Publications by authors named "Behringer G"

Unicellular eukaryotic phytoplankton, such as diatoms, rely on microbial communities for survival despite lacking specialized compartments to house microbiomes (e.g., animal gut).

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Interactions between phytoplankton and bacteria play important roles in shaping the microenvironment surrounding these organisms and in turn influence global biogeochemical cycles. This microenvironment, known as the phycosphere, is presumed to shape the bacterial diversity around phytoplankton and thus stimulate a diverse array of interactions between both groups. Although many studies have attempted to characterize bacterial communities that associate and interact with phytoplankton, bias in bacterial cultivation and consistency and persistence of bacterial communities across phytoplankton isolates likely impede the understanding of these microbial associations.

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Background: Many species are applied as biofungicides and biofertilizers to agricultural soils to enhance crop growth. These filamentous fungi have the ability to reduce plant diseases and promote plant growth and productivity through overlapping modes of action including induced systemic resistance, antibiosis, enhanced nutrient efficiency, and myco-parasitism. species are prolific producers of many small metabolites with antifungal, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.

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Grafting of posterior surfaces can be complicated by shear between the wound bed and the graft, resulting in graft failure. The quilted dressing is a simple, inexpensive, and effective method of dressing grafted posterior surfaces that does not rely on prone positioning or high air loss beds to facilitate graft stability.

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Survival of major burn injuries has improved markedly from an expected survival of 10% to 20% in both children and adults to an expected survival of 60% in children with burns greater than 70% BSA. Increased survival for adults after similar burn injuries has been less dramatic than in children because of the profound influences of advancing age and the coexistent processes of aging upon survival after a major injury. Consecutive admissions of patients with massive burn injuries (greater than or equal to 70% BSA) to the Massachusetts General Hospital Adult Burn Unit from 1974 to 1986 were analyzed statistically using univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis to identify factors associated with survival and to identify patient characteristics associated with increases in expected survival.

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During the past 19 years, mortality due to burn injuries has markedly declined for children at the Boston Unit of the Shriners Burns Institute (SBI), dropping from an average of 9% of SBI admissions during 1968-1970 to an average of 1% during 1981-1986. Detailed statistical analysis using logistic regression was necessary for determining whether this decline in mortality was explained by changes in patient characteristics, such as age or burn size, which are known to strongly influence the outcome of burn injuries. This dramatic decline in mortality during the past 19 years was not the result of change in the age of the patients or their burn sizes; rather, it may be attributed to improvements in burn care.

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Mortality at the Adult Burn Center of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has declined from 24% in 1974 to an average of 7% for 1979-1984. From 1974 to 1976, prompt eschar excision and immediate wound closure therapy was initiated and standardized. After 1976, this therapy was the standard treatment.

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Due to the greatly differing incidence of molds on cheese and thus the extremely differing amounts of aflatoxin reliable sampling in cheeses is difficult, particularly if only one semi-hard of hard cheese is available. Experiments were undertaken now to sample--hopefully without losses and suitable for commercial application--in order to be able to ascertain the possible aflatoxin content of a cheese. Based on storage results with artificially contaminated Provolone and Tilsit cheeses as a pretest determination of aflatoxins in scrapings from a 100 cm2 surface are is recommended.

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In the literature several contradictionary results have been published on the aflatoxin formation at temperatures below 10 degrees C. Therefore experiments with pastes made from milk and cheese powder artificially contaminated with Aspergillus parasiticus, were performed at temperatures of 1 degree C, 5 degrees C, and 10 degrees C for 28 days at a relative humidity of 90--95%. Even at 1 degree C, the aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, and M1 could be determined quantitatively.

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Between May 10 and August 9 1976, a total of 197 commercial cheese samples were tested on their aflatoxin M1 content; 136 samples (69%) were positive. The highest value was at 0.23 mug/kg, the average value of all positive samples was at 0.

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Between March 4 and April 15, 1976, the aflatoxin M1 content of milk shipped to a dairy plant was investigated. Out of 419 samples, 79 (19%) were positive. 33% of these samples showed values of 0.

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