Objective: Although proven neuronal changes are correlated with anorexia nervosa (AN), where these changes occur and how they change during the course of this disease are often unclear; this is especially true regarding emotion processing, e.g., of anxiety, despite a growing body of literature on its importance for the pathophysiology and clinical course of patients with AN.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAltered nonverbal communication patterns especially with regard to gaze interactions are commonly reported for persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study we investigate and differentiate for the first time the interplay of attention allocation, the establishment of shared focus (eye contact and joint attention) and the recognition of intentions in gaze interactions in adults with ASD compared to control persons. Participants interacted via gaze with a virtual character (VC), who they believed was controlled by another person.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Theory of mind (ToM) is important for social interactions and typical development and has been found to be impaired in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Hypoactivation in frontotemporal brain regions seems to be the underlying neural mechanism in AN while whole-brain analyses in BN are lacking.
Methods: We used the well-validated social recognition task fMRI paradigm to assess ToM in a total of 72 female adolescents (16 BN, 18 AN and 38 matched healthy controls [HC]).
Objectives: Conduct disorder (CD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are reported to co-occur in about 30-50% of affected individuals. Research suggests that poor reinforcement-based decision-making may contribute to impaired social functioning in both youths with CD and ADHD. Considering its frequent co-occurrence this raises the question whether decision-making deficits in both disorders have a disorder-specific and/or shared neurobiological basis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo navigate the social world, humans heavily rely on gaze for non-verbal communication as it conveys information in a highly dynamic and complex, yet concise manner: For instance, humans utilize gaze effortlessly to direct and infer the attention of a possible interaction partner. Many traditional paradigms in social gaze research though rely on static ways of assessing gaze interaction, e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObserving others' gaze informs us about relevant matters in the environment. Humans' sensitivity to gaze cues and our ability to use this information to focus our own attention is crucial to learning, social coordination, and survival. Gaze can also be a deliberate social signal which captures and directs the gaze of others toward an object of interest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans substantially rely on non-verbal cues in their communication and interaction with others. The eyes represent a "simultaneous input-output device": While we observe others and obtain information about their mental states (including feelings, thoughts, and intentions-to-act), our gaze simultaneously provides information about our own attention and inner experiences. This substantiates its pivotal role for the coordination of communication.
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