Publications by authors named "Baro J"

Background/objectives: Understanding the genetic architecture of autochthonous European cattle breeds is important for developing effective conservation strategies and sustainable breeding programs. Spanish beef cattle, which trace their origins to ancient migrations from the Near East with later admixture from African populations, exhibit a rich genetic diversity shaped by environmental adaptation and selective breeding. Runs of Homozygosity (ROH) are extended stretches of identical genetic material inherited from both parents.

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The Hospital at Home (HaH) model has been positioned as an appropriate therapeutic strategy for selected patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). This care model provides hospital-equivalent care, in terms of both quality and quantity, with medical and nursing staff that go to the patient's home. Here we describe our experience with a full HaH model for patients undergoing ASCT during the phase of aplasia.

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The behavior of granular media under quasistatic loading has recently been shown to attain a stable evolution state corresponding to a manifold in the space of micromechanical variables. This state is characterized by sudden transitions between metastable jammed states, involving the partial micromechanical rearrangement of the granular medium. Using numerical simulations of two-dimensional granular media under quasistatic biaxial compression, we show that the dynamics in the stable evolution state is characterized by scale-free avalanches well before the macromechanical stationary flow regime traditionally linked to a self-organized critical state.

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In organisms with sexual reproduction, genetic diversity, and genome evolution are governed by meiotic recombination caused by crossing-over, which is known to vary within the genome. In this study, we propose a simple method to estimate the recombination rate that makes use of the persistency of linkage disequilibrium (LD) phase among closely related populations. The biological material comprised 171 triplets (sire/dam/offspring) from seven populations of autochthonous beef cattle in Spain (Asturiana de los Valles, Avileña-Negra Ibérica, Bruna dels Pirineus, Morucha, Pirenaica, Retinta, and Rubia Gallega), which were genotyped for 777,962 SNPs with the BovineHD BeadChip.

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The total energy of acoustic emission (AE) events in externally stressed materials diverges when approaching macroscopic failure. Numerical and conceptual models explain this accelerated seismic release (ASR) as the approach to a critical point that coincides with ultimate failure. Here, we report ASR during soft uniaxial compression of three silica-based (SiO_{2}) nanoporous materials.

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The hypothesis of critical failure relates the presence of an ultimate stability point in the structural constitutive equation of materials to a divergence of characteristic scales in the microscopic dynamics responsible for deformation. Avalanche models involving critical failure have determined common universality classes for stick-slip processes and fracture. However, not all empirical failure processes exhibit the trademarks of criticality.

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This study investigated the potential application of genomic selection under a multi-breed scheme in the Spanish autochthonous beef cattle populations using a simulation study that replicates the structure of linkage disequilibrium obtained from a sample of 25 triplets of sire/dam/offspring per population and using the BovineHD Beadchip. Purebred and combined reference sets were used for the genomic evaluation and several scenarios of different genetic architecture of the trait were investigated. The single-breed evaluations yielded the highest within-breed accuracies.

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The Spanish local beef cattle breeds have most likely common origin followed by a process of differentiation. This particular historical evolution has most probably left detectable signatures in the genome. The objective of this study was to identify genomic regions associated with differentiation processes in seven Spanish autochthonous populations (Asturiana de los Valles (AV), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (ANI), Bruna dels Pirineus (BP), Morucha (Mo), Pirenaica (Pi), Retinta (Re) and Rubia Gallega (RG)).

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Background: Procedures for the detection of signatures of selection can be classified according to the source of information they use to reject the null hypothesis of absence of selection. Three main groups of tests can be identified that are based on: (1) the analysis of the site frequency spectrum, (2) the study of the extension of the linkage disequilibrium across the length of the haplotypes that surround the polymorphism, and (3) the differentiation among populations. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of a subset of these procedures by using a dataset on seven Spanish autochthonous beef cattle populations.

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Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) is the departure from the expected Mendelian ratio in offspring, a poorly investigated biological phenomenon in livestock species. Given the current availability of specific parametric methods for the analysis of segregation data, this study focused on the screening of TRD in 602 402 single nucleotide polymorphisms covering all autosomal chromosomes in seven Spanish beef cattle breeds. On average, 0.

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Linkage disequilibrium (LD) and persistence of phase are fundamental approaches for exploring the genetic basis of economically important traits in cattle, including the identification of QTL for genomic selection and the estimation of effective population size () to determine the size of the training populations. In this study, we have used the Illumina BovineHD chip in 168 trios of 7 Spanish beef cattle breeds to obtain an overview of the magnitude of LD and the persistence of LD phase through the physical distance between markers. Also, we estimated the time of divergence based on the persistence of the LD phase and calculated past from LD estimates using different alternatives to define the recombination rate.

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Crack events developed during uniaxial compression of cortical bones cut from femurs of developing pigs of several ages (4, 12, and 20 weeks) generate avalanches. These avalanches have been investigated by acoustic emission analysis techniques. The avalanche energies are power-law distributed over more than four decades.

