Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Bai-Jiun Kuo"
- Bai-Jiun Kuo's research primarily focuses on the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis and NF-κB signaling pathways, particularly through the study of interactions involving regulatory proteins like cFLIP and MALT1, as well as their implications in cancer and immune responses.
- Recent findings have highlighted the role of cFLIP in modulating DED complexes that affect procaspase-8 activation, along with the critical dimerization of MALT1 in both BCL10-dependent and independent contexts, emphasizing its significance in NF-κB signaling regulation.
- Additionally, Kuo's work has explored the potential of serum-free light chains as biomarkers for dengue disease, leveraging insights from polyubiquitination processes to understand immune homeostasis and inflammatory responses.