Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes
December 2022
Introduction: The project "Digital unterstützte Prostatakrebsnachsorge in Schleswig-Holstein" (Digitally supported prostate cancer aftercare in Schleswig-Holstein) funded by the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein aims to test the app "Nachsorge-Pass" (Patient Aftercare Book) in the care of prostate cancer patients after seed brachytherapy. In order to evaluate the app from the patient perspective a qualitative study was conducted which examined usability, usefulness and potential for improvement.
Methods: All patients using the app at the start of the study were invited to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews; 12 of 20 users (60%) followed the invitation.
Background: Side effects due to prostate cancer therapy and psychosocial strain are not always recognised during follow-up, which may result in the absence of appropriate therapy offers. Recent studies have shown a potential for improving care by integrating digital technologies like smartphone apps.
Objective: This scoping review aimed to explore the effects of apps for the assessment of side effects and distress, provision of individualised patient information and management of prostate cancer follow-up on patient outcome.
Background: For people with dementia high-quality care is vital, since at present dementia cannot be cured. In nursing homes this care is provided by the staff, who therefore require dementia-specific training enabling them to improve the quality of life for people with dementia.
Objective: This article compares existing dementia-specific training for nursing home staff with recommendations, based on the current state of research, by the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and discusses the outcome of this training.