Publications by authors named "Astrid Borchert"

Lipoxygenases (ALOX) play important roles in cell differentiation and in the pathogenesis of cardio-vascular, hyperproliferative, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. The human genome involves six intact ALOX genes and knockout studies of the corresponding mouse orthologs indicated that the coding multiplicity of ALOX-isoforms is not an indication for functional redundancy. Despite their evolutionary relatedness human and mouse ALOX15 and ALOX15B orthologs exhibit different catalytic properties.

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Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common human neurodegenerative disorder worldwide. Owing to its chronic nature, our limited understanding of its pathophysiological mechanisms, and because of the lack of effective anti-AD drugs, AD represents a significant socio-economic challenge for all industrialized countries. Neuronal cell death is a key factor in AD pathogenesis and recent studies have suggested that neuronal ferroptosis may play a major patho-physiological role.

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Glutathione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4) and arachidonic acid 15 lipoxygenase (Alox15) are counterplayers in oxidative lipid metabolism and both enzymes have been implicated in spermatogenesis. However, the roles of the two proteins in acrosomal exocytosis have not been explored in detail. Here we characterized Gpx4 distribution in mouse sperm and detected the enzyme not only in the midpiece of the resting sperm but also at the anterior region of the head, where the acrosome is localized.

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Among the eight human glutathione peroxidase isoforms, glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) is the only enzyme capable of reducing complex lipid peroxides to the corresponding alcohols. In mice, corruption of the gene leads to embryonic lethality and more detailed expression silencing studies have implicated the enzyme in several physiological processes (e.g.

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Arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenases (ALOX15) are lipid peroxidizing enzymes, which has previously been implicated in the maturational breakdown of intracellular organelles and plasma membrane remodeling during reticulocyte-erythrocyte transition. Conventional Alox15 mice are viable, develop normally but do not exhibit a major defective erythropoietic phenotype. To characterize the putative in vivo relevance of Alox15 for red blood cell development, we explored the impact of systemic inactivation of the Alox15 gene on mouse erythropoiesis.

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Glutathione peroxidases (GPX) are anti-oxidative enzymes that reduce organic and inorganic hydroperoxides to the corresponding alcohols at the expense of reduced glutathione. The human genome involves eight GPX genes and five of them encode for selenocysteine-containing enzymes. Among the human GPX-isoforms, GPX4 is unique since it is capable of reducing complex hydroperoxy ester lipids such as hydroperoxy phospholipids and hydroperoxy cholesterolesters.

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Glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) and arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenase (ALOX15) are antagonizing enzymes in the metabolism of hydroperoxy lipids. In spermatoid cells and/or in the male reproductive system both enzymes are apparently expressed, and GPX4 serves as anti-oxidative enzyme but also as a structural protein. In this study we explored whether germ line inactivation of the Alox15 gene might rescue male subfertility induced by heterozygous expression of catalytically silent Gpx4.

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Aims: Glutathione peroxidases (Gpx) and lipoxygenases (Alox) are functional counterplayers in the metabolism of hydroperoxy lipids that regulate cellular redox homeostasis. Gpx4 is a moonlighting protein that has been implicated not only as an enzyme in anti-oxidative defense, gene expression regulation, and programmed cell death, but also as a structural protein in spermatogenesis. Homozygous Gpx4 knock-out mice are not viable, but molecular reasons for intrauterine lethality are not completely understood.

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Secretoglobins (SCGB), such as mammaglobin 1 (MGB1, SCGB2A2), mammaglobin 2 (MGB2, SCGB2A1) and lipophilin B (LIPB, SCGB1D2), have been related to carcinogenesis. We profiled expression of MGB1, MGB2 and LIPB in human tissues and ovarian carcinoma and explored the impact of SCGB overexpression on cell proliferation. MGB1, MGB2 and LIPB mRNA are expressed at variable levels in most human tissues and we observed significant bilateral correlations between the different secretoglobins.

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Monoamine oxidases A and B (MAO-A and MAO-B) are enzymes of the outer mitochondrial membrane that metabolize biogenic amines. In the adult central nervous system, MAOs have important functions for neurotransmitter homeostasis. Expression of MAO isoforms has been detected in the developing embryo.

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Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are flavoproteins of the outer mitochondrial membrane that catalyze the oxidative deamination of biogenic and xenobiotic amines. In mammals there are two isoforms (MAO-A and MAO-B) that can be distinguished on the basis of their substrate specificity and their sensitivity towards specific inhibitors. Both isoforms are expressed in most tissues, but their expression in the central nervous system and their ability to metabolize monoaminergic neurotransmitters have focused MAO research on the functionality of the mature brain.

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Monoamine oxidases (MAO-A, MAO-B) metabolize biogenic amines and have been implicated in neuronal apoptosis. Although apoptosis is an important process in embryo development, the role of MAO isoenzymes has not been investigated in detail. We found that expression of MAO-A and MAO-B can be detected early on during embryo development.

