Publications by authors named "Astri Wayadande"

The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera; Aleyrodidae), and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), are highly problematic plant pests and virus vectors with worldwide distributions. Identification of whitefly species is typically accomplished by observation of distinct morphological characters; however, because of morphological inconsistency and indistinguishability, the discrimination of B. tabaci species variants is dependent on molecular techniques based on genetic differences.

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Electropenetrography (EPG) has been used for many years to visualize unseen stylet probing behaviors of plant-feeding piercing-sucking insects, primarily hemipterans. Yet, EPG has not been extensively used with blood-feeding insects. In this study, an AC-DC electropenetrograph with variable input resistors (Ri), i.

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The Great Plains of the United States is a region comprised of approximately 45 million hectares of grasslands where several economically important cereal crops are grown. Arthropod-transmitted, cereal-infecting viruses vary in incidence from year-to-year and are often difficult to detect in large acreages. To facilitate the detection of economically important viruses of cereals that often exist in co-infections, a multiplex reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) platform assay was developed.

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House flies (Musca domestica L.) are mechanical vectors of food-borne pathogens including Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Shigella spp.

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The whitefly species Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) are worldwide agricultural pests and virus vectors. Bemisia tabaci, in particular, is often transported internationally via trade routes leading to potential introductions of exotic whiteflies or plant viruses. Quick identification of agriculturally important whiteflies can facilitate interventions that prevent these cross-border introductions.

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The western chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Barber, is a serious pest of buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nuttall) due to physical and chemical damage caused during the feeding process. Although previous work has investigated the feeding behaviors of chinch bugs in the Blissus complex, no study to date has explored salivary gland morphology and the associated salivary complex of this insect. Whole and sectioned B.

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House flies are of major concern as vectors of food-borne pathogens to food crops. House flies are common pests on cattle feedlots and dairies, where they develop in and feed on animal waste. By contacting animal waste, house flies can acquire human pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.

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Filth flies are known mechanical vectors of pathogenic bacteria in hospital and restaurant settings, but their role as vectors for disseminating microbes to plants has not been demonstrated. Escherichia coli O157:H7 deposition by flies onto spinach was studied using molecular, microbiological, and microscopy techniques. Relative quantitative polymerase chain reaction studies showed that bacteria acquired by flies from contaminated cattle manure and deposited in regurgitation spots on leaves survived and multiplied.

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Corn stunt disease has become a factor limiting maize production in some areas of the Americas in recent years. Although resistant maize genotypes have been developed in the past, this resistance has been unstable over time or in some geographical locations. To better understand disease components that could affect the stability of host resistance, we assessed the genome variability of the etiologic agent, Spiroplasma kunkelii.

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Phytopathogenic spiroplasmas can multiply in vascular plants and insects. A deeper understanding of this dual-host life could be furthered through the identification by random mutagenesis of spiroplasma genes required. The ability of the EZ::TN™ Tnp transposome™ system to create random insertional mutations in the genome of Spiroplasma citri was evaluated.

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To characterize potentially important surface-exposed proteins of the phytoplasma causing chrysanthemum yellows (CY), new primers were designed based on the conserved regions of 3 membrane protein genes of the completely sequenced onion yellows and aster yellows witches' broom phytoplasmas and were used to amplify CY DNA. The CY genes secY, amp, and artI, encoding the protein translocase subunit SecY, the antigenic membrane protein Amp and the arginine transporter ArtI, respectively, were cloned and completely sequenced. Alignment of CY-specific secY sequences with the corresponding genes of other phytoplasmas confirmed the 16S rDNA-based classification, while amp sequences were highly variable within the 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris'.

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Yellow vine (YV) of cucurbits, associated with a phloem-limited bacterium, causes rapid wilting and death in affected plants. In a previous study, experimental insecticide-treated plots had a lower incidence of YV than untreated plots, suggesting that insects were involved in the transmission of the bacterium. In the study reported here, we compared the incidence of YV and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of the YV bacterium in noncovered squash plants (Cucurbita pepo var.

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