Publications by authors named "Babinets L"

Diabetes mellitus (DM) and osteoarthritis (OA) are prevalent chronic conditions with shared pathophysiological links, including inflammation and metabolic dysregulation. This study investigates the potential impact of insulin, metformin, and GLP-1-based therapies on OA progression. Methods involved a literature review of clinical trials and mechanistic studies exploring the effects of these medications on OA outcomes.

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Objective: Aim: To investigate the relationships between age, smoking status, inflammatory markers, and endotoxicosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis, focusing on C-reactive protein (CRP) and middle molecular peptides, specifically MMP254 and MMP280..

Patients And Methods: Materials and Methods: The study involved the examination of 108 patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis.

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Objective: Aim: To analyze the clinical condition and evaluate the quality of life of patients with a comorbid course of Ht and CP and patients with isolated CP based on the results of testing according to the GSRS and SF-36 questionnaires.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: Were examined 62 patients with comorbid course of Ht and CP. The comparison group consisted of 48 people with isolated CP, the control group consisted of 30 healthy people, comparable in age and sex.

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Objective: Aim: To analyze the state of parameters of inflammation, endotoxicosis, and their influence on the functional capacity of the pancreas in the comorbid course of chronic pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2).

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: 115 patients with CP in the phase of mild therapeutic exacerbation in combination with DM2 in the stage of subcompensation were examined. To assess the impact of comorbid DM2 on the clinical condition of patients with CP, a comparison group of 25 patients with CP in the exacerbation phase was included in the study.

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Objective: The aim: To conduct a comparative analysis of parameters of the structural and functional state of the liver and pancreas in patients with chronic pancreatitis in comorbidity with treated etiologically chronic viral hepatitis C, depending on the results of testing according to the international CAGE questionnaire.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: 100 ambulatory patients with CP with concomitant HCV, treated etiotropically, were examined. All patients were examined ac-cording to generally accepted algorithms.

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Objective: The aim: To analyze the dynamics of daily monitoring of blood pressure, intracardiac (according to echocardiography), peripheral hemodynamics (according to ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremity), the thickness of the intima-media complex (according to carotid sonography) in patients with hypertension the effect of treatment with a combination of lisinopril and amlodipine.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The study included 40 patients with hypertension with 2 (29 patients) and 3 (11 patients) degrees of hypertension in combination with AOLE with I-III stages of chronic insufficiency of the lower extremity, which revealed hyperkinetic, eukinetic, and hypokinetic types of hypertension with a predominance of the sympathetic nervous system. The groups are comparable in age, sex, duration of hypertension, and medications received in the previous stages.

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The negative consequences of constant stress exposure in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) develop an immune deficiency, which also depends on the nature of the body's immune response, which may vary at different ages.; The aim of the study - to study and analyze the state of the immune system of patients with chronic pancreatitis in the age aspect.; We examined the immune system (IS) of 161 patients with CP aged 21 to 78 years, mean age - (58.

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Objective: The aim: To analyze the relevance of communicative competence in medical practice and to choose the best pedagogical methods by improve communication skills in future doctors through the use of a holistic approach in teaching.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: Sociological, informational and analytical research methods were used in the research.

Conclusion: Conclusions: The holistic direction in education promotes partnership between a student and a teacher, the achievement of mutual understanding and trust, better commitment and motivation to learn.

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Objective: The aim: To investigate the effectiveness of complex protocol treatment with the additional inclusion of a course of the sublingual form of hepatoprotector on the clinical manifestations of patients with chronic pancreatitis in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: We studied 57 outpatients with chronic pancreatitis in the phase of stable or unstable remission in combination with diabetes mellitus in the phase of stable or unstable remission. Two groups were formed according to randomization principles to study the effectiveness of the proposed correction programs: 1stgroup (30 patients) took protocol treatment for one month, 2nd group (27 patients) - received protocol treatment with a course of hepatoprotector.

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Objective: The aim: To assess the impact of complex metabolic therapy of primary osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes mellitus under conditions of comorbidity on the course and progression of these pathologies. Patients with comorbidities of primary osteoarthritis and diabetes mellitus are a special group of patients because the importance of these comorbidities is the additional difficulty in diagnosing and conducting adequate therapy, given the close etiopathogenetic links of these conditions, which leads to poor quality of life, increased costs of diagnosis and treatment, increasing the frequency and duration of hospital stay.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: We examined 67 patients with primary osteoarthritis in comorbidity with diabetes mellitus.

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The aim of the study - to study the pathogenetic effects of activation of the kallikrein-kinin system on the course of primary osteoarthritis under conditions of comorbidity with gastroenterological diseases accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.We examined 229 patients with primary osteoarthritis in comorbidity with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency at diseases of the gastrointestinal tract without exacerbation. The parameters of the kallikrein-kinin system and their influence on the course of primary osteoarthritis and comorbid nosologies of the gastrointestinal tract were studied.

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Objective: The aim: To assess the state of typical pathogenetic syndromes (inflammation, endotoxicosis, liperoxidation, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant deficiency) in the comorbidity of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and chronic pancreatitis (CP).

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: We examined 137 patients (112 patients with comorbidity of CP and DM2 and 25 patients with isolated CP. Typical pathogenetic syndromes (inflammation, endotoxicosis, liperoxidation, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant deficiency) were determined.

