Publications by authors named "Banani Abdelaziz"

Introduction: In Morocco, a syndromic approach has been implemented for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) management. However, those infections can be asymptomatic and the use of the syndromic approach to their management can be inappropriate and lead to dissemination of infection. Therefore, it would be important to determine the epidemiology and risk factors of bacterial STIs ( (NG), (CT) and (MG)) in a Moroccan population and their association with symptoms to assess the appropriacy of the use of the syndromic approach.

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A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) highlighted at the end of 2019 in China is spreading around the world. Most often the cause of an infectious syndrome, associating mild symptoms (fever, cough, myalgia, headache and possible digestive disorders) to different degrees. SARS-CoV-2 can also cause serious lung disease and sometimes death.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of biovars and () serovars, their associated risk factors, and genital STI-related symptoms.

Methods: DNA obtained from cervical samples of 1053 women attending the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the laboratory of pathological anatomy of Hassan II university hospital of Fez, Morocco, was used to detect biovars ( and ) and to subtype by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Results: Of the 1053 women examined, 25.

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Vaginal stenosis or gynatresia is a congenital disease and it is part of Mayer-Rokitansky-Kustner-Hauser syndrome. Acquired vaginal stenosis is a rare complication of vaginal delivery and may be caused by an infection, charlatans, birth injury or postpartum hypoestrogeny. We report a case of postpartum complete vaginal stenosis secondary to vaginal injuries as a result of medical negligence.

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Conjoined twins are a rare malformation of monozygotic and mono-amniotic twin pregnancies. We report the case of a patient in whom dicephalic conjoined twins was diagnosed in the antenatal period at 37 week amenorrhea. Fetal prognosis is very poor and, if the diagnosis has been made early, it most often requires therapeutic abortion.

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The association of myoma and pregnancy is becoming more frequent due to the increasing age of first pregnancy. It may affect the outcome of fertility, pregnancy, labor and peripartum course. A 37 years old patient was referred to our unit for discovering uterine leiomyoma at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

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STUMP (smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential) are smooth muscle tumors that cannot be diagnosed as either benign or malignant due to their morphological characteristics. We here report the case of a 44 year old patient with no notable medical history presenting with an increase in the abdominal volume. Pelvic ultrasound and CT TAP scan were performed showing voluminous mass with tissue and fluid-filled component in the uterus.

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Objectives: To identify the prevalence and the types of (NG) resistance plasmids-mediated penicillin (PPNG) and tetracycline (TRNG), the ciprofloxacin resistance (CRNG), and related risk factors of each types of resistance.

Methods: The beta-lactamase-producing plasmid types (Africa, Asia, and Toronto), tetracycline resistance plasmid types (America and Dutch), and the determination of the Ser-91 mutation of GyrA were detected by specifics PCRs on 149 diagnosed NG positives samples followed by digestion for and mutation.

Results: 135 (90.

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The Bi-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) classification developed by the ACR (American College of Radiology) is the classification system for radiological images recommended for breast cancer screening. The ACR 4 microcalcification is an indeterminate or suspected abnormality with 2-95% probability of malignancy, according to studies. This disparity pushed us to conduct this retrospective study of 181 patients in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology I at the Hassan II University Hospital, Fez, over a period of 5 years.

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Heterotopic pregnancy is defined as the coexistence of intrauterine pregnancy (IP) and ectopic pregnancy (EP), regardless of its location. It is a type of bi-ovular dizygotic twin pregnancy, its occurrence in a spontaneous cycle is rare. This is a rare and serious pathology which may compromise maternal prognosis.

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Gestational trophoblastic disease incorporates a group of diseases which differ from each other by their regressive evolution, their evolution to metastasis and to recurrence. It is a severe disease that affects women of childbearing age. Gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT) are the malignant forms of gestational trophoblastic diseases.

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Background: Phyllodes tumors (PT) are uncommon biphasic tumors, accounting for less than 1% of all breast primary neoplasms. They form a wide variety of tumors ranging from benign to malignant. Several histological features are used to grade PT into 3 categories: benign (grade I), borderline (grade II) and malignant (grade III) tumors.

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Normal adnexal torsion is rare during pregnancy. We here report the case of a 22-year old patient presenting with acute lateropelvic pain associated with a 2-month history amenorrhea. Exploratory laparotomy showed severe ischemia due to torsion in a normal ovary.

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The occurrence of rudimentary horn pregnancy is an extremely rare and potentially serious obstetric entity, threatening maternal and fetal outcome. The authors report five cases of rudimentary horn pregnancy, the difficulties in making a proper diagnosis and the therapeutic management of this pathological entity, stressing the importance of transvaginal ultrasound, of pelvic MRI and laparoscopy in the early diagnosis of this type of uterine malformation.

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Objectives: To determine the distribution of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes and their association to cellular abnormalities in women from Fez and its neighborhood.

Methods: Women attending the Hassan II University Hospital for cervical pap smears were recruited after an informed consent. Interviews and two cervical samples were performed for each woman.

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The concern of obstetric and surgical teams is when diagnosis of omphalocele, the care of the newborn and the prognosis of the malformation, mainly linked to the existence of associated malformations or chromosomal abnormalities. In our case of isolated omphalocele, the overall prognosis was good.

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Dermatomyositis (DM) is a rare connective corresponding to an inflammatory disease of skeletal muscles. Paraneoplastic origin must always be sought, primarily gynecological tumor in women, but the investigations are often made difficult by the fact that a primary tumor is often not detectable at the time of the cutaneous manifestations. This approach includes in addition to the monitoring report at regular intervals of 6 to 12 months for two years after diagnosis.

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Mammary sarcomas are uncommon tumors. When tumors like malignant cystosarcomaphyllodes and metaplastic carcinoma, where malignant cartilaginous areas may be present, are excluded, only nine cases have been reported to date.We report another case of primary chondrosarcoma of the breast here.

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