Publications by authors named "Barthelemy J"

Public transportation systems play a vital role in modern cities, but they face growing security challenges, particularly related to incidents of violence. Detecting and responding to violence in real time is crucial for ensuring passenger safety and the smooth operation of these transport networks. To address this issue, we propose an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solution for identifying unsafe behaviours in public transport.

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Zika virus (ZIKV) is a major public health problem worldwide. After several reported outbreaks, the current extent of infections caused by this orthoflavivirus in the Sahel remains to be explored. We investigated the prevalence of neutralizing antibodies against ZIKV in the general population, in HIV-infected individuals and in livestock in Chad using a seroneutralization assay that ensures high specificity level.

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Pollution, causing millions of deaths annually, disproportionally affects low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Mercury ranks among the three main chemicals of major public health concern, and even low levels can cause cardiovascular and nervous outcomes, with children and indigenous populations being especially vulnerable. Nearly 80% of all emissions in South America originate from the Amazon.

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High-pressure pipelines are critical for transporting hazardous materials over long distances, but they face threats from third-party interference activities. Preventive measures are implemented, but interference accidents can still occur, making the need for high-quality detection strategies vital. This paper proposes an end-to-end Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) solution to detect potential interference threats in real time.

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This research aimed to determine whether accomplished surfers could accurately perceive how changes to surfboard fin design affected their surfing performance. Four different surfboard fins, including conventional, single-grooved, and double-grooved fins, were developed using computer-aided design combined with additive manufacturing (3D printing). We systematically installed these 3D-printed fins into instrumented surfboards, which six accomplished surfers rode on waves in the ocean in a random order while blinded to the fin condition.

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Background: Both police shootings and violent crime remain high in the United States of America compared to other developed nations but debates continue about whether race, mental health or other social factors are related to them.

Aims: Our aim was to test relationships between community factors indicative of socio-economic status, racial demographics, police shootings, and violent crime.

Methods: Data on police shootings, violent crime and community sociodemographic factors were drawn from two publicly accessible datasets: health and police records of 100 US municipalities and relationships between them explored using regression analyses.

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Vegetation in East Antarctica, such as moss and lichen, vulnerable to the effects of climate change and ozone depletion, requires robust non-invasive methods to monitor its health condition. Despite the increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to acquire high-resolution data for vegetation analysis in Antarctic regions through artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, the use of multispectral imagery and deep learning (DL) is quite limited. This study addresses this gap with two pivotal contributions: (1) it underscores the potential of deep learning (DL) in a field with notably limited implementations for these datasets; and (2) it introduces an innovative workflow that compares the performance between two supervised machine learning (ML) classifiers: Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and U-Net.

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Mercury is a highly toxic metal widely used in human activities worldwide, therefore considered a global public health problem. Many cases of mercury intoxication have occurred in history and represent a huge challenge nowadays. Of particular importance is its methylated form, methylmercury (MeHg).

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Simultaneous beat-to-beat R-R intervals, blood pressure and respiration signals are routinely analyzed for the evaluation of autonomic cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory regulations for research or clinical purposes. The more recognized analyses are i) heart rate variability and cardiac coherence, which provides an evaluation of autonomic nervous system activity and more particularly parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic arms; ii) blood pressure variability which is mainly linked to sympathetic modulation and myogenic vascular function; iii) baroreflex sensitivity; iv) time-frequency analyses to identify fast modifications of autonomic activity; and more recently, v) time and frequency domain Granger causality analyses were introduced for assessing bidirectional causal links between each considered signal, thus allowing the scrutiny of many physiological regulatory mechanisms. These analyses are commonly applied in various populations and conditions, including mortality and morbidity predictions, cardiac and respiratory rehabilitation, training and overtraining, diabetes, autonomic status of newborns, anesthesia, or neurophysiological studies.

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The autonomic nervous system (ANS) harmoniously regulates all internal organic functions (heart rate, blood pressure, vasomotion, digestive tract motility, endocrinal secretions) and adapts them to the needs. It's the control of so-called vegetative functions, which allows homeostasis but also allostasis of our body. ANS is divided into two systems often understood as antagonistic and complementary: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems.

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Human intoxication to mercury is a worldwide health problem. In addition to the type and length of exposure, the genetic background plays an important role in mercury poisoning. However, reviews on the genetic influence in mercury toxicity are scarce and not systematic.

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Usutu virus (USUV) and West Nile virus (WNV) are closely related emerging arboviruses belonging to the genus and posing global public health concerns. Although human infection by these viruses is mainly asymptomatic, both have been associated with neurological disorders such as encephalitis and meningoencephalitis. Since USUV and WNV are transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, the skin represents the initial site of virus inoculation and provides the first line of host defense.

