Publications by authors named "Ashley M Darling"

Young women, who suffer from major depressive disorder (MDD) at twice the rate as young men, are particularly vulnerable to cardiovascular events triggered by emotional stress, an association that may be partially explained by excessive sympathetic activation. However, no studies have directly measured sympathetic activity during acute emotional stress in young women with MDD. We hypothesized that the muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) response to acute emotional stress would be greater in young women with MDD (18-30 yrs) compared to healthy non-depressed young women.

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Background: Evidence suggests that adults with major depressive disorder appraise daily stressor events as more severe and report stronger stressor-related negative emotions than non-depressed adults. Despite the growing number of young adults (~18-25 yrs) experiencing depressive symptoms in the absence of a formal clinical diagnosis, limited studies have examined whether current depressive symptom severity influences affective responsivity to daily stressors in young men and women. We tested the hypotheses that greater depressive symptom severity would be related to greater negative stressor appraisal characteristics and greater affective responsivity to daily stressors but not to stressor exposure frequency.

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Background: Sympathetic and blood pressure (BP) hyper-reactivity to stress may contribute to increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD); however, whether this is evident in young adults with MDD without comorbid disease remains unclear. We hypothesized that acute stress-induced increases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and BP would be exaggerated in young adults with MDD compared to healthy non-depressed young adults (HA) and that, in adults with MDD, greater symptom severity would be positively related to MSNA and BP reactivity.

Methods: In 28 HA (17 female) and 39 young adults with MDD of mild-to-moderate severity (unmedicated; 31 female), MSNA (microneurography) and beat-to-beat BP (finger photoplethysmography) were measured at rest and during the cold pressor test (CPT) and Stroop color word test (SCWT).

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Young individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) display peripheral vascular and autonomic nervous system dysfunction, two factors potentially stemming from a redox imbalance. It is currently unclear if these aforementioned factors, observed at rest, alter peripheral haemodynamic responses to exercise in this population. This study examined haemodynamic responses to handgrip exercise in young individuals with PTSD following acute antioxidant (AO) supplementation.

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The prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) is highest in young adults and contributes to an increased risk of developing future cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The studies examining cardiac autonomic function that have included young unmedicated adults with MDD report equivocal findings, and few have considered the potential influence of disease severity or duration.

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Purpose: Adequate, robust vascular responses to passive and active movement represent two distinct components linked to normal, healthy cardiovascular function. Currently, limited research exists determining if these vascular responses are altered in premenopausal females (PMF) when compared across sex or menstrual cycle phase.

Methods: Vascular responses to passive leg movement (PLM) and handgrip (HG) exercise were assessed in PMF ( n = 21) and age-matched men ( n = 21).

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This study sought to determine if high sodium (HS) intake in salt resistant (SR) individuals attenuates upper limb arterial dilation in response to reactive (occlusion) and active (exercise) hyperemia, two stimuli with varying vasodilatory mechanisms, and the role of oxidative stress in this response. Ten young, SR participants (9 males, 1 female) consumed a 7-day HS (6,900 mg/day) and a 7-day recommended sodium intake (RI: 2,300 mg/day) diet in a randomized order. On the last day of each diet, brachial artery (BA) function was evaluated via reactive (RH-FMD: 5 min of cuff occlusion) and active [handgrip (HG) exercise] hyperemia after consumption of both placebo (PL) and antioxidants (AO).

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Although often short-lived, emotional responsiveness to daily stressors ( i.e. , routine and sometimes unexpected everyday hassles) is associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD), morbidity, and mortality.

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Purpose: Young non-Hispanic black (BL) males have displayed lower blood flow (BF) and vascular conductance (VC), but intact functional sympatholysis, during upper limb exercise when compared to non-Hispanic white (WH) males. This study sought to explore if similar differences were also present in the lower limbs.

Methods: Thirteen young BL males and thirteen WH males completed one visit comprised of rhythmic lower limb (plantar flexion) exercise as well as upper limb (handgrip) exercise for a limb-specific comparison.

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Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with sympathetic overactivity and alterations in peripheral adrenergic receptor function; however, no studies have directly assessed vasoconstrictor responsiveness in adults with MDD. We tested the hypotheses that β-adrenergic receptor-mediated vasodilation would be blunted in adults with MDD compared with healthy nondepressed adults (HA) and would functionally contribute to exaggerated norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction.

Methods: In 13 HA (8 female; 24±4 years) and in 12 adults with MDD (8 female; 22±3 yrs), red blood cell flux was measured during graded intradermal microdialysis perfusion of the β-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol (10 to 10 mol/L) and, separately, during the perfusion of norepinephrine (10 to 10 mol/L), alone and in combination with the β-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol (2 mmol/L).

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The prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) is highest in young adulthood, an effect that has been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, individuals with MDD are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Accumulating evidence supports immune system dysregulation as a major contributor to the elevated CVD risk in older adults with MDD; however, whether this is present in young adults with MDD without comorbid disease remains unclear.

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Exposure to daily stressors specific to the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., threat of infection) is associated with emotional distress, heightened stress reactivity, and increased depressive symptomology.

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Background: In middle-aged adults with depression, cerebral vasodilatory reactivity is blunted; however, this has not been examined in treatment-naïve young adults with major depressive disorder (MDD). We tested the hypothesis that cerebrovascular reactivity would be blunted in young adults (18-30 yrs) with MDD compared to healthy non-depressed adults (HA) and would be attenuated to a greater extent in adults with symptomatic MDD (sMDD) compared to adults with MDD in remission (euthymic MDD; eMDD).

Methods: Sixteen adults with MDD [21±3yrs; n = 8 sMDD (6 women); n = 8 eMDD (5 women)] and 14 HA (22±3yrs; 9 women) participated.

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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with an increase in risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The goal of this study was to determine if peripheral vascular dysfunction, a precursor to CVD, was present in young adults with PTSD, and if an acute antioxidant (AO) supplementation could modify this potential PTSD-induced vascular dysfunction. Thirteen individuals with PTSD were recruited for this investigation and were compared with 35 age- and sex-matched controls (CTRL).

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Purpose: Lower limb microvascular dysfunction resulting from prolonged sitting (PS) bouts has been revealed to occur independent of sex. Although acute antioxidant supplementation has been reported to blunt conduit artery dysfunction following PS in young males, it is unknown if this protective effect extends to the microvasculature or is relevant in young females, who possess intrinsic vascular protective mechanisms specific to antioxidant defense. Therefore, this study employed an acute antioxidant supplementation to further examine sex differences during PS with a specific focus on microvascular function.

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