Publications by authors named "Arnold Steigerwalt"

Ninety-seven animal, human, and dairy Streptococcus porcinus or Streptococcus pseudoporcinus isolates in the CDC Streptococcus strain collection were evaluated on the basis of DNA-DNA reassociation, 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequencing, conventional biochemical and Rapid ID 32 Strep identification methods, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing to determine their taxonomic status, characteristics for species differentiation, antimicrobial susceptibility, and relevance of clinical source. Nineteen of the 97 isolates (1 human, 18 swine) were identified as S. porcinus.

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Members of the Mycobacterium chelonae-abscessus complex represent Mycobacterium species that cause invasive infections in immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. We report the detection of a new pathogen that had been misidentified as M. chelonae with an atypical antimicrobial drug susceptibility profile.

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Several of the more recently proposed new species of Enterococcus are nearly identical based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and phenotypic traits. In the present study, DNA-DNA reassociation experiments, in conjunction with sequencing of the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes, provided evidence that "Enterococcus sanguinicola" and Enterococcus thailandicus actually represent the same species. In contrast, Enterococcus caccae and Enterococcus silesiacus, two other species with nearly identical 16S rRNA gene sequences, were confirmed to be separate species.

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A novel Legionella species was identified based on analysis of 16S rRNA and mip (macrophage infectivity potentiator) gene sequences, cellular fatty acids, isoprenoid quinones, biochemical reactions, antigens and quantitative DNA-DNA hybridization. Strain CDC-1796-JAP-E(T) was isolated from well water at the Nagasaki Municipal Medical Center, Japan. Two strains, CDC-3041-AUS-E and CDC-3558-AUS-E, were isolated from water samples during an outbreak of legionellosis in South Australia.

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Eight isolates submitted to CDC from 1989 to 2006 from clinical specimens were initially identified as members of the genus Burkholderia based on preliminary cellular fatty acid analysis and/or 16S rRNA gene sequencing. With the recent descriptions of the new species B. rhizoxinica and B.

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Novel nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae was isolated from a domestic cat with severe otitis. Contact investigation and carrier study of human and animal contacts yielded 3 additional, identical isolates from cats, although no evidence of zoonotic transmission was identified. Molecular methods distinguished the feline isolates from known C.

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Members of the genus Nocardia are responsible for cutaneous, pulmonary and disseminated human infections. From 2003 to 2008, four nocardioform strains (W8027, W8681, W9071 and W9241(T)) were isolated from patients in the state of Florida, USA. Ribosomal gene sequencing analysis suggested that a novel species of the genus Nocardia had been isolated.

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Four nocardioform bacterial strains isolated from clinical respiratory sources were characterized using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, these strains were found to be 100 % similar to each other and were shown to belong to the genus Nocardia. Chemotaxonomic data [major menaquinone: ω-cyclic isoprene side chain MK-8(H₄(cycl)); major polar lipids: diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol mannosides; major fatty acids: monounsaturated fatty acids with a considerable amount of tuberculostearic acid; and mycolic acids (52-62 carbon atoms)] were consistent with the assignment of the novel strains to the genus Nocardia.

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Four isolates (FSL S4-120(T), FSL S4-696, FSL S4-710, and FSL S4-965) of Gram-positive, motile, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore-forming bacilli that were phenotypically similar to species of the genus Listeria were isolated from soil, standing water and flowing water samples obtained from the natural environment in the Finger Lakes National Forest, New York, USA. The four isolates were closely related to one another and were determined to be the same species by whole genome DNA-DNA hybridization studies (>82 % relatedness at 55 degrees C and >76 % relatedness at 70 degrees C with 0.0-0.

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A single Leptospira strain (designated Bejo-Iso9(T)) was isolated from a soil sample taken in Johor, Malaysia. The isolate showed motility and morphology typical of the genus Leptospira under dark-field microscopy. Cells were found to be 10-13 microm in length and 0.

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Gordonia infections in humans are rare and usually affect immunocompromised patients. We present the first case of Gordonia araii infection associated with a medical device in an immunocompetent patient. Sequencing was required for conclusive identification.

