Publications by authors named "Bartholomew M"

Background: An accumulating body of evidence indicates that peripheral physiological rhythms help regulate and organize large-scale brain activity. Given that schizophrenia (SZ) is characterized by marked abnormalities in oscillatory cortical activity as well as changes in autonomic function, the present study aimed to identify mechanisms by which central and autonomic nervous system deficits may be related. We evaluated phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) as a physiological mechanism through which autonomic nervous system (ANS) and central nervous system (CNS) activity are integrated and that may be disrupted in SZ.

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Female reproductive senescence results from the regulated depletion of a finite pool of oocytes called the ovarian reserve. This pool of oocytes is initially established during fetal development, but the oocytes that comprise it must remain quiescent for decades until they are activated during maturation in adulthood. In order for developmentally competent oocytes to populate the ovarian reserve they must successfully initiate both meiosis and oogenesis.

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Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (SZ) demonstrate difficulty distinguishing between internally and externally generated stimuli. These aberrations in "source monitoring" have been theorized as contributing to symptoms of the disorder, including hallucinations and delusions. Altered connectivity within the default mode network (DMN) of the brain has been proposed as a mechanism through which discrimination between self-generated and externally generated events is disrupted.

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Oscillations serve a critical role in organizing biological systems. In the brain, oscillatory coupling is a fundamental mechanism of communication. The possibility that neural oscillations interact directly with slower physiological rhythms (e.

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Prospermatogonia (ProSpg) link the embryonic development of male primordial germ cells to the healthy establishment of postnatal spermatogonia and spermatogonial stem cells. While these spermatogenic precursor cells undergo the characteristic transitions of cycling and quiescence, the transcriptional events underlying these developmental hallmarks remain unknown. Here, we investigated the expression and function of TBP-associated factor 4b () in the timely development of quiescent mouse ProSpg using an integration of gene expression profiling and chromatin mapping.

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Multiple surgical techniques for posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction have been described and subsequently scrutinized. We describe a surgical technique using full-thickness quadriceps tendon-patellar bone autograft in single-bundle, all-inside posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction that offers the following advantages over traditional technique: This technique mitigates the risk of tunnel widening and convergence while preserving bone stock, eliminating the killer turn, allowing for suspensory cortical fixation to optimize stabilization, and using a bone plug that allows for faster graft incorporation.

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Many legal decisions center on the thoughts or perceptions of some idealized group of individuals, referred to variously as the "average person," "the typical consumer," or the "reasonable person." Substantial concerns exist, however, regarding the subjectivity and vulnerability to biases inherent in conventional means of assessing such responses, particularly the use of self-report evidence. Here, we addressed these concerns by complementing self-report evidence with neural data to inform the mental representations in question.

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Sex differences in the neurobiological mechanisms involved in fear conditioning and extinction have been suggested to contribute to differential vulnerability for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women compared with men. Reproductive hormones, such as estradiol, have been shown to facilitate fear conditioning and extinction learning and may explain some of these differences. However, the effect of commonly used hormonal contraceptives on the neurobiological mechanisms of fear conditioning and extinction is poorly understood.

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Article Synopsis
  • The United States is considered a nation of immigrants, built on a diverse mix of cultures and languages, but has a history of oppression in immigration policies, particularly against people of color.
  • White Americans often equate "American" with "white," leading to discrimination against those who don't fit this standard, which affects the lived experiences of minoritized immigrants.
  • This article aims to discuss the systems of oppression faced by Latinx communities in the U.S. and to explore indigenous healing practices as a way for these communities to recover from the impacts of xenophobia and discrimination.
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Background: Substance use including opioids, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates during pregnancy is harmful for the pregnant person and the fetus. Routine screening using validated questionnaires is recommended, but often biologic sampling is done instead. There is often bias in urine drug screening on labor and delivery units.

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Patients may choose to have a conversation with their providers about their care options. This article presents a guide for NPs for these goals-of-care conversations. NPs having these conversations can follow the strategies presented to plan the discussion, overcome barriers, and offer useful resources and support.

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The Janus family of tyrosine kinases (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, and TYK2) play an essential role in the receptor signaling of cytokines that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of severe asthma, and there is emerging interest in the development of small-molecule-inhaled JAK inhibitors as treatments. Here, we describe the optimization of a quinazoline series of JAK inhibitors and the results of mouse lung pharmacokinetic (PK) studies where only low concentrations of parent compound were observed. Subsequent investigations revealed that the low exposure was due to metabolism by aldehyde oxidase (AO), so we sought to identify quinazolines that were not metabolized by AO.

