Publications by authors named "B D Bates"

Background: Recognizing ACL injuries on the field and in the office can be very challenging in awake and apprehensive patients. Despite high specificity, many published "pivot-shift" techniques have limited acceptance mainly because of unsatisfactory sensitivity. We describe in detail, four specific modifications and provide a critical review of our clinical experiences to empower the new user's readiness to master a novel screening procedure for ACL disruption.

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Using rare cancer predisposition alleles derived from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and high cancer prevalence (14% of participants) in All of Us (version 6), we assessed the impact of these rare alleles on cancer occurrence in six broad groups of genetic similarity provided by All of Us: African/African American (AFR), Admixed American/Latino (AMR), East Asian (EAS), European (EUR), Middle Eastern (MID), or South Asian (SAS). We observed that germline susceptibility to cancer consistently replicates in EUR-like participants but less so in other participants. We found that All of Us participants from the EUR (p = 1.

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Introduction: The importance of nurturing care for child development is well-established, and parents play a central role in providing this care. However, cultural values and traditions can influence child-rearing practices, and there are gaps in child welfare in Ecuador. Two research questions delve into caregivers' definitions of nurturing care for children aged 0-5 and its alignment with World Health Organization's concept.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to validate the clinical accuracy of the lift-off screw (LOS) technique for volar tilt correction (VTC) in patients undergoing corrective osteotomy for dorsally angulated distal radius fracture malunions.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 23 patients with dorsally angulated distal radius fracture malunions treated with corrective osteotomy using the LOS technique. The LOS equation L = [tan(T) ∗ L + C]/[cos(⍬)] and standardized intraoperative fluoroscopic images were used to determine and compare the calculated and clinical VTC and final volar tilt.

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Background: Despite 2 decades of cancer survivorship research, policy, and advocacy, primary care in the United States has not fully integrated survivorship care into its generalist role. This manuscript describes innovative roles primary care physicians have adopted in survivorship care and how these roles emerged.

Methods: We conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with a snowball sample of 10 US primary care physician innovators in survivorship care.

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