Publications by authors named "Auerilius E Hamilton"

We present a case of cutaneous botryomycosis of the lower leg in a young adult male. Botryomycosis is a chronic granulomatous response to bacterial infection. As a cutaneous lesion, it can easily be mistaken for a malignant, autoimmune or inflammatory mass.

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Lipomas are the commonest benign mesenchymal tumours, commonly seen as a subcutaneous lump. However, intermuscular lipomas are uncommon and can remain asymptomatic until they attain larger sizes. We discuss a rare case of a large symptomatic intermuscular lipoma in a 34-year-old woman who presented with acute on chronic groin pain.

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This report is of a rare case involving a 27-year-old female who presented to the hospital with the pathological couplet of colocolic intussusception and cecal bascule causing bowel obstruction. Up to the time of presentation to the hospital, this patient had not undergone a full investigation for a known iron deficiency, anemia. Subsequently, during the emergency admission and after having an operative surgical procedure, the patient was found to have both a congenitally malpositioned cecum and a benign colonic polyp-forming condition.

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