Publications by authors named "B L Sandomirskiĭ"

Adhesive towards the cells properties of three polypropylene net prostheses (PNP), manufactured by "Espera", with the slots size 1 x 1 mm, 2 x 2 mm, 2 x 4 mm and one specimen (the slot diameter 1 mm) on the oxycellulose background, were tested for prognostication of hernioplasty results, using nonresorbable PNP. The adhesion degree and peculiarities of cellular line, obtained from embryonal kidney of pig, put on the tested nets specimen in conditions of cultivation during 5 - 10 days were estimated, using inverted microscope in regime of phasic contrast. The data obtained witness the lowered cellular adhesion towards PNP "Espera" without oxycellular background.

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The effect of C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution (C60 FAS) on activity of redox and proliferative processes in PKE (transplantable cell line of pig kidney embryo) cells has been studied. In particular, it was established that the presence of C60 fullerene (127 microM) in culturing medium of PKE cells during 48 h did not change their ability to reduce non-toxic AlamarBlue redox indicator and proliferative activity.

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We studied the possibility of using 3D structures based on carbon catalytic deposits as carriers for human bone marrow stromal cells. It was found that carbon catalytic deposits obtained by gas deposition method using FeCl(3) × 6H(2)O as the catalyst are a biocompatible material for human bone marrow stromal cells promoting adhesion, proliferation, and distribution of cells within the 3D carrier, and therefore can be used for tissue engineering.

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The work constitutes an attempt to analyze and to determine the causes of problems concerning the cryosurgical methods of treatment development as well as the possible ways of their solving, Along with vivid progress in cryosurgical technologies taking place, cryosurgery is developing actively and need the conduction of profound scientific investigations in this field. It is possible to reveal a real potential of cryosurgery after scientific experimental--practical base creation, aiming at introduction of cryosurgical methods in a full volume into clinical medicine.

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Comparative studying, using histological and biomicroscopic methods, of the dosed cryohepatodestruction (CHD), periarterial cryodenervation of hepatic artery (CDHA) and their concomitant application influence on the dynamics of hepatic restoration processes in experimental cirrhosis was performed. The investigations were done on 215 male rats owing body mass 200-280 g in a not changed and pathologically changed liver. There was shown, that CDHA promotes changes in hepatic tissue microhemocirculation, as well as the enhancement of the sinusoidal vessels diameter and relative square of vascular bed.

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