Electromagnetic wave (EM) multiple scattering by a plane periodic array of magnetic microelements in free space is considered analytically by natural subdividing of the EM wave into the averaged and fluctuation components. Each magnetic element is characterized by magnetic susceptibility tensor and shape. An exact Dyson integral equation is derived for the magnetic field Floquet-Bloch amplitude in-plane averaged over an array unit cell.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis
March 2017
A new general formula is presented for a collective extinction cross section of a dielectric or a metallic nanoparticle ensemble in terms of incident electric field work on currents excited inside particles. The formula is obtained by identical transformation of the well-known expression for the summing power of electromagnetic field energy losses caused by particle ensemble scattering and absorption. The derived formula is applied to the problem of radiation losses at electromagnetic excitation transfer along a straight chain of particles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis
March 2006
The lowest (main) and high-order Mie resonances and the Bragg-like multiple scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves are determined as three mechanisms of formation and frequency position of two opaque bands, with narrow peaks in one of the bands in the transmission spectra of 2D photonic crystals composed of dielectric cylinders arranged parallel to the EM wave's electric vector in the square lattice. The main Mie resonance in a single cylinder defines the frequency position of the main gap whose formation results from the Bragg-like scattering. An additional gap with narrow transmission peaks opens in the spectrum of a cylinder layer and becomes pronounced with the number of layers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
August 2005
We present an optical theorem for evanescent (near field) electromagnetic wave scattering by a dielectric structure. The derivation is based on the formalism of angular spectrum wave amplitudes and block scattering matrix. The optical theorem shows that an energy flux is emitted in the direction of the evanescent wave decay upon scattering.
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