Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Atsuko Isogai"
- Atsuko Isogai's research primarily focuses on the fermentation processes and characteristics of traditional Japanese beverages, particularly sake, exploring the biochemical pathways and compounds involved in flavor development and off-flavors such as hineka (stale aroma).
- Recent studies include investigations into the influence of glucose carbon stable isotopes in rice degradation, quantifying vanillin's role in sake aroma, and understanding genetic modifications in sake yeast strains to improve brewing properties and reduce undesirable off-flavors like dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS).
- Isogai's work also delves into the enzymatic mechanisms and metabolic pathways of yeast during fermentation, employing techniques such as genome editing, chromatography, and sensory analysis to enhance the quality and characteristics of traditional Japanese alcoholic beverages.