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Glutathione peroxidases (GPx) form a heterogeneous enzyme family and GPx4-isoforms have been implicated in anti-oxidative defense, brain development, neuroinjury and sperm maturation. In humans seven GPx isoforms (GPx1-GPx7) can be separated. To selectively quantify the expression of GPx4-isoforms we have raised a monoclonal antibody (anti-hGPx4 Mab63-1) against the pure recombinant Sec46Cys mutant of human cytosolic GPx4 and used it for immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry.

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The development of an embryo constitutes a complex choreography of regulatory events that underlies precise temporal and spatial control. Throughout this process the embryo encounters ever changing environments, which challenge its metabolism. Oxygen is required for embryogenesis but it also poses a potential hazard via formation of reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species (ROS/RNS).

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Starting from low toxic salicyloylglycine, a new seleninic acid anhydride 7 that lacks SeN or SeO non-bonded interactions was synthesized. This compound exhibits a fourfold higher glutathione peroxidase-like (GPx-like) activity than ebselen and inhibits plant and mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenases at lower micromolar concentrations. Because of these pharmacological properties, 7 may constitute a new lead compound for the development of anti-inflammatory low-molecular-weight seleno-organic compounds.

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Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4) is a moonlighting selenoprotein, which has been implicated in basic cell functions such as anti-oxidative defense, apoptosis, and gene expression regulation. GPx4-null mice die in utero at midgestation, and developmental retardation of the brain appears to play a major role. We investigated post-transcriptional mechanisms of GPx4 expression regulation and found that the guanine-rich sequence-binding factor 1 (Grsf1) up-regulates GPx4 expression.

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Objective: Murine genetic models suggest that function of the 12/15-LOX enzyme promotes atherosclerosis. We tested the hypothesis that exonic and/or promoter single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human 12/15-LOX gene (ALOX15) alter the risk of symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD).

Methods And Results: We resequenced ALOX15 and then genotyped a common promoter and a less common novel coding SNP (T560M) in 1809 subjects with CAD and 1734 controls from Kaiser Permanente including a subset of participants of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study.

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Selenoproteins have been recognized as modulators of brain function and signaling. Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4/PHGPx) is a unique member of the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidases in mammals with a pivotal role in brain development and function. GPx4 exists as a cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear isoform derived from a single gene.

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Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4) is a moonlighting selenoprotein, which has been implicated in anti-oxidative defense, sperm development, and cerebral embryogenesis. Among GPx-isoforms, GPx4 is unique because of its capability to reduce complex lipid hydroperoxides and its tendency toward polymerization, but the structural basis for these properties remained unclear. To address this, we solved the crystal structure of the catalytically active U46C mutant of human GPx4 to 1.

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Glutathione peroxidase-4 (GPx4) is a multifunctional selenoprotein expressed as mitochondrial, cytosolic, or nuclear isoforms. As a catalytically active enzyme it has been implicated in antioxidative defense, but during sperm development it functions as a structural protein. GPx4 null mice die in utero at midgestation and knockdown of GPx4 during embryogenesis disturbs brain development.

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Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4) is a selenocysteine-containing enzyme, and three different isoforms (cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear) originate from the GPx4 gene. Homozygous GPx4-deficient mice die in utero at midgestation, since they fail to initiate gastrulation and do not develop embryonic cavities. To investigate the biological basis for embryonic lethality, we first explored expression of the GPx4 in adult murine brain and found expression of the protein in cerebral neurons.

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Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (phGPx) is a member of the seleno glutathione peroxidase family that is comprised of five selenoproteins capable of reducing hydroperoxy lipids to the corresponding alcohols. The enzyme has been implicated in antioxidative defense, but its high expression level in testicular tissue suggests a more specific function during sperm maturation. The phGPx is encoded for by a joint sperm nucleus/phGPx gene (sn/phGPx) and can be expressed as a mitochondrial or cytosolic isoform.

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A sperm nucleus glutathione peroxidase (snGPx), which is closely related to the phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (phGPx), was recently discovered in late spermatids. Both GPx isoforms originate from a joint ph/snGPx gene, but their N-terminal peptides are encoded by alternative first exons. The expression of the two enzymes is differentially regulated in various cells, but little is known about the regulatory mechanisms.

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The protein surplus myopathies have emerged as a newly recognized subgroup of morphologically defined myopathies within the spectrum of congenital myopathies because of the accumulation of protein aggregates, some of them mutant proteins. Currently, nosologic, including molecular criteria include desmin-related myopathies, actinopathies, and hereditary inclusion body myopathies, whereas hyaline body myopathy is still a putative form of protein surplus myopathy because of lack of any molecular data. The congenital myopathies (CM), foremost including nemaline and myotubular myopathies, have given evidence that, despite their epidemiologic rarity, the molecular age has dawned in CM and has even revealed surprising new nosologic features requiring reassessment and reclassification of certain CM.

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