Novel photocathode materials like ordered surfaces of single crystal metals, epitaxially grown high quantum efficiency thin films, and topologically non-trivial materials with dirac cones show great promise for generating brighter electron beams for various accelerator and ultrafast electron scattering applications. Despite several materials being identified as brighter photocathodes, none of them have been tested in electron guns to extract electron beams due to technical and logistical challenges. In this paper, we present the design and commissioning of a cryocooled 200 kV DC electron gun that is capable of testing a wide variety of novel photocathode materials over a broad range of temperatures from 298 to 35 K for bright electron beam generation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltramicroscopy
November 2023
Ultrafast-optical-pump - structural-probe measurements, including ultrafast electron and x-ray scattering, provide direct experimental access to the fundamental timescales of atomic motion, and are thus foundational techniques for studying matter out of equilibrium. High-performance detectors are needed in scattering experiments to obtain maximum scientific value from every probe particle. We deploy a hybrid pixel array direct electron detector to perform ultrafast electron diffraction experiments on a WSe/MoSe 2D heterobilayer, resolving the weak features of diffuse scattering and moiré superlattice structure without saturating the zero order peak.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the design and performance of a time-resolved electron diffraction apparatus capable of producing intense bunches with simultaneously single digit micrometer probe size, long coherence length, and 200 fs rms time resolution. We measure the 5d (peak) beam brightness at the sample location in micro-diffraction mode to be . To generate high brightness electron bunches, the system employs high efficiency, low emittance semiconductor photocathodes driven with a wavelength near the photoemission threshold at a repetition rate up to 250 kHz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHigh-performance photocathodes for many prominent particle accelerator applications, such as x-ray free-electron lasers, cannot be grown in situ. These highly reactive materials must be grown and then transported to the electron gun in an ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) suitcase, during which time monolayer-level oxidation is unavoidable. Thin film CsSb photocathodes were grown on a variety of substrates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLinear electron accelerators and their applications such as ultrafast electron diffraction require compact high-brightness electron sources with high voltage and electric field at the photocathode to maximize the electron density and minimize space-charge induced emittance growth. Achieving high brightness from a compact source is a challenging task because it involves an often-conflicting interplay between various requirements imposed by photoemission, acceleration, and beam dynamics. Here we present a new design for a compact high voltage DC electron gun with a novel cryogenic photocathode system and report on its construction and commissioning process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWound healing problems are the most common complication after open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF) of unstable ankle fractures. The incidence is especially high among elderly patients with medical comorbidities and patients with compromised soft tissues. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) might provide a safer alternative to ORIF by preventing extensive soft tissue dissection and preserving the blood supply.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe traditional protocol for treatment after ankle fracture in the diabetic patient involves a period of prolonged non-weightbearing to reduce the incidence of complications. The goal of the present study was to identify the risk factors and complications associated with early protected weightbearing after closed ankle fractures in patients with diabetes. The data from 73 diabetic patients with operatively and nonoperatively treated ankle fractures were retrospectively reviewed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOsteomyelitis is one of the most feared sequelae of diabetic foot ulceration, which often leads to lower-extremity amputation and disability. Early diagnosis of osteomyelitis increases the likelihood of successful treatment and may limit the amount of bone resected, preserving ambulatory function. Although a variety of techniques exist for imaging the diabetic foot, standard radiography is still the only in-office imaging modality used today.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reports the development of a simple and reliable apparatus for measuring ultra-low emittance, or equivalently the mean transverse energy from cryogenically cooled photocathodes. The existing methods to measure ultra-low emittance from photocathodes are reviewed. Inspired by the available techniques, we have implemented two complementary methods, the waist scan and voltage scan, in one system giving consistent results.