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Objective: The aim: To investigate the efficacy of Doctovit, a combination of dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) and methylmethionine (vitamin U), in the treatment of patients with chronić pancreatitis in combination with chronic erosive gastritis associated with H. pylori by studying the dynamics of stomach lining morphological changes.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: Forty-five outpatients with CP and H.

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Objective: The aim: Was to investigate the status of endotoxicosis parameters in patients with chronic pancreatitis depending on the presence of a combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as their impact on the functional capacity of the pancreas.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: 87 outpatients with CP with concomitant type 2 diabetes and without it were examined. The main group consisted of 62 patients with CP in the phase of therapeutic exacerbation in combination with diabetes mellitus in a state of sub- or full compensation, the comparison group - 25 patients with isolated CP, the control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals.

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Objective: The aim: To study the effectiveness of using medicine meldonium in standard therapy to the correction of prooxidant-antioxidant and kallikrein-kinin disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis andstable coronary artery disease.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The study included 90 patients with chronic pancreatitis andstable coronary artery disease.They were divided into two groups: I group (45 patients) received standard treatment; II group (45 patients) along with basic therapy received medication meldonium (Vazonat) for 2 capsules (500 mg) once daily for two months.

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Objective: The aim: Make complex study of bone density in patients with primary osteoarthritis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and patients with primary osteoarthritis without exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: There were examined 140 patients with primary osteoarthritis without exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and combination osteoarthritis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Diagnosis of osteoarthritis was based on diagnostic X-Ray criteria - according to J.

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Objective: The aim: Study of the clinical and pathogenetic role of IL-17, IL-35 and their correlation in the development of infertility in men with chronic ureoprostatitis.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: 82 male aged 20 to 40 were examined. The patients were divided into three groups: the first - 10 practically healthy men, in which the levels of IL-17 and IL-35 in semen were taken as normal; second - 33 infertile men with chronic urethroprostatitis; third - 39 fertile men with chronic urethroprostatitis.

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Objective: Inroduction: Disbalance of kallikrein-kinin system, which is present in patients with chronic pancreatitis, is quite often associated with metabolic syndrome. The aim: to study and compare the status of kallicrein-kinin system in patients with chronic pancreatitis compared with patients with comorbidity of chronic pancreatitis and metabolic syndrome.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: All patients were divided into two groups: I group included 58 patients with chronic pancreatitis in combination with metabolic syndrome; IІ group included 32 patients with chronic pancreatitis.

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The high incidence of chronic pancreatitis (CP) which arise at young people of working age, the development of serious complications are pushing for the development of new diagnostic methods and the search for effective ways to treat this disease. In this regard, a relevant and promising direction is the further study of the mechanisms of pathogenesis and the formation of trophological (including mineral) deficiency in CP, followed by the development of comprehensive programs for their correction. is to study mineral status of patients with chronic pancreatitis, depending on their age.

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Objective: Introduction: In this publication we analyzed the specific aspects of clinical course in case of combination of chronic pancreatitis and concomitant viral hepatitis C. The aim: Discover the clinical course of chronic pancreatitis with concomitant viral hepatitis C .

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: 57 patients with chronic pancreatitis and concomitant viral hepatitis c were examined.

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Objective: Inroduction: The urgency of the problem of chronic pancreatitis is increasing due to the fact that in 70.0% - 90.0% of cases of diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by pathology of other organs and systems, also including helminthiasis, especially ascariasis.

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Objective: Inroduction: The most common reasons of chronic pancreatitis are alcohol abuse, biliary tract and liver diseases, stomach and duodenum, hyperlipidemia, which is often associated with metabolic syndrome. The aim: to study the effectiveness of using medicine omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in standard therapy to the correction of lipids and prooxidant-antioxidant disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis and metabolic syndrome.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The study included 90 patients with chronic pancreatitis with metabolic syndrome.

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Objective: Introduction:The excretory insufficiency of pancreas in patients with primary osteoarthrosis is formed at the comorbid pathologies and as a result of long-term treatment of osteoarthrosis using the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, chondroprotectors and chondrostimulators etc. The aim: to study the state of the proteolysis system and immune status, the presence and depth of the dysbiosis of colon in patients with primary osteoarthrosis against a violation of their excretory insufficiency of pancreas.

Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: There were 64 outpatients with primary OA (group 1) and 74 patients with primary OA in combination with diseases associated with EIP (group 2).

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Objective: Introduction: Pathology of the musculoskeletal system creates a number of important and complex medical problems affecting the economic situation of society, health and quality of life of individuals and their families. One of these problems and the most common disease of the joints which is diagnosed in 20% of the population of the planet is osteoarthritis (OA). The aim: The article deals with modern views on the problem of comorbidity of osteoarthritis, chronic pancreatitis and osteodefiсiency.

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Objective: Introduction: Abnormalities comorbidity - a frequent phenomenon in medical practice. This determines the relevance of research processes maintaining homeostasis with a combination of various diseases. The aim of this study was to examine and compare the character of vegetative, antioxidant, kallikrein-kinin system and parameters of endogenous intoxication disorders in the patients with isolated essential hypertension and with combination of hypertonic disease and chronic pancreatitis.

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