Publications by authors named "BM Boghosian"

Almost two decades ago, Ernesto P. Borges and Bruce M. Boghosian embarked on the intricate task of composing a manuscript to honor the profound contributions of Constantino Tsallis to the realm of statistical physics, coupled with a concise exploration of -Statistics.

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From the statistical mechanical point of view, area-preserving maps have great potential and importance. These maps exhibit chaotic and regular behavior separately or together in the available phase space as the control parameter changes. Several works on these maps, e.

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Despite their highly idealized nature, certain agent-based models of asset exchange, proposed for the most part by physicists and mathematicians, have been shown to exhibit remarkable agreement with empirical wealth distribution data. While this agre- ement is comforting, there is widespread sentiment that further progress will require a detailed under- standing of the connection between these idealized models and the more realistic microeconomic models of exchange used by economists. In this paper, we examine that connection for a three-parameter asset exchange model, the Affine Wealth Model (AWM), that has demonstrated fraction-of-a-per cent agreement with empirical wealth data.

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The agent-based yard-sale model of wealth inequality is generalized to incorporate exponential economic growth and its distribution. The distribution of economic growth is nonuniform and is determined by the wealth of each agent and a parameter λ. Our numerical results indicate that the model has a critical point at λ=1 between a phase for λ<1 with economic mobility and exponentially growing wealth of all agents and a nonstationary phase for λ≥1 with wealth condensation and no mobility.

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Systematic distortions are uncovered in the statistical properties of chaotic dynamical systems when represented and simulated on digital computers using standard IEEE floating-point numbers. This is done by studying a model chaotic dynamical system with a single free parameter β, known as the generalized Bernoulli map, many of whose exact properties are known. Much of the structure of the dynamical system is lost in the floating-point representation.

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Kinetics of wealth and the Pareto law.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

April 2014

An important class of economic models involve agents whose wealth changes due to transactions with other agents. Several authors have pointed out an analogy with kinetic theory, which describes molecules whose momentum and energy change due to interactions with other molecules. We pursue this analogy and derive a Boltzmann equation for the time evolution of the wealth distribution of a population of agents for the so-called Yard-Sale Model of wealth exchange.

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The venerable two-dimensional (2D) point-vortex model plays an important role as a simplified version of many disparate physical systems, including superfluids, Bose-Einstein condensates, certain plasma configurations, and inviscid turbulence. This system is also a veritable mathematical playground, touching upon many different disciplines from topology to dynamic systems theory. Point-vortex dynamics are described by a relatively simple system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which can easily be integrated numerically using an appropriate adaptive time stepping method.

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We apply a new method for the determination of periodic orbits of general dynamical systems to the Lorenz equations. The accuracy of the expectation values obtained using this approach is shown to be much larger and have better convergence properties than the more traditional approach of time averaging over a generic orbit. Finally, we discuss the relevance of the present work to the computation of unstable periodic orbits of the driven Navier-Stokes equations, which can be simulated using the lattice Boltzmann method.

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We present new methods for the determination of periodic orbits of general dynamical systems. Iterative algorithms for finding solutions by these methods, for both the exact continuum case, and for approximate discrete representations suitable for numerical implementation, are discussed. Finally, we describe our approach to the computation of unstable periodic orbits of the driven Navier-Stokes equations, simulated using the lattice Boltzmann equation.

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A lattice Boltzmann formulation for relativistic fluids is presented and numerically validated through quantitative comparison with recent hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic fluids. In order to illustrate its capability to handle complex geometries, the scheme is also applied to the case of a three-dimensional relativistic shock wave, generated by a supernova explosion, impacting on a massive interstellar cloud. This formulation opens up the possibility of exporting the proven advantages of lattice Boltzmann methods, namely, computational efficiency and easy handling of complex geometries, to the context of (mildly) relativistic fluid dynamics at large, from quark-gluon plasmas up to supernovae with relativistic outflows.

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It has been known since 1986 that it is possible to construct simple lattice-gas cellular automata whose hydrodynamics are governed by the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions. The simplest such model heretofore known has six bits of state per site on a triangular lattice. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to construct a model with only five bits of state per site on a Kagome lattice.

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We describe a software package designed for the investigation of topological fluid dynamics with a novel algorithm for locating and tracking vortex cores. The package is equipped with modules for generating desired vortex knots and links and evolving them according to the Navier-Stokes equations, while tracking and visualizing them. The package is parallelized using a message passing interface for a multiprocessor environment and makes use of a computational steering library for dynamic user intervention.

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Entropic lattice Boltzmann models are discrete-velocity models of hydrodynamics that possess a Lyapunov function. This feature makes them useful as nonlinearly stable numerical methods for integrating hydrodynamic equations. Over the last few years, such models have been successfully developed for the Navier-Stokes equations in two and three dimensions, and have been proposed as a new category of subgrid model of turbulence.

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We present numerical results obtained using a lattice gas model with dynamical geometry. The (irreversible) macroscopic behaviour of the geometry (size) of the lattice is discussed in terms of a simple scaling theory and obtained numerically. The emergence of irreversible behaviour from the reversible microscopic lattice gas rules is discussed in terms of the constraint that the macroscopic evolution be reproducible.

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We demonstrate that the requirement of Galilean invariance determines the choice of H function for a wide class of entropic lattice-Boltzmann models for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The required H function has the form of the Burg entropy for D=2, and of a Tsallis entropy with q=1-(2/D) for D>2, where D is the number of spatial dimensions. We use this observation to construct a fully explicit, unconditionally stable, Galilean-invariant, lattice-Boltzmann model for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, for which attainable Reynolds number is limited only by grid resolution.

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Generalization of Metropolis and heat-bath sampling for Monte Carlo simulations.

Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics

August 1999

For a wide class of applications of the Monte Carlo method, we describe a general sampling methodology that is guaranteed to converge to a specified equilibrium distribution function. The method is distinct from that of Metropolis in that it is sometimes possible to arrange for unconditional acceptance of trial moves. It involves sampling states in a local region of phase space with probability equal to, in the first approximation, the square root of the desired global probability density function.

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Fourier acceleration has been successfully applied to the simulation of lattice field theories for more than a decade. In this paper, we extend the method to the dynamics of discrete particles moving in a continuum. Although our method is based on a mapping of the particles' dynamics to a regular grid so that discrete Fourier transforms may be taken, it should be emphasized that the introduction of the grid is a purely algorithmic device and that no smoothing, coarse-graining, or mean-field approximations are made.

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We simulate the dynamics of phase assembly in binary immiscible fluids and ternary microemulsions using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic lattice-gas approach. For critical spinodal decomposition we perform the scaling analysis in reduced variables introduced by Jury et al. [Phys.

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Lattice-boltzmann model for interacting amphiphilic fluids.

Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics

December 2000

We develop our recently proposed lattice-Boltzmann method for the nonequilibrium dynamics of amphiphilic fluids [H. Chen, B. M.

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Correlations and renormalization in lattice gases.

Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics

July 1995

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Massively parallel computers offer scientists a new tool for computation, with capabilities and limitations that are substantially different from those of traditional serial computers. Most categories of large-scale scientific computations have proven remarkably amenable to parallel computation, but often the algorithms involved are different from those used on sequential machines. By surveying a range of examples of parallel scientific computations, this article summarizes our current understanding of the issues of applicability and programming of parallel computers for scientific applications.

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