Publications by authors named "Arsenault R"

Climate change is impacting river ecosystems, underlining the need for water management strategies to protect native species within these ecosystems. Here, we evaluate the impact of climate change and water management on the physiology of white sturgeon () in the Nechako River, British Columbia (Canada). Using the CEQUEAU hydrological-thermal model, we simulated daily water temperatures from 1980 to 2099 under two climate scenarios (SSP2-4.

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The Athens Canadian Random Bred (ACRB) heritage broiler breed, which has not been selectively bred since the 1950s, is a point of comparison to the modern-day broiler and could highlight potential genetic-derived differences in immune responses. To observe the modern and heritage birds' immune responses in action, the innate immune ligand CpG oligonucleotides were administered at multiple time points through the birds' lives from the day after hatch to day 35 post-hatch. This study allowed for the observation of changes in metabolic and immune signaling in response to repeated injections of a known Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligand, CpG.

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Protected biofactors and antioxidants (PBA), and protected biofactors and antioxidants with protected organic acids and essential oils (PBA+POAEO) have been shown to have benefits in stressed or challenged birds. Here, we describe the immunometabolic changes observed in the liver of Ross 308 broilers during feed supplementation and brief physiological stress. These studied additives contain protected essential oils, organic acids, and vitamins which may have protective effects on the liver.

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There is a rapidly growing interest in how the avian intestine is affected by dietary components and feed additives. The paucity of physiologically relevant models has limited research in this field of poultry gut health and led to an over-reliance on the use of live birds for experiments. The development of complex 3D intestinal organoids or "mini-guts" has created ample opportunities for poultry research in this field.

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TREM2 is a critical innate immune receptor primarily expressed on myeloid-derived cells, such as microglia and macrophages. Mutations in TREM2 are linked to several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). TREM2 can be cleaved from the cell membrane and released as soluble TREM2 (sTREM2).

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Water temperature plays a crucial role in the physiology of aquatic species, particularly in their survival and development. Thus, resource programs are commonly used to manage water quality conditions for endemic species. In a river system like the Nechako River system, central British Columbia, a water management program was established in the 1980s to alter water release in the summer months to prevent water temperatures from exceeding a 20 °C threshold downstream during the spawning season of Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).

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Salmonella is a group of facultative, gram-negative bacteria. Recently, new evidence indicated that could reprogram the host metabolism to increase energy or metabolites available for intracellular replication. In this study, using a chicken-specific kinomic immunometabolism peptide array analysis, we found that infection by Enteritidis induced significant phosphorylation changes in many key proteins of the glycolytic pathway in chicken macrophage HD-11 cells, indicating a shift in glycolysis caused by infection.

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Objective: To evaluate the perception of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) among Canadian ophthalmologists.

Design: An anonymous survey was sent to all active members of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society.

Methods: Basic demographic information, cataract surgery practice patterns, and perceived advantages, disadvantages, and concerns regarding ISBCS were collected from respondents.

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Well designed and formulated natural feed additives have the potential to provide many of the growth promoting and disease mitigating characteristics of in-feed antibiotics, particularly feed additives that elicit their effects on targeted areas of the gut. Here, we describe the mechanism of action of a microencapsulated feed additive containing organic acids and botanicals (AviPlusP) on the jejunum and ileum of 15-day-old broiler-type chickens. Day-of-hatch chicks were provided access to feed containing either 0 or 500 g/MT of the feed additive for the duration of the study.

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Immunometabolic modulation of macrophages can play an important role in the innate immune response of chickens triggered with a multiplicity of insults. In this study, the immunometabolic role of two antibiotics (oxytetracycline and gentamicin) and four plant extracts (thyme essential oil, grape seed extract, garlic oil, and capsicum oleoresin) were investigated on a chicken macrophage-like cell line (HD11) during a Enteritidis infection. To study the effect of these substances, kinome peptide array analysis, Seahorse metabolic assay, and gene expression techniques were employed.

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Novel feed ingredients may improve poultry health, but functionality of these ingredients may vary across basal diet formulations. This study evaluated a proprietary algae ingredient's effects on broiler performance, intestinal health, systemic immunity, and metabolic/immune kinotypes between corn- or wheat-based diets. Ross 308 broilers were housed in 80 floor pens (14 birds/pen) and assigned to 1 of 4 corn or wheat-based diets ± 0.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and mechanism of action of 2 feed additives in reducing the impacts of virus and temperature stressors. We determined the effects of protected biofactors and antioxidants (P(BF+AOx)), and protected biofactors and antioxidants with protected organic acids and essential oils (P(BF+AOx)+P(OA+EO)) on the immune and metabolic health of Ross 308 broiler chickens. These biofactors and antioxidants were derived from vitamins, and Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae and Bacillus subtilis fermentation extracts.

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Purpose: To evaluate patient-reported visual outcomes of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) compared with delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (DSBCS).

Setting: Tertiary university teaching hospital of Laval University, Quebec City, Canada.

Design: Prospective observational cohort study.

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Poultry is a major source of human foodborne illness caused by broad host range serovars (paratyphoid), and developing cost-effective, pre-harvest interventions to reduce these pathogens would be valuable to the industry and consumer. Host responses to infectious agents are often regulated through phosphorylation. However, proteomic mechanisms of Salmonella acute infection biology and host responses to the bacteria have been limited concentrating predominately on the genomic responses of the host to infection.

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Significant changes in growth potential and feed conversion have been bred into the modern broiler chicken for well over 60 yr. These metabolic changes have had significant effects on the immune performance as well. To better understand these genetic differences in immunometabolism we studied the immune response of the modern broiler and the Athens Canadian Random Bred (ACRB) heritage broiler strain.

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Necrotic enteritis (NE) is a devastating disease that has seen a resurgence of cases following the removal of antibiotics from feed resulting in financial loss and significant animal health concerns across the poultry industry. The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of a microencapsulated blend of organic (25% citric and 16.7% sorbic) acids and botanicals (1.

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Back-and-forth intercommunication in host-pathogen interactions has long been recognized to play an important role in commensalism and microbial pathogenesis. For centuries, we have studied these microbes in our surroundings, yet many questions about the evolutionary cross-talk between host and microbe remain unanswered. With the recent surge in research interest in the commensal microbiome, basic immunological questions have returned to the fore, such as, how are vast numbers of microbes capable of coexisting within animals and humans while also maintaining a healthy functional immune system? How is the evasion and subversion of the immune system achieved by some microbes but not others? The intricate and important-to-remember two-way interaction and coevolution of host and microbe is the communication network we must tap into as researchers to answer these questions.

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Streamflow sensitivity to different hydrologic processes varies in both space and time. This sensitivity is traditionally evaluated for the parameters specific to a given hydrologic model simulating streamflow. In this study, we apply a novel analysis over more than 3000 basins across North America considering a blended hydrologic model structure, which includes not only parametric, but also structural uncertainties.

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spp., contained within the peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs) of cattle, represents a significant source of contamination of ground beef. Herein is the first report where species-specific kinome peptide arrays designed for bovine biology were used to further the understanding of spp.

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Knowledge of gut microbiology of poultry has advanced from a limited ability to culture relatively few microbial species, to attempting to understand the complex interactions between the bird and its microbiome. The Informal Nutrition Symposium 2021 was intended to help poultry scientists to make sense of the implications of the vast amounts of information being generated by researchers. This paper represents a compilation of the talks given at the symposium by leading international researchers in this field.

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Salmonella enterica persist in the chicken gut by suppressing inflammatory responses via expansion of intestinal regulatory T cells (Tregs). In humans, T cell activation is controlled by neurochemical signaling in Tregs; however, whether similar neuroimmunological signaling occurs in chickens is currently unknown. In this study, we explore the role of the neuroimmunological axis in intestinal Salmonella resistance using the drug reserpine, which disrupts intracellular storage of catecholamines like norepinephrine.

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Host defense peptides (HDPs) are an integral part of the innate immune system with both antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities. Induction of endogenous HDP synthesis is being actively explored as an antibiotic-alternative approach to disease control and prevention. Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, and forskolin, a phytochemical, have been shown separately to induce HDP gene expression in human cells.

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Purpose: To evaluate the safety and outcomes of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) at a Canadian academic teaching center.

Setting: Tertiary university teaching hospital of Laval University, Quebec City, Canada.

Design: Retrospective cohort study.

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