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Conflicting results on the effects of occlusal proprioceptive information on standing sway have been reported in the literature, partly due to the heterogeneity of the occlusal criterion studied and the experimental protocol used. In this study, occlusal functions, different mandibular positions and visual conditions were used to investigate the involvement of occlusal proprioception information in static postural balance. Postural adjustments of 26 healthy young adults, divided into Class I malocclusion and Class I normocclusion groups, were studied in upright position, in five mandibular positions (1 free, 2 centric and 2 eccentric), with and without vision.

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Objective: The study aimed to present relevant norms for the evaluation of pathological aging in the French population over a 20-year period, utilizing the "PROgnostic OF cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events" test and questionnaire.

Methods: Three neuropsychological evaluations were administered over 20 years with 929 participants at the first cognitive evaluation (62-69 years old), 631 at the second (71-78 years old), and 293 at the third (81-88 years old). The tests and questionnaires were administered in the following order: McNair's Cognitive Complaints Questionnaire, Depression Questionnaire of Pichot, Mini Mental State Examination, Free and Cued Selective Reminding test, Benton Visual Retention Test, Digit-Symbol Substitution Test of the WAIS-III, Trail Making Test, Stroop Test, Verbal Fluency, and the Similarities subtest of the WAIS-III.

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  • Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) is recognized for preventing chronic diseases; however, recent studies are increasingly focusing on light intensity physical activity (LPA) due to its potential role in reducing sedentary behavior (SB).
  • A study involving 1,011 older adults tracked various physical activities, revealing that higher levels of both LPA and MVPA were associated with lower rates of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality over an 18-year follow-up.
  • Results demonstrated that while LPA and MVPA significantly impacted mortality rates, SB did not show a significant relationship, highlighting the need for more understanding of LPA's effects on public health.
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Background/objectives: Obesity is a complex health issue in which the brain plays a role yet to be determined, especially in the elderly. Indeed, in the ageing population, the balance between fat and lean mass is different; thus, the co-influence between the brain and obesity may differ between the elderly and younger subjects. Our main goal is thus to explore the relationship between the brain and obesity using two different approaches to measure obesity: body mass index (BMI) and an index centred on fat mass, the body fat index (BFI).

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Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an arboviral disease of zoonotic origin that causes recurrent epidemics in Africa, the Arabic Peninsula, and islands of the South West of the Indian Ocean. RVF occurs mainly in livestock but also affects humans with severe clinical manifestations, including neurological disorders. However, human neuropathogenesis of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is still poorly characterized.

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Background: In endurance running, elite Kenyan runners are characterized by longer thigh, shank, and Achilles tendon (AT) lengths combined with shorter fascicles and larger medial gastrocnemius (MG) pennation angles than elite Japanese runners. These muscle-tendon characteristics may contribute to the running performance of Kenyans. Furthermore, these specific lower-leg musculoskeletal architectures have been confirmed not only in elite Kenyan runners but also in non-athletic Kenyans since early childhood.

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  • Rates of aggressive behavior among Justice-Involved Young Women (JIYW) have risen, yet there is limited research and intervention aimed specifically at this group.
  • The study hypothesized that greater self-restraint in JIYW could lessen the impact of exposure to violence on aggressive behavior.
  • Findings indicated that self-restraint serves as a protective factor, reducing the likelihood of serious aggressive offending among those with violent exposure, emphasizing the importance of trauma-responsive interventions to improve social skills.
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Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (MS) represents a cluster of metabolic abnormalities. Insulin resistance is a major component of the syndrome. We analyze in this study the relationship between body fat composition and MS in comparison to usual obesity indicators in an older adult population.

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Elderly represents a growing population and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is one of the leading causes of mortality in this population. Sex differences are involved in CVD with middle-aged males being at higher risk than females. After menopause, females are no longer protected by hormones and the role of sex on cardiovascular parameters involved in CVD, such as endothelial function and blood viscosity, is still unclear.

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Although the adipose tissue (AT) is a central metabolic organ in the regulation of whole-body energy homeostasis, it is also an important endocrine and immunological organ. As an endocrine organ, AT secretes a variety of bioactive peptides known as adipokines - some of which have inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. As an immunological organ, AT contains a broad spectrum of innate and adaptive immune cells that have mostly been studied in the context of obesity.

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) is primarily a respiratory illness. However, various extrapulmonary manifestations have been reported in patients with severe forms of COVID-19. Notably, SARS-CoV-2 was shown to directly trigger white adipose tissue (WAT) dysfunction, which in turn drives insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and other adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19.

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In severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, the application of an inspiratory pressure support (IPS) during exercise increases exercise tolerance and the benefit of exercise training during pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). Moreover, it improves quadriceps endurance after a session of cycling exercise suggesting a reduced muscle fatigue. We looked for the persistence of this effect after PR and sought an association between the improved quadriceps endurance with IPS and the training load during PR.

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Usutu (USUV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses are two closely related belonging to Japanese encephalitis virus serogroup. Evidence of increased circulation of these two arboviruses now exist in Europe. Neurological disorders are reported in humans mainly for WNV, despite the fact that the interaction and effects of viral infections on the neurovasculature are poorly described, notably for USUV.

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