Publications by authors named "Bartolucci A"

Purpose Of Review: Technological in-vitro fertilization (IVF) advancements originate in the embryology laboratory, and are accompanied by increased regulatory oversight and risk management. Stakes have never been higher or the need greater for the recruitment and cultivation of leaders in laboratory science to navigate the direction of IVF. Current thought leaders in state-of-the-art laboratories must prioritize this mission to optimize and preserve the future of IVF.

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Objective: To compare the euploidy rates among blastocysts created from sibling oocytes injected with sperm and processed using microfluidics or density gradient centrifugation.

Design: Sibling oocyte randomized controlled trial.

Setting: Single university-affiliated infertility practice.

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Introduction: To evaluate patient preference for sperm disposition in case of death based on demographic factors and infertility etiology.

Materials And Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed at a university hospital-affiliated fertility center. Charts of 550 men undergoing cryopreservation for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) between 2016-2019 were reviewed to create a descriptive dataset.

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Purpose: This study was designed to determine if DMO limits in vitro development of aneuploid-enriched mouse embryos by activating a Trp53-dependent mechanism.

Methods: Mouse cleavage-stage embryos were treated with reversine to induce aneuploidy or vehicle to generate controls, and then cultured in media supplemented with DMO to reduce the pH of the culture media. Embryo morphology was assessed by phase microscopy.

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Objective: To determine the relationship between the levels of cumulus cell (CC) hemoglobin messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and the developmental potential of the associated oocyte and whether hemoglobin protects the CCs from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis.

Design: Laboratory-based study.

Setting: University laboratory and university-affiliated in vitro fertilization center.

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Background: During the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, sperm must be processed prior to insemination. While the most common method, density gradient centrifugation, can potentially damage sperm during centrifugation, a recent advancement in sperm processing uses a microfluidics system which selects for the most highly motile sperm. In selecting for these sperm which may be of higher quality, the euploidy rates of embryos created as a result may also be improved.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study evaluated pregnancy outcomes in letrozole ovulation induction versus natural and programmed frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) cycles among women in the U.S.
  • The results indicated that ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates were higher for letrozole FETs compared to programmed FETs, while being similar to natural FET outcomes.
  • Additionally, the clinical loss rates were lower in the natural FET group compared to programmed FETs, highlighting the advantages of letrozole and natural FETs in improving clinical outcomes.
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Purpose: To evaluate embryologic outcomes among paired IVF cycles in which a microfluidics chip was utilized compared to density gradient centrifugation for sperm processing.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of 88 paired IVF cycles from patients aged 18-44 years at a university-affiliated IVF center. Fresh cycles from patients undergoing ICSI with sperm processed by a microfluidics chamber (microfluidics cycles) were compared to the same patients' previous ICSI cycles in which sperm was processed via density gradient centrifugation (control cycles).

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Background And Purpose: We investigated existing nonpharmacological programs for people with dementia (PWD) to explore critical factors related to the effectiveness of these types of programs.

Methods: We conducted a qualitative systematic literature review to identify nonpharmacological intervention programs developed for PWD and reviewed 36 randomized controlled trials. Among several outcomes reported in each study, we focused on the most common outcomes including quality of life (QoL), neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression, agitation, and cognition for further review.

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Participatory mapping (PM) is a valuable research tool for assessing fire risk, especially in regions where data are difficult to collect or inconsistent; in such areas, the integration between crowdsourced data and geospatial techniques plays a fundamental role in gathering more consistent and reliable information. This study combines a participatory (community-based) mapping approach with geospatial techniques to assess fire risk in Van Chan district, northern Vietnam, an area where the economy relies mainly on forestry activities. Local stakeholders designed a map of wildfires, which was modelled as a function of a set of physical and socio-economic variables.

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Closed university buildings proved to be one of the main hot spots for virus transmission during pandemics. As shown during the COVID-19 pandemic, physical distancing is one of the most effective measures to limit such transmission. As universities prepare to manage in-class activities, students' adherence to physical distancing requirements is a priority topic.

