Unlabelled: A technique is presented for severely impacted and dentigerous-cyst-related mandibular third molar removal, avoiding any associated risks.
Case Presentation: A healthy patient complained about unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth and unilateral extraoral palpation of a protuberance, at the right corner of the mandible. Restricted field CBCT showed a severely impacted third molar, which penetrated the inferior cortical bone of the mandibular corner and was associated with a dentigerous cyst that had resorbed considerable bone in the region.
Statement Of Problem: Wetting of the set gypsum product used for cast articulation may result in additional expansion.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the linear expansion of 2 type II and 1 type III gypsum products with and without addition of water after setting, over a time period of 120 hours.
Material And Methods: The gypsum products tested in this study were Model Plaster, Lab Plaster, and Mounting Stone.
Statement Of Problem: Although the esthetic outcome of a collarless metal ceramic restoration is superior to that of a restoration with a metal margin, its mechanical strength has not been evaluated.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the fracture resistance of metal ceramic restorations with metal margins to that of metal ceramic restorations with circumferential porcelain margins, after exposure to masticatory simulation.
Material And Methods: Twenty-four metal ceramic restorations were fabricated and paired with 24 cobalt-chrome tooth analogs.