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Race, ethnicity, and racism (RER) are interconnected with the critical problems tackled in the Grand Challenges for Social Work (GCSW). Yet, the extent to which the GCSW discuss the central role of RER is less clear. This article investigates how the GCSW integrate RER in their discourse.

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We describe a 24-year-old pregnant woman at 34 weeks of gestation who presented to a community hospital with sharp chest pain radiating to her back. She was found to have a 6 cm ascending aortic aneurysm despite not having any established risk factors. She was transported by air ambulance to a tertiary-care hospital.

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Objective: This study was aimed to describe sequential compression device (SCD) adherence and its associations with SCD education in hospitalized antepartum women.

Study Design: This study included antepartum, nonlaboring women admitted from 2016 to 2018, 1 year before and after an SCD education intervention. SCD use was assessed through the Kendall SCD 700 series compliance meter, which tracks the time the SCD machine takes within the monitoring interval.

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Methamphetamine use is widespread among pregnant and reproductive-aged women in Hawai'i. Women who use methamphetamine require comprehensive care that is gender specific and tailored to their needs. In Hawai'i, more services are needed to solve this serious public health problem.

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Objective: Due to the risk of malignancy, the established management of choledochal cysts mandates bile duct excision and biliary reconstruction. While the reconstructive procedure of choice for most surgeons has traditionally been hepatico-jejunostomy, this may not be feasible in selected cases due to immobility or inadequacy of the jejunum. The following case will outline the management of a 32-year-old woman with short bowel syndrome, who was diagnosed with choledocholithiasis and a type 1 choledochal cyst.

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PROTACs have recently emerged as a novel paradigm in drug discovery. They can hijack existing biological machinery to selectively degrade proteins of interest, in a catalytic fashion. Here we describe the design, optimisation and biological activity of a set of novel PROTACs targeting the Janus kinase family (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and TYK2) of proximal membrane-bound proteins.

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Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) increase in frequency in eczema and allergic asthma patients, and thus represent a new therapeutic target cell for type-2 immune-mediated disease. The bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) protein family of epigenetic regulators are known to support the expression of cell cycle and pro-inflammatory genes during type-1 inflammation, but have not been evaluated in type-2 immune responses. We isolated human ILC2 and examined the capacity of the BET protein inhibitor, iBET151, to modulate human ILC2 activation following IL-33 stimulation.

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Although inhibitory control appears to support successful emotion regulation (ER; Joorman and Gotlib, 2010; McCabe et al., 2010), few emotion inhibition studies position themselves in the literature on ER, and even fewer ER studies reference the role of emotion inhibition. Perhaps contributing to this, the ER literature is frequently divided into implicit or "automatic" (which subsumes emotion inhibition) and explicit or "effortful" control (Braunstein et al.

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Background: American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) may be uniquely vulnerable to coccidioidomycosis given the large population residing in the Southwestern United States. We describe coccidioidomycosis-associated hospitalizations and outpatient visits during 2001-2014 in the Indian Health Service (IHS) system and compare hospitalizations with data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample (NIS).

Methods: We identified hospitalizations in the IHS and the NIS and outpatient visits in the IHS using (ICD-9-CM) codes 114.

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Background: Mania is associated with social conflict, reduced social support, and reduced social interaction quality (Breyer et al., 2003; Coryell et al., 1998; Morriss et al.

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Reacting to the salient emotional features of a stimulus is adaptive unless the information is irrelevant or interferes with goal-directed behavior. The ability to ignore salient but otherwise extraneous information involves restructuring of brain networks and is a key impairment in several psychological disorders. Despite the importance of understanding inhibitory control of emotional response, the associated brain network mechanisms remain unknown.

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Foliar stable isotopic signatures of nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur in mangrove vegetation from the Pacific coast of Panama were insensitive to inputs from watersheds with different area of forest land cover, and to seasonal, inter-annual, and global-scale-driven contrasts in rainfall and upwelling. N, C, and S content of mangrove vegetation were not affected by inputs from watersheds with different degrees of deforestation, but showed some influence of down-estuary transformations. While there was substantial variation that remained un-explained, isotopic signatures and nutrient contents were largely determined by species-specific features, and showed substantial small-scale variation reflecting local differences, within-estuary plant-sediment links.

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In many parts of the world, perinatal transmission is the most common route of infection for hepatitis B virus. In the United States, sexual contact is the most common source of hepatitis B virus infection. As a result, it is essential that women's health care providers become aware of the recommended strategies used to identify women infected with hepatitis B and to subsequently reduce perinatal transmission, particularly now that immigration and globalization is more common and reproductive science makes pregnancy more possible for women with liver disease.

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