Publications by authors named "B Urquieta Aguila"

is one of the most salient mushroom genera due to its cultural, economic, and medical importance. Recently, many new species have been described worldwide, increasing the genus richness. However, several clades have cryptic diversity, and many species complexes have not yet been resolved.

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Fungi are ubiquitous and metabolically versatile. Their dispersion has important scientific, environmental, health, and economic implications. They can be dispersed through the air by the aerosolization of near surfaces or transported from distant sources.

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Background: The median survival of Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients is 14+ months due to poor responses to surgery and chemoradiation. Means to counteract radiation resistance are therefore highly desirable. We demonstrate the membrane bound matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP promotes resistance of GBM to radiation, and that using a selective and brain permeable MT1-MMP inhibitor, -ND336, improved tumor control can be achieved in preclinical studies.

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Eutrophication is a global problem causing the reduction of water quality and the loss of ecosystem goods and services. The lakes of the "Lagunas de Montebello" National Park (LMNP), Chiapas, Mexico, not only represent unique and beautiful natural scenic sites in southern Mexico but are also a national protected area and RAMSAR site. Unfortunately, some of these lakes started showing eutrophication signs since 2003.

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The inheritance of memory is an adaptive trait. Microbes challenge the immunity of organisms and trigger behavioral adaptations that can be inherited, but how bacteria produce inheritance of a trait is unknown. We use and its bacteria to study the transgenerational RNA dynamics of interspecies crosstalk leading to a heritable behavior.

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