Statement Of Problem: Currently many options are available for restoring a dental implant, although the ideal implant abutment for withstanding the occlusal load and the restorative material for fulfilling the esthetic need remains unclear. Zirconia (Zir) abutments offer good esthetics, but concerns still remain regarding their fracture strength, complex fabrication, and higher cost as compared with those of titanium (Ti) base abutments offering lower cost, acceptable esthetics, and a straightforward procedure.
Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the fracture strength and failure mode of single-tooth Zir and Ti base implant abutments with fatigue loading.
Statement Of Problem: The crown-root ratio guidelines used to establish a prognosis for teeth serving as abutments are commonly applied to a dental implant-supported restoration or potential implant site. These guidelines are generally empirical and therefore lack scientific validation.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to first determine the crown-implant ratios of single tooth implant-supported restorations, and then to compare the crown-implant ratios to the guidelines established for the crown-root ratios of natural teeth.