Publications by authors named "Artois T"

Traditional methods for studying the morphology of microturbellarian flatworms rely on light microscopy, which often lacks the resolution necessary to capture fine structural details. Therefore, we present a protocol to improve the visualisation of structural morphological details in microturbellarians by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We demonstrate this method by imaging the sclerotised copulatory organs of three species of Trigonostomum (Rhabdocoela, Trigonostomidae): T.

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To fully comprehend host-microorganism interactions, it is crucial to understand the composition and diversity of the microbiome, as well as the factors that shape these characteristics. We investigated microbiome variation using the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, an invertebrate model in regeneration biology and (eco-)toxicology, by exposing the organisms to various controlled conditions. The microbiome composition exhibited high variability, with most of the bacteria belonging to the Betaproteobacteria.

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Extensive green roofs provide for many ecosystem services in urban environments. The efficacy of these services is influenced by the vegetation structure. Despite their key role in plant performance and productivity, but also their contribution to nitrogen fixation or carbon sequestration, green roof microbial communities have received little attention so far.

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Microturbellarian flatworms comprise a diverse assemblage amongst meiofauna. These animals primarily exhibit carnivorous feeding habits, preying on various organisms, such as crustaceans, annelids and even other microturbellarians. However, details of their diet are poorly known.

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Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO-NPs) in aquatic environments, originating from urban run-off, product use and post-consumer degradation, interact with aquatic organisms through water and sediments. Thorough toxicity assessment requires comprehensive data across all ecosystem compartments especially the benthic zone, which is currently lacking. Moreover, a proper physicochemical characterization of the particles is needed before and during toxicity assessment.

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Imaging of living animals allows the study of metabolic processes in relation to cellular structures or larger functional entities. To enable in vivo imaging during long-term time-lapses in planarians, we combined and optimized existing protocols, resulting in an easily reproducible and inexpensive procedure. Immobilization with low-melting-point agarose eliminates the use of anesthetics, avoids interfering with the animal during imaging-functionally or physically-and allows recovering the organisms after the imaging procedure.

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Invasive Nile tilapias negatively impact native tilapia species through hybridisation and competition. However, the co-introduction of parasites with Nile tilapia, and subsequent changes in parasite communities, are scarcely documented. Monogeneans are known pathogens of cultured Nile tilapia, although little is known about their fate once Nile tilapias establish in new ecosystems.

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Owing to the largely unexplored diversity of metazoan parasites, their speciation mechanisms and the circumstances under which such speciation occurs - in allopatry or sympatry - remain vastly understudied. Cichlids and their monogenean flatworm parasites have previously served as a study system for macroevolutionary processes, e.g.

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Article Synopsis
  • Urbanization is a significant factor contributing to the decline of insect populations, particularly pollinators like bees, by reducing their natural habitats.
  • Researchers studied the diversity and abundance of wild bees and hoverflies on 20 green roofs in Antwerp, finding 40 different species of wild bees.
  • The study concluded that green roofs can support wild bee populations despite varying characteristics, but hoverflies struggled to thrive in these environments.
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Clinostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) is an economically important parasitic flatworm (Trematoda, Digenea), yet little is known on the population structure of these animals. We characterise a new mitochondrial genome for C. complanatum, derived from an Iranian specimen.

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Many species-rich ecological communities emerge from adaptive radiation events. Yet the effects of adaptive radiation on community assembly remain poorly understood. Here, we explore the well-documented radiations of African cichlid fishes and their interactions with the flatworm gill parasites Cichlidogyrus spp.

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A substantial portion of biodiversity has evolved through adaptive radiation. However, the effects of explosive speciation on species interactions remain poorly understood. Metazoan parasites infecting radiating host lineages could improve our knowledge because of their intimate host relationships.

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During colonial times, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) was introduced into non-native parts of the Congo Basin (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) for the first time. Currently, it is the most farmed cichlid in the DRC, and is present throughout the Congo Basin. Although Nile tilapia has been reported as an invasive species, documentation of historical introductions into this basin and its consequences are scant.

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During their annual migration, avian migrants alternate stopover periods, for refuelling, with migratory flight bouts. We hypothesise that European Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus) adapt their daily migration tactics in association with biomes. We tracked the autumn migration of 24 European Nightjars, from breeding populations in Mongolia, Belgium and UK, using GPS-loggers and multi-sensor data loggers.

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The origin of introduced Nile tilapia stocks in sub-Saharan Africa is largely unknown. In this study, the potential of monogeneans as a biological tag and magnifying glass is tested to reveal their hosts' stocking history. The monogenean gill community of different Nile tilapia populations in sub-Saharan Africa was explored, and a phylogeographic analysis was performed based on the mitogenomes of four dactylogyrid species (Cichlidogyrus halli, C.

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Dactylogyridae is one of the most studied families of parasitic flatworms with more than 1000 species and 166 genera described to date including ecto- and endoparasites. Dactylogyrid monogeneans were suggested as model organisms for host-parasite macroevolutionary and biogeographical studies due to the scientific and economic importance of some of their host lineages. Consequently, an array of phylogenetic research into different dactylogyrid lineages has been produced over the past years but the last family-wide study was published 16 years ago.

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Unlike their marine counterparts, tropical freshwater clupeids receive little scientific attention. However, they sustain important fisheries that may be of (inter)national commercial interest. Africa harbours over 20 freshwater clupeid species within Pellonulini.

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Little phylogeographic structure is presumed for highly mobile species in pelagic zones. Lake Tanganyika is a unique ecosystem with a speciose and largely endemic fauna famous for its remarkable evolutionary history. In bathybatine cichlid fishes, the pattern of lake-wide population differentiation differs among species.

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A comprehensive morphological and taxonomic account of the members of the genus Cheliplana de Beauchamp, 1927 is presented. Six new species are described: Cheliplana asinaraensis n. sp.

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A strict coordination between pro- and antioxidative molecules is needed for normal animal physiology, although their exact function and dynamics during regeneration and development remains largely unknown. Via in vivo imaging, we were able to locate and discriminate between reactive oxygen species (ROS) in real-time during different physiological stages of the highly regenerative planarian . All ROS signals were strong enough to overcome the detected autofluorescence.

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The taxon Koinocystididae is the third most species-rich family within Eukalyptorhynchia. However, its diversity and phylogeny have been largely neglected in former studies. We introduce three new genera and twelve new species of Koinocystididae including Simplexcystis asymmetrica gen.

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Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes form a clade called Rouphozoa. Representatives of both taxa are main components of meiofaunal communities, but their role in the trophic ecology of marine and freshwater communities is not sufficiently studied. Traditional collection methods for meiofauna are optimized for Ecdysozoa, and include the use of fixatives or flotation techniques that are unsuitable for the preservation and identification of soft-bodied meiofauna.

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Despite extensive research on molecular pathways controlling the process of regeneration in model organisms, little is known about the actual initiation signals necessary to induce regeneration. Recently, the activation of ERK signaling has been shown to be required to initiate regeneration in planarians. However, how ERK signaling is activated remains unknown.

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Given the global decline of many invertebrate food resources, it is fundamental to understand the dietary requirements of insectivores. We give new insights into the functional relationship between the spatial habitat use, food availability, and diet of a crepuscular aerial insectivore, the European Nightjar () by relating spatial use data with high-throughput sequencing (HTS) combined with DNA metabarcoding. Our study supports the predictions that nightjars collect a substantial part of their daily nourishment from foraging locations, sometimes at considerable distance from nesting sites.

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