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 2-D electron energy analyzer is designed and constructed to measure the transverse and longitudinal energy distribution of low energy (<1 eV) electrons. The analyzer operates on the principle of adiabatic invariance and motion of low energy electrons in a strong longitudinal magnetic field. The operation of the analyzer is studied in detail and a design to optimize the energy resolution, signal to noise ratio, and physical size is presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) affect a significant number of people and the treatment is challenging and costly. Since only a small portion of patients respond to standard care, the majority require more advanced wound healing interventions. Human acellular dermal matrices-regenerative tissue matrices derived from human tissue and processed from screened donated skin-can aid wound closure by restoring the missing physiological factors to the microenvironment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new high voltage photoemission gun has been constructed at Cornell University which features a segmented insulator and a movable anode, allowing the cathode-anode gap to be adjusted. In this work, we describe the gun's overall mechanical and high voltage design, the surface preparation of components, as well as the clean construction methods. We present high voltage conditioning data using a 50 mm cathode-anode gap, in which the conditioning voltage exceeds 500 kV, as well as at smaller gaps.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCrucial photoemission properties of layered III-V semiconductor cathodes are predicted using Monte Carlo simulations. Using this modeling, a layered GaAs structure is designed to reduce simultaneously the transverse energy and response time of the emitted electrons. This structure, grown by molecular beam epitaxy and activated to negative electron affinity, is characterized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an effort to provide a computationally convenient approach to the characterization of partially coherent synchrotron radiation in phase space, a thorough discussion of the minimum dimensionality of the Wigner distribution function for rotationally symmetric sources of arbitrary degrees of coherence is presented. It is found that perfectly coherent, perfectly incoherent and partially coherent sources may all be characterized by a three-dimensional reduced Wigner distribution function, and some special cases are discussed in which a two-dimensional reduced Wigner distribution function suffices. An application of the dimension-reducing formalism to the case of partially coherent radiation from a planar undulator and a circularly symmetric electron beam as can be found in linear accelerators is demonstrated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChronic wounds are characterized by prolonged inflammation, bacterial bioburden, and ischemia. These factors represent the barriers to wound healing that need to be addressed in order to achieve wound closure. The authors performed the initial clinical testing of WinVivo Wound Ointment ("WinVivo"), a novel topical ointment containing several botanicals that have been previously shown to promote favorable wound environment and advance wound healing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA fiber amplifier that generates nearly transform-limited sub-picosecond pulses and greater than 100 W average power at 1.3-GHz repetition rate is described. Modest stretching of the seed pulses allows the amplifier to be operated in the linear regime.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRB family proteins pRb, p107 and p130 have similar structures and overlapping functions, enabling cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence. pRb, but not p107 or p130, is frequently mutated in human malignancies. In human fibroblasts acutely exposed to oncogenic ras, pRb has a specific role in suppressing DNA replication, and p107 or p130 cannot compensate for the loss of this function; however, a second p53/p21-dependent checkpoint prevents escape from growth arrest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectron injectors delivering relativistic electron beams with very high brightness are essential for a number of current and proposed electron accelerator applications. These high brightness beams are generally produced from photoemission cathodes. We formulate a limit on the electron beam brightness from such cathodes set by the transverse thermal energy of the electrons leaving the photocathode and the accelerating field at the cathode.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a simple and robust technique to temporally shape ultrashort pulses. A number of birefringent crystals with appropriate crystal length and orientation form a crystal set. When a short pulse propagates through the crystal set, the pulse is divided into numerous pulses, producing a desired temporal shape.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Synchrotron Radiat
September 2004
Coherent diffractive imaging using a coherent X-ray source promises to be a useful microscopic method for imaging noncrystalline objects at high spatial resolution. In this article a simple method to estimate the coherently scattered signal as a function of resolution is presented, and it is shown that the required X-ray flux or dose scales as the inverse third power of resolution for a specimen of constant volume and density. A simulated case study using the proposed energy-recovery linac source is also presented, which confirms the estimated flux requirement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is considerable interest in using superconducting electron linacs with energy recovery as synchrotron radiation sources. Such energy recovery linacs (ERLs) would open new regimes of X-ray science because they are capable of producing ultra-brilliant X-ray beams [>5 x 10(22) photons s(-1) (0.1% bandwidth)(-1) mm(-2) mrad(-2) at 10 keV], maintaining a very small source size ( approximately 3 micro m r.
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