Publications by authors named "Ashok K Goel"

Bioinspiration-using insights into the function of biological systems for the development of new engineering concepts-is already a successful and rapidly growing field. However, only a small portion of the world's biodiversity has thus far been considered as a potential source for engineering inspiration. This means that vast numbers of biological systems of potentially high value to engineering have likely gone unnoticed.

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Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma of lower gingivo-buccal complex and tongue are the most common cancer in the Indian sub-continent. The value of imaging in the staging of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is in judging operability, assessment of the prognostic characteristics and dimensions of the primary tumour, depth of tumour invasion, the presence of cervical metastasis and detection of bone infiltration.

Aim: This study evaluated squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity (tongue and gingivo-buccal complex) on the basis of their appearance, soft tissue extent, depth of tumour invasion and staging.

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We analyze the hypothesis that some individuals on the autism spectrum may use visual mental representations and processes to perform certain tasks that typically developing individuals perform verbally. We present a framework for interpreting empirical evidence related to this "Thinking in Pictures" hypothesis and then provide comprehensive reviews of data from several different cognitive tasks, including the n-back task, serial recall, dual task studies, Raven's Progressive Matrices, semantic processing, false belief tasks, visual search, spatial recall, and visual recall. We also discuss the relationships between the Thinking in Pictures hypothesis and other cognitive theories of autism including Mindblindness, Executive Dysfunction, Weak Central Coherence, and Enhanced Perceptual Functioning.

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Electrical transport in metallic carbon nanotubes, especially the ones with diameters of the order of a few nanometers can be best described using the Tomanaga Luttinger liquid (TL) model. Recently, the TL model has been used to create a convenient transmission line like phenomenological model for carbon nanotubes. In this paper, we have characterized metallic nanotubes based on that model, quantifying the quantum capacitances of individual metallic single walled carbon nanotubes and crystalline bundles of single walled tubes of different diameters.

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