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The availability of SNP chips for massive genotyping has proven to be useful to genetically characterize populations of domestic cattle and to assess their degree of divergence. In this study, the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip genotyping array was used to describe the genetic variability and divergence among 7 important autochthonous Spanish beef cattle breeds. The within-breed genetic diversity, measured as the marker expected heterozygosity, was around 0.

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Intestinal disorders in growing and finishing pigs have been associated with several infectious agents, including Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). This virus has been mainly related with PCV2-systemic disease (PCV2-SD); nevertheless, some authors have suggested a possible restricted intestinal infection of this virus associated with enteric clinical signs. This condition has been referred as PCV2-enteric disease (PCV2-ED).

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The failure dynamics in SiO(2)-based porous materials under compression, namely the synthetic glass Gelsil and three natural sandstones, has been studied for slowly increasing compressive uniaxial stress with rates between 0.2 and 2.8 kPa/s.

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Demographic and pedigree analyses describe the structure and dynamics of livestock populations. We studied information recorded in the herdbooks of Asturiana de los Valles (AV; N = 458,806), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (ANI; N = 204,623), Bruna dels Pirineus (BP; N = 62,138), Morucha (Mo; N = 65,350), Pirenaica (Pi; N = 217,428), Retinta (Re; N = 135,300), and Rubia Gallega (RG; N = 235,511) beef breeds from their creation until 2009. All breeds have increased in the number of registered cows in recent years.

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This report describes a viral epidemiological study of wild fish around the Gulf of Cadiz (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) and is focused on infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), and viral nervous necrosis virus (VNNV). One fish species (Chelon labrosus) was sampled inside the gulf, at the mouth of the San Pedro River. Another 29 were sampled, in three oceanographic campaigns, at sites around the Bay of Cadiz.

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The existence of temporal correlations during the intermittent dynamics of a thermally driven structural phase transition is studied in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy. The sequence of avalanches is observed by means of two techniques: acoustic emission and high sensitivity calorimetry. Both methods reveal the existence of event clustering in a way that is equivalent to the Omori correlations between aftershocks in earthquakes as are commonly used in seismology.

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We study acoustic emission avalanches during the process of failure of porous alumina samples (Al2O3) under compression. Specimens with different porosities ranging from 30% to 59% have been synthesized from a mixture of fine-grained alumina and graphite. The compressive strength as well as the characteristics of the acoustic activity have been determined.

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It has long been stated that there are profound analogies between fracture experiments and earthquakes; however, few works attempt a complete characterization of the parallels between these so separate phenomena. We study the acoustic emission events produced during the compression of Vycor (SiO(2)). The Gutenberg-Richter law, the modified Omori's law, and the law of aftershock productivity hold for a minimum of 5 decades, are independent of the compression rate, and keep stationary for all the duration of the experiments.

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Maximum-likelihood exponent maps have been studied as a technique to increase the understanding and improve the fit of power-law exponents to experimental and numerical simulation data, especially when they exhibit both upper and lower cutoffs. The use of the technique is tested by analyzing seismological data, acoustic emission data, and avalanches in numerical simulations of the three-dimensional random field Ising model. In the different examples we discuss the nature of the deviations observed in the exponent maps and some relevant conclusions are drawn for the physics behind each phenomenon.

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We investigated a FLAGIDA-lite protocol (fludarabine 40 mg/m(2)/d orally days 1-5, cytarabine 20 mg/m(2)/d subcutaneously days 1-5, G-CSF 300 μg/d subcutaneously days 1-5, and idarrubicin 15 mg/m(2)/d orally days 1-3) in 38 consecutive patients older than 70 years of age with acute myeloid leukemia (32 patients) or refractory anemia with excess blasts-2 (six patients) and no prior therapy. Seventy-nine percent had intermediate/unfavorable karyotype and 79% had a high comorbidity. Overall response was 55% [complete response (CR) 47%] and 37% were refractory.

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Weaning weight (WW) records of 24,066 Asturiana de los Valles beef cattle, including the progeny of 557 sires and 10,653 dams, were analyzed using a multitrait animal model (MAM) and a random regression model (RRM) in order to estimate the variance components and the breeding value of the animals. Three definitions of WW were used: early weaning (EW) for animals weaned before the age of 180 d; standard weaning (SW) for animals weaned between 180 and 240 d old; and late weaning (LW) for animals weaned between the ages of 240 and 365 d. The heritabilities (h(2)) were high (from 0.

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We present a retrospective study of long-term outcome and predictive factors of survival and relapse in 219 paediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in second remission. They received allogeneic (allo) or autologous (auto) haemopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) depending on the availability of a matched sibling donor. The probability of event-free survival (EFS) for the total patient group was 0.

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This paper presents an alternative method to estimate somatic cell count (SCC) in cows' milk. SCC is an important indicator in the detection of inflammatory reactions within the udder in cows and Direct Optical Microscopy (DOM) is the present reference method for SCC but, owing to its dependence on human operators, it is extremely costly, time-consuming and potentially subjective. The industrial method of choice is Epifluorescence (EF), which has the potential for impressive throughput and acceptable precision, but requires huge inversions and handling of highly toxic reactives and waste.

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