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In disaster evacuation, the most reasonable reaction is seen as to evacuate through independence. On the contrary, people often stay and behave socially interdependent, hence stressing the gap between evacuation instructions and actual people's behaviour. The present research analyses the content of a set of behavioural instructions and provides an overview of common framing of evacuation communication.

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Objectives: Mental health issues can cause serious problems in occupational functioning, including higher rates of unemployment. Individual placement and support (IPS) is an evidence-based supported employment intervention that is typically integrated within a mental health setting; however, many primary care patients view referral to a mental health clinic as stigmatizing. Thus, this study examined whether delivery of IPS in a primary care setting provides an effective treatment option and avoids unnecessary delays in obtaining competitive employment.

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Objective: To compare in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes for preimplantation genetic testing for chromosomal structural rearrangements (PGT-SR) using various testing platforms.

Design: Retrospective cohort.

Setting: Large academic IVF center.

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Study Question: Does trophectoderm biopsy for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) increase the risk of obstetric or perinatal complications in frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) cycles?

Summary Answer: Trophectoderm biopsy may increase the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) in pregnancies following FET cycles.

What Is Known Already: Trophectoderm biopsy has replaced blastomere biopsy as the standard of care to procure cells for PGT analysis. Recently, there has been concern that trophectoderm biopsy may adversely impact obstetric and perinatal outcomes.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of mirtazapine, a tetracyclic antidepressant, as monotherapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Methods: This multisite, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted between April 2006 and November 2010 at the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in Alabama. US military veterans who met DSM-IV criteria for PTSD were randomly assigned to placebo (n = 39) or mirtazapine (n = 39) titrated up to 45 mg/d for an 8-week double-blind period followed by an 8-week open-label phase of mirtazapine treatment.

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During the last few decades, millions of healthy children have been born with the aid of in vitro fertilization (IVF). This success belies the fact that IVF treatment is comprised of a complex series of interventions starting with a customized control ovarian stimulation protocol. This is followed by the induction of oocyte maturation, the retrieval of mature oocytes and in vitro fertilization, which often involves the microinjection of a single sperm into the oocyte.

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The sterile insect technique is used around the world to suppress or eradicate populations of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) with successful results. It consists of inundative releases of sterile insects into a wide area to reduce reproduction in a field population of the same species. It is necessary to know the dispersion of the sterile males in the field in order to define the maximum distance between the release points that ensures the distribution of the sterile flies in the entire target area.

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Objective: The effectiveness of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) is strongly related to their time of arrival, and usually only few teams arrive within 24-48 h postdisaster. The decision to deploy and the scale of deployment rely heavily on context and nature of the event and consequently a rapid assessment of needs/gaps is critical to an appropriate and customized response.

Methods: In this study, we describe a desk-based study that provides: (1) knowledge about the medical needs that can be anticipated according to the phases of the disaster that is not rich in literature; and (2) a decision support framework for the deployment of EMTs to earthquakes that combines the results of a literature research and a Delphi study involving the opinion of 12 experts in the field.

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Research Question: Do maternal and perinatal outcomes differ between natural and programmed frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles?

Design: Retrospective cohort study at a university-affiliated fertility centre including 775 patients who underwent programmed or natural FET cycles resulting in a singleton live birth using blastocysts vitrified between 2013 and 2018.

Results: A total of 384 natural and 391 programmed FET singleton pregnancies were analysed. Programmed FET resulted in higher overall maternal complications (32.

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MicroRNA-21 is expressed in bovine, murine, and human cumulus cells with its expression in murine and bovine cumulus cells correlated with oocyte developmental potential. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cumulus cell MIR-21 and human oocyte developmental potential. These studies revealed that both the immature and mature forms of MicroRNA-21 (MIR-21-5p) were elevated in cumulus cells of oocytes that developed into blastocysts compared to cumulus cells of oocytes that arrested prior to blastocyst formation.

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