Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Asim Esen"
- Asım Esen's recent research primarily focuses on the efficacy and safety of various anesthesia techniques, particularly in pediatric surgery, as highlighted in his comparative study of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, quadratus lumborum (QL) block, and caudal epidural block for perioperative analgesia in the pediatric population.
- Esen has also investigated complications related to anesthesia practices, including a case report on total spinal block following lumbar plexus block and the risks of venous air embolism during cesarean sections, emphasizing the importance of awareness and prevention strategies in anesthesia.
- Additionally, his earlier research contributions include the biochemical characterization of plant enzymes, such as β-thioglucoside hydrolases and β-glucosidases, which showcase a transition from life sciences focusing on enzymatic properties to the critical area of anesthesiology.