methods for the assessment of habitual dietary intake.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative validity of a new method known as the current-day dietary recall (or current-day recall), based on a smartphone app called 12-hour dietary recall, for determining the habitual intake of a series of key food and drink groups using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and four dietary records as reference methods.

Methods: University students over the age of 18 years recorded their consumption of certain groups of food and drink using 12-hour dietary recall for 28 consecutive days.

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Introduction: Dietary assessment methods are an important instrument for nutrition research. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) have been the most frequently used dietary assessment tool in epidemiological and intervention studies. There is a great necessity for new methods of determination of habitual dietary intake that overcome the limitations of these traditional methods.

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Objective: A new method known as 'current-day dietary recall' (current-day recall) is based on an application for mobile phones called 'electronic 12 h dietary recall' (e-12HR). This new method was designed to rank participants into categories of habitual intake regarding a series of key food groups. The present study compared current-day recall against a previously validated short paper FFQ.

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Background: There is a great necessity for new methods of evaluation of dietary intake that overcome the limitations of traditional self-reporting methods.

Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a new method, based on an app for mobile phones called e-EPIDEMIOLOGY, which was designed to collect individual consumption data for a series of foods/drinks, and to compare this app with a previously validated paper food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).

Methods: University students >18 years of age recorded the consumption of certain foods/drinks using e-EPIDEMIOLOGY during 28 consecutive days and then filled out a paper FFQ at the end of the study period.

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The unprecedented increase in human life expectancy have produced profound changes in the prevailing patterns of disease, like the observed increased in degenerative disc diseases, which cause degradation of the bones. Ti-Nb-Ta alloys are promising materials to replace the damaged bone due to their excellent mechanical and corrosion resistance properties. In general metallic foams are widely used for medical application due to their lower elastic moduli compare to bulk materials.

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Introduction And Objectives: To investigate the relationship between the prevalence of cocaine use disorders and acute myocardial infarction in patients aged ≥ 18 years and to estimate the influence of cocaine use disorders on mortality, excess length of stay, and overexpenditure among hospitalized patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Methods: Retrospective study of the minimum basic data set of 87 Spanish hospitals from 2008 to 2010.

Results: Among 5 575 325 admissions reviewed, there were 24 126 patients with cocaine use disorders and 79 076 cases of acute myocardial infarction.

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Background And Objectives: alcohol use disorders are associated with a greater incidence of certain comorbidities in patients with celiac disease. Currently there is no available information about the impact that these disorders may have on length of hospital stays, overexpenditures during hospital stays, and excess mortality in these patients.

Methods: a case-control study was conducted with a selection of patients 18 years and older hospitalized during 2008-2010 in 87 hospitals in Spain.

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Introduction: the incidence of colorectal cancer is one of the highest on a global level. Many epidemiological studies have identified risk and protective factors, many of which have a behavioral component and, therefore, are potentially avoidable or subject to modification. This study investigated the incidence rates of colorectal cancer by gender in twenty different countries, taking into account the dietary habits of the habitants of each country.

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Objective: This study aimed to analyze the incidence of colorectal cancer in 15 European countries in recent decades and the relationship between the incidence found and changes in dietary habits.

Methods: Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated by comparing incidence rates obtained from the International Agency for Research on Cancer for 1971-2002 with data on per capita consumption obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations using 10-year delay intervals.

Results: Incidence rates increased in all countries except France in men and except Austria, Denmark, England and France in women.

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Introduction And Objectives: Treatment of acute myocardial infarction has changed notably in recent years. The objective of this study was to analyze trends in in-hospital mortality during the period 2003-2009 and to examine how changes in comorbidity indices affected mortality prediction models for acute myocardial infarction using the minimum basic data set.

Methods: During the study period, 5275 cases of acute myocardial infarction were admitted.

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Objectives: To describe hospital admissions data in the Bay of Algeciras from 2001 to 2005 compared with the rest of Andalusia and Spain and to analyze the relationship between these data and the most frequent diagnoses leading to excessive premature mortality in this area.

Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of the residents of the municipalities of the Bay of Algeciras, obtained from the Population and Household Census of 2001.

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Objectives: To analyze trends in colorectal cancer in Spain from 1951-2007, and their relationship with alcohol and cigarette consumption.

Material And Methods: We performed a correlation analysis between incidence, mortality and potential years of life lost rates, the mean age at death, and per capita consumption of alcohol and cigarettes with a time span of 15 years.

Results: In contrast with the tendency in other countries, the incidence of colorectal cancer steadily increased in both genders.

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Incidence of colorectal cancer has steadily increased in both the sexes and across all age groups during the last decades in Spain, in contrast with other countries where incidence decreased during this period. This increase is more marked among men, probably due to a high exposure to risk factors such as smoking, heavy drinking, overweight and diabetes. Annual age-adjusted mortality rates have increased in Spain during the period 1951-2000, but from that time until 2006 these rates have kept steady in males and fallen in females.

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Background: This article describes the differential diagnosis of conjunctival papillomas and reviews the treatment options with a focus on the new topical interferon alpha 2 beta therapy.

Case: A 45-year-old white man presented with a red right eye of approximately 6 months' duration. The lesion was suspicious and suggestive of malignancy; therefore, the patient was referred for consultation.

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Small metallic nanoparticles of neodymium are obtained by a facile route based on the biosynthesis and the pH conditions that demonstrate the possibility of obtaining particles of 1-8 nm. The size is controlled by synthesis conditions. Smaller clusters were obtained with pH = 5, while for pH = 10 evidences of nanorods productions are found and this opens the perspective to use this rare-earth element for zero and one dimensional based applications.

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