Publications by authors named "BE Zimmerman"

The massic activity of Ac in 0.1 mol/L HCl was measured by multiple primary methods over four consistent measurement campaigns. Results from the triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) method of liquid scintillation (LS) counting were in accord with other LS-based primary methods.

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  • Thorium-227 was isolated from its decay products and its activity standardized using the TDCR method in liquid scintillation counting.
  • Additional measurements were conducted using efficiency tracing and live-timed anticoincidence counting to confirm the results.
  • The effectiveness of the separation process was validated through gamma-ray spectrometry, and various calibration methods for different detection devices are discussed.
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The β-emitter Ho is of interest as a potential radiolabel for therapeutic medical applications. A new decay data evaluation for Ho has been performed using the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP) methodology. New recommended values for the half-life, γ-ray emission probabilities, β branching ratios, and other relevant nuclear and atomic data are provided.

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Absolute gamma-ray emission intensities for 36 characteristic gamma rays from the decay of Ra, Pb, and their progeny were determined by measuring sources calibrated for activity by means of primary methods based on well-defined high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors at both NIST and NPL. Results from the two laboratories agree with recent data evaluations, except for gamma rays with low emission intensities. The decay schemes have been re-balanced based on the new results.

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Gadolinium-153 was standardized for activity by live-timed anticoincidence counting and an ampoule was submitted to the international reference system (SIR). Absolute emission intensities for the main γ rays were determined with calibrated high-purity germanium (HPGe) and lithium-drifted silicon (Si(Li)) detectors. A revised decay scheme is indicated, with no probability of direct electron capture to the Eu ground state.

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The Vinten 671 ionization chamber (VIC) was modelled using Monte Carlo (MC) programs EGSnrc, Penelope, and TOPAS. Several national measurement institutes have VICs with well-characterized response relationships and have measured calibration coefficients for many radionuclides. Twelve radionuclides with various decay emissions were assessed as well as 14 monoenergetic photon sources and 10 monoenergetic electron sources.

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An activity standard for Pb in equilibrium with its progeny was realized, based on triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) liquid scintillation (LS) counting. A Monte Carlo-based approach to estimating uncertainties due to nuclear decay data (branching ratios, beta endpoint energies, γ-ray energies, and conversion coefficients for Pb and Tl) led to combined standard uncertainties ≤ 0.20 %.

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A portable calorimeter for direct realization of absorbed dose in medical computed tomography (CT) procedures was constructed and tested in a positron emission tomography (PET) CT scanner. The calorimeter consists of two small thermistors embedded in a polystyrene (PS) cylindrical "core" (1.5 cm diameter) that can be inserted into a cylindrical high-density polyethylene (HDPE) phantom (30 cm diameter).

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With the ongoing dramatic growth of radiopharmaceutical therapy, research and development in internal radiation dosimetry continue to advance both at academic medical centers and in industry. The basic paradigm for patient-specific dosimetry includes administration of a pretreatment tracer activity of the therapeutic radiopharmaceutical; measurement of its time-dependent biodistribution; definition of the pertinent anatomy; integration of the measured time-activity data to derive source-region time-integrated activities; calculation of the tumor, organ-at-risk, and/or whole-body absorbed doses; and prescription of the therapeutic administered activity. This paper provides an overview of the state of the art of patient-specific dosimetry for radiopharmaceutical therapy, including current methods and commercially available software and other resources.

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Advances in imaging and early cancer detection have increased interest in magnetic resonance (MR) guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) technologies for cancer treatment. MRgFUS ablation treatments could reduce surgical risks, preserve organ tissue and function, and improve patient quality of life. However, surgical resection and histological analysis remain the gold standard to assess cancer treatment response.

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The national metrology institutes for the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) have compared activity standards for Ra, an α-particle emitter of interest as the basis for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Solutions of RaCl were assayed by absolute methods, including digital coincidence counting and triple-to-double coincidence ratio liquid scintillation counting. Ionization chamber and high-purity germanium (HPGe) γ-ray spectrometry calibrations were compared; further, a solution was shipped between laboratories for a direct comparison by HPGe spectrometry.

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  • Radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) targets tumors with radiation, improving treatment effectiveness compared to traditional methods, but lacks standardized dosimetry practices.
  • The NRG-National Cancer Institute Working Group identifies key challenges for RPT advancement, focusing on the creation of best practice guidelines for patient-specific dosimetry applicable in clinics of all sizes.
  • Other priorities include enhancing strategies for new radiopharmaceuticals, addressing patient anxieties about radioactivity, and tackling financial and training challenges within the RPT field.
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Noninvasive MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatments are promising alternatives to the surgical removal of malignant tumors. A significant challenge is assessing the viability of treated tissue during and immediately after MRgFUS procedures. Current clinical assessment uses the nonperfused volume (NPV) biomarker immediately after treatment from contrast-enhanced MRI.

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Receptor-targeted image-guided Radionuclide Therapy (TRT) is increasingly recognized as a promising approach to cancer treatment. In particular, the potential for clinical translation of receptor-targeted alpha-particle therapy is receiving considerable attention as an approach that can improve outcomes for cancer patients. Higher Linear-energy Transfer (LET) of alpha-particles (compared to beta particles) for this purpose results in an increased incidence of double-strand DNA breaks and improved-localized cancer-cell damage.

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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) measured the internal pair production branching ratio of Y using two sources and four high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors to detect the resulting annihilation radiation. The internal pair production branching ratio determined from these measurements, (32.0 ± 1.

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A standard for activity of Ra in secular equilibrium with its progeny has been developed, based on triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) liquid scintillation (LS) counting. The standard was confirmed by efficiency tracing and 4παβ(LS)-γ(NaI(Tl)) anticoincidence counting, as well as by 4πγ ionization chamber and NaI(Tl) measurements. Secondary standard ionization chambers were calibrated with an expanded uncertainty of 0.

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A solution of I was standardized for activity by 4πβ(LS)-γ(NaI) live-timed anticoincidence (LTAC) counting, with confirmatory measurements by triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) and CIEMAT-NIST efficiency tracing (CNET) liquid scintillation counting. The LTAC-based standard was shown to be in agreement (within k = 1 uncertainties) with previous measurements at NIST and elsewhere. Calibration settings for radionuclide calibrators were determined and a discrepancy with literature values, partially due to a calibration methodology dependent upon an erroneous setting for F, was identified and explained.

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The complex decay scheme that makes Cu promising as both an imaging and therapeutic agent in medicine also makes the absolute measurement of its activity challenging. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has completed a primary activity standardization of a CuCl solution using the 4πβ(LS)-γ(NaI) live-timed anticoincidence (LTAC) counting method with a combined standard uncertainty of 0.51 %.

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A new natural uranium solution standard has been produced and will be disseminated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as Standard Reference Material 4321d. The standard is certified for the massic activities of U, U, and U in solution, and it is based on isotopic mass data for the metallic Certified Reference Material (CRM) 112-A (originally issued as SRM 960) that was obtained from THE U.S.

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An international key comparison, identifier CCRI(II)-K2.Ge-68, has been performed. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) served as the pilot laboratory, distributing aliquots of a Ge/Ga solution.

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A new decay data evaluation for the positron emitting radionuclide I has been performed using the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP) methodology. New recommended values for the half-life, γ-ray emission probabilities, β branching ratios, and other relevant nuclear and atomic data are provided. This paper provides a summary of the evaluation; the complete set of recommended data tables and detailed evaluator comments are available at the DDEP website.

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In nuclear medicine, Ge is used to generate Ga for imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and sealed sources containing Ge/Ga in equilibrium have been adopted as long-lived calibration surrogates for the more common PET nuclide, F. We prepared several Ge sources for measurement on a NaI(Tl) well counter and a pressurized ionization chamber, following their decay for 110 weeks (≈ 2.8 half-lives).

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Using uniform cylindrical phantoms containing calibrated solutions of F and Cu, we evaluated for the first time the accuracy with which the activity concentration of Cu can be quantified on an absolute basis using Positron Emission Tomography (with X-ray Computed Tomography, PET-CT). The scanner was first calibrated for F using the manufacturer's calibration protocol and a phantom with an activity concentration value traceable to the U.S.

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A method for preparation of Pb-212 and Pb-203 labeled chelator-modified peptide-based radiopharmaceuticals for cancer imaging and radionuclide therapy has been developed and adapted for automated clinical production. Pre-concentration and isolation of radioactive Pb2+ from interfering metals in dilute hydrochloric acid was optimized using a commercially-available Pb-specific chromatography resin packed in disposable plastic columns. The pre-concentrated radioactive Pb2+ is eluted in NaOAc buffer directly to the reaction vessel containing chelator-modified peptides.

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