J Environ Public Health
April 2022
Vegetables contain vital ingredients such as minerals, phytochemicals, vitamins, and fibers, which play significant roles in human health. Consumption of fresh vegetables causes human infections and outbreaks while serving as a reservoir of several pathogens. The study evaluated the microbiological quality of raw vegetables consumed in and around Fiche town, Central Ethiopia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSulfide is frequently suggested as a tool to release and recover phosphate from iron phosphate rich waste streams, such as sewage sludge, although systematic studies on mechanisms and efficiencies are missing. Batch experiments were conducted with different synthetic iron phosphates (purchased Fe(III)P, Fe(III)P synthesized in the lab and vivianite, Fe(II)(PO)*8HO), various sewage sludges (with different molar Fe:P ratios) and sewage sludge ash. When sulfide was added to synthetic iron phosphates (molar Fe:S = 1), phosphate release was completed within 1 h with a maximum release of 92% (vivianite), 60% (purchased Fe(III)P) and 76% (synthesized Fe(III)P).
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