Introduction: Since Regione Veneto suspended compulsory vaccination for children in 2008, and because of an increasing disaffection of parents to the vaccine practice, the vaccination rates have been slowly but steadily decreasing. The aim of this study was to analyze internal and external factors of immunization reduction and to implement potential solutions of the problem.
Methods: Servizio Igiene e SanitĂ Pubblica of ULSS 12 Venezi-na (SISP - Hygiene and Public Health Service) analyzed and addressed both, the reasons of parents who do not vaccinate their children and the internal problems regarding vaccination clinics management, information to families, procedures and guidelines and, in general, the communication skills of the vaccination staff.
Introduction: Legionella bacterium manifests itself in Legionnaire's disease and Pontiac fever, it is mainly found and transmitted by aerosol produced in cooling towers, water distribution plants and medical equipment, and it affects mainly elder persons in poor health.
Methods: The population of Venice Local Health Unit was divided in two areas of study and the incidence of legionellosis in residents of Venice historical centre (Distretto Sanitario 1) and in residents of the mainland and coastal areas (Distretti Sanitari 2, 3, 4) was calculated. The cases were those notified to the Public Health Unit by law, and the population of residents was that of the eligible for health care in the archives of the Local Health Unit.