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A single Leptospira strain (designated Khorat-H2(T)) was isolated from the urine of an adult male patient with suspected leptospirosis from the province of Nakornrachasima, Thailand. The isolate showed typical Leptospira motility and morphology under dark-field microscopy. Cells were 10-13 mum long and 0.

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We have previously characterized two new enterococcal species (provisionally designated CDC PNS-E1 and CDC PNS-E2) recovered from clinically significant specimens associated with invasive infections in humans. In the present report we provide additional data and propose formal denominations for isolates of these two species of Enterococcus. Results of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell protein profiles, and DNA-DNA reassociation experiments indicated that the blood isolate ATCC BAA-780 (SS 1728; CDC PNS-E1) corresponds to Enterococcus italicus, whose species epithet was proposed to designate isolates from artisanal Italian cheese.

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Background: Burkholderia thailandensis, a close relative of Burkholderia pseudomallei, has previously been reported only from Southeast Asia and North America. It is biochemically differentiated from B. pseudomallei by the ability to utilize arabinose.

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As part of a prospective study of leptospirosis and biodiversity of Leptospira in the Peruvian Amazon, a new Leptospira species was isolated from humans with acute febrile illness. Field trapping identified this leptospire in peridomestic rats (Rattus norvegicus, six isolates; R. rattus, two isolates) obtained in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the Iquitos region.

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Nocardia isolates that share the property of in vitro amikacin resistance are grouped together by some authors in the Nocardia transvalensis complex. Our examination of 13 isolates that are amikacin resistant has revealed the existence of three distinct species. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA, 65-kDa heat shock protein, and secA1 genes, coupled with DNA-DNA hybridization, indicated that "N.

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We report the microbiological, biochemical, and molecular characterization of an unusual Brucella strain (BO1) isolated from a breast implant wound in a 71-year-old woman with clinical symptoms consistent with brucellosis. Initial phenotypic analysis, including biochemical and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, cellular fatty acid analysis, and molecular analysis based on DNA-DNA reassociation and the presence of multiple copies of IS711 element suggested that the isolate was a Brucella-like organism, but species determination using microbiological algorithms was unsuccessful. Furthermore, molecular data based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and multilocus sequence analysis demonstrated that BO1 was an unusual Brucella strain and not closely related to any currently described Brucella species.

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A streptococcal-like organism was associated with diseased Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus broodstock on four commercial aquaculture operations in the Mississippi Delta. Conventional biochemical testing, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and DNA-DNA hybridization distinguished the isolates from these fish from previously published Streptococcus species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies revealed that the isolates were phylogenetically most similar to Streptococcus iniae, Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus parauberis with divergence ranging from 2.

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The accurate diagnosis of pneumococcal disease has frequently been hampered not only by the difficulties in obtaining isolates of the organism from patient specimens but also by the misidentification of pneumococcus-like viridans group streptococci (P-LVS) as Streptococcus pneumoniae. This is especially critical when the specimen comes from the respiratory tract. In this study, three novel real-time PCR assays designed for the detection of specific sequence regions of the lytA, ply, and psaA genes were developed (lytA-CDC, ply-CDC, and psaA, respectively).

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Twelve strains of gram-negative, nonfermenting rods recovered mainly from septicemic patients were studied using conventional and molecular methods. The phenotypic profiles of these strains most closely resembled Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus. They produced catalase, oxidase, urease, and H(2)S (lead acetate paper) but did not produce indole, reduce nitrate or nitrite, or hydrolyze gelatin or esculin.

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The relatedness of Roseomonas fauriae and Azospirillum brasilense was investigated using phenotypic methods and DNA-DNA hybridization. Conventional biochemical tests did not differentiate between the two taxa. DNA-DNA hybridization experiments revealed high values for relatedness between the type strains of these species and suggest that these two taxa constitute a single species.

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Burkholderia thailandensis is closely related to Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis. It is generally considered avirulent and previously has been reported to occur only in Southeast Asia. We report the first case of pneumonia and septicemia caused by B.

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The genus Leptospira is classified into 13 named species and 4 genomospecies based upon DNA-DNA reassociation studies. Phenotypic tests are unable to distinguish between species of Leptospira, and there is a need for a simplified molecular approach to the identification of leptospires. 16S rRNA gene sequences are potentially useful for species identification of Leptospira, but there are a large number of sequences of various lengths and quality